831 research outputs found

    Açaí (Euterpe oleracea Martius) supplementation in the diet during gestation and lactation attenuates liver steatosis in dams and protects offspring.

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    Purpose: Maternal high-fat diet affects offspring and can induce metabolic disorders such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). New therapeutic strategies are being investigated as way to prevent or attenuate this condition. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of açaí supplementation in the maternal high-fat diet on dams and offspring lipid metabolism. Methods: Female Fisher rats were divided in four groups and fed a control diet (C), a high-fat diet (HF), an açaí supplemented diet (CA) and a high-fat diet supplemented with açaí (HFA) 2 weeks before mating, during gestation and lactation. The effects of açaí were evaluated in the male offspring after birth (P1) and weaning (P21). Results: HFA reduced relative liver weight, fat and cholesterol liver content in dams and improved liver steatosis as confirmed by histological analyses. HFA increased serum cholesterol and expression of Srebpf1 and Fasn genes. In offspring, HFA decreased relative liver weight, and serum cholesterol only in P21. An increase in the Sirt1, Srebpf1 and Fasn genes expression was observed in P21. Conclusions: These results suggest that açaí supplementation may attenuate NAFLD in dams and protect offspring from the detrimental effects of lipid excess from a maternal high-fat diet

    On the Levi-Civita solutions with cosmological constant

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    The main properties of the Levi-Civita solutions with the cosmological constant are studied. In particular, it is found that some of the solutions need to be extended beyond certain hypersurfaces in order to have geodesically complete spacetimes. Some extensions are considered and found to give rise to black hole structure but with plane symmetry. All the spacetimes that are not geodesically complete are Petrov type D, while in general the spacetimes are Petrov type I.Comment: Typed in Revtex, including two figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Crescimento e desenvolvimento de plantas em solo de cerrado adicionado de pó de balão I. Altura, diâmetro e produção de biomassa de Eucalyptus urograndis.

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    Devido a grande produçãoo de residuo de siderurgia nao integrada a carvão vegetal, torna-se cada vez mais relevante o desenvolvimento de ferramentas que promovam o reaproveitamento e reinserção destes em diversos setores da economia. Dentre os coprodutos gerados neste processo produtivo, inclui-se o residuo sólido conhecido como pó do balao ou charcok. Neste estudo, propos-se avaliar o crescimento e desenvolvimento de plantas de eucalipto na presença de diferentes dosagens de balao. 0 experimento foi conduzido em viveiro telado, utilizando-se urn clone de plantas de eucalipto cultivadas em vasos, contendo 5 kg de solo, durante 60 dias. Foram testadas as doses equivalentes a 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 t h-1 para solos adubados e um tratamento adicional com 50 t h-1, em solo sem adubo. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em delineamento de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Como resultados, observou-se que houve diferença significativa entre os tratamentos para as variaveis massa seca da parte aerea e de raizes e diferença nao significativa para a relação raiz/parte aerea. Observou-se acrescimo de 58% para massa seca da parte aerea das plantas cultivadas com 50 t ha de pó de balao, em relação as plantas que cresceram na ausencia desse residuo. Concluiu-se que a aplicação de pó de balao no solo pode contribuir para ganhos no crescimento e desenvolvimento de plantas de eucalipto dependendo da dosagem aplicada