23 research outputs found

    Smart antennas cluster year 2000 report

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    It has been argued that Horava gravity needs to be extended to include terms that mix spatial and time derivatives in order avoid unacceptable violations of Lorentz invariance in the matter sector. In an earlier paper we have shown that including such mixed derivative terms generically leads to 4th instead of 6th order dispersion relations and this could be (naively) interpreted as a threat to renormalizability. We have also argued that power-counting renormalizability is not actually compromised, but instead the simplest power-counting renormalizable model is not unitary. In this paper we consider the Lifshitz scalar as a toy theory and we generalize our analysis to include higher order operators. We show that models which are power-counting renormalizable and unitary do exist. Our results suggest the existence of a new class of theories that can be thought of as Horava gravity with mixed derivative terms

    Figli di nessuno: lo smoking status dei tossicodipendenti da eroina in terapia sostitutiva. Confronto con i fumatori della popolazione generale intenzionati smettere.

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    Tobacco addiction, a major world-wide health problem, is widely recognized as a chronic, relapsing mental disorder, disproportionaltely affecting people with psychiatric comorbidity that smoke and develop smoke-related diseases more than smokers without mental illness. Paradoxically, these patients receive fewer invitations to stop and less support in the process of smoking cessation. The treatment of smoking addiction may give good results in these patients if properly performed. First-line drugs proved to be effective also for these patients. Aim of this review is to present scientific data in the literature in order to make a breach in the wall of neglect that too often surrounds people nicotine dependent with mental illness and to give an opportunity to these patients, generally suffering of severe smoking dependence. Even more hoped would be that the local mental health services to take charge of this serious problem by providing pharmacological treatment and behavioral support to their own patients

    Tobacco smoking prevalence in a large sample of heroin users accessing rehabilitation

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    Smoking prevalence among people accessing San Patrignano communit

    Agonist substitution for high-dose benzodiazepine-dependent patients: let us not forget the importance of flumazenil.

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    Benzodiazepines (BZD), typically used to treat insomnia and anxiety disorders, are largely prescribed in all medical fields. This widespread use has led to misuse a frequent and often inappropriate consumption and iatrogenic overdosing. Although BZD intentional abusers have very often other substance abuse problems, the arise of addiction from legitimate prescription however is largely underestimated. Our opinion origins from the increasing number of patients seeking an inpatient detoxification treatment in our Addiction Unit (up to approximately 50% of clinical admissions). Our target patients are BZD chronic abusers, and applied treatment is based on rapid stopping of BZD under slow flumazenil infusion (FLU-I). During the last 8 years, our group treated with FLU-I 294. We can confirm that symptoms were reported as mild. Even if our goal is generally a the total abstinence from BZDs, we suggest FLU-I represents a very effective tool in order to obtain major success also when an agonist-substitution with slow onset of action BZD can be the final objective. The receptor resensibilization obtained with 4-6 days of FLU-I let patients experience a full welfare with very small doses of low power BZD; nevertheless, we must precise that in major patients being treated with FLU-I, the real aim is

    Migliorare la compliance in Medicina Interna

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    Compliance to treatment is of crucial importance in medicine. High levels of noncompliance to treatment have been reported in the most relevant diseases such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, diabetes and asthma. The aim of this article was to fully evaluate the lack of adherence to treatments in internal medicine. The prevalence of noncompliance and methods to cope with it are presented. The theory of the stages of change is thoroughly examined. Motivational interviewing in low-compliant patients is illustrated dealing both with the theoretical principles and practical applications. Several communication blocks which interfere with the relationship between doctor and patient are finally presented through concrete examples

    Curare il tabagismo: un obiettivo di salute prioritario.

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    Cigarette smoking is the number one avoidable killer in the industrial world. Yet doctors frequently do not treat or prevent the disease as they should. Education and training are lacking. In the present article an overview of these and other smoking-related problems and, at the same time, a description of the practical management of an outpatient clinic for smoking cessation, the epidemiology of smoking, the related risks and mortality, as well as the advantages of quitting are presented. The toxicology and pharmacology are discussed, in relation to addiction and craving. The article also includes the diagnosis of nicotine-dependence and nicotine replacement as well as bupropione and acupuncture treatments. The gain in body weight, depression and relapse are also dealt with. The various and personally tailored therapeutic strategies used in a service operating in a setting of Internal Medicine are presented and discussed