57 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kerjasama Perdagangan Internasional antara RI-India dalam Impor Cpo Asal Indonesia 2006-2009

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    Thesis Entitled "A Relations Free Trade Area of Cooperation RI-India in Import CPOFrom Indonesia 2006-2009. The results of this study indicate that a bilateral histroryIndonesia dan India to solid a relations of cooperation second country in plane a trade, jasaand investasi. The fact AIFTA on 13 August 2009 espescially Indonesia and India very affectpalm oil CPO. This can be seen with an increase in total production and export of CPO toIndia which is increasing and this increase also influence the increase in Indonesias CPOexports as a whole. Increase in export can not be separated from the growing demand forpalm oil especially from India which is the largest importer of Indonesian CPO. Increaseddemand in influenced by the decline in import duties to India after AIFTA. Increased demandfor palm oil from India is very encouraging increase in the national CPO production. Theform of strategic partnership got the biggest opportunity in increasing cooperation of tradeIndonesia and India in plane of agriculture that is CPO. The signatured of agreement date on20 February 1992 got the princple a relations of cooperation in plane of agricultureIndonesia and India. This Form of cooperation to figure a policy to strong a trade ofcooperation Indonesia and India.Key words: Import CPO, Strategic Partnerships, AIFTA, Free Trade Area of Cooperation,MO

    Peran World Trade Organization (WTO) Dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Perdagangan Terhadap Ekspor Apel Selandia Baru-Australia Tahun 2007

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    World Trade Organization (WTO) is an International organization that specializes in trade between countries. In 2007, the Australian government had stopped importing New Zealand apples because they had some harmful bacteria there upon New Zealand reported it to the WTO organization.The method used in this research is qualitative research. The data obtained comes from books, journals, theses, documents, articles, internet sites and other sources related to this research. The research accentuation is how the mechanism WTO resolving the trade disputes of New Zealand\u27s apples. This study using the perspective of neoliberalism by Tom Paine, Clive Archer\u27s theory of International organizations and also using group level analysis.Many procedures that New Zeland proposed has been issued to WTO in hope to allow New Zealand\u27s apples to reenter Australia. The settlement lasted for approximately 4 years under the supervision of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB). On examination of Appellate Body didn\u27t found fire blight, European cancer and apple leafcurling midge (ALCM) in New Zealand apples. This, New Zeland won over the issue and Australia ready to give an entrance for New Zeland apples after 8 months of break time

    Kepentingan Amerika Serikat Menolak Impor Cpo (Crude Palm Oil) Dari Indonesia Tahun 2012

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    This research aims to explain the United States the interests to refuse the import of (Crude Palm Oil) CPO Indonesia in 2012. The United States is a potential market in the vegetable oil trade. This opportunity used by Indonesia to increase the CPO market to the United States. However, Indonesia efforts to increase the import of CPO to the United States are in trouble because the US refuses to import CPO from Indonesia by issuing research results from USEPA / EPA (United State Environmental Protection Agency) namely NODA (Notification Of Data Availability).Data of this research was obtained from books, journals, articles, official documents and websites that support the hypothesis. The author used Mercantilism approach from Alexander Hamilton and nation-state level analyse. The theories used in this research consist of International Relations, the national interest by Thomas Oatley and Protectionism by Alexander Hamilton.The results of the EPA report that Indonesia\u27s CPO is not environmentally friendly and exceeds the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reduction limit of 11-17 % which should be at the level of 20%. The United States is conducting research because it is linked to an increase in America\u27s biodiesel program. However, the American study proved to be not real. US refusal efforts are seen as an American effort to protect the domestic vegetable oil market, because America does not want CPO products to control the market share of vegetable oil in the country. And another reason, America which is the main producer of soybean oil does not want CPO products to compete with soybean oil as biodiesel fuel

    Peran United Nations Human Rights Council (Unhrc) Dalam Penyelesaian Kasus Pelecehan Seksual Di Republik Afrika Tengah Tahun 2013-2016

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    This study illustrates the Role of the United Nations Human Rights Council in the settlement of sexual harassment cases in Central African Republic in 2013-2016. The unstable state security of the coup that took place in 2013 has put the UN Peacekeeping Force into the country to stabilize security conditions and protect civilians. In carrying out the mission, the UN Peacekeeping Force conducted sexual harassment against civilians, women and children victims. The focus of the research is sexual harassment conducted by UN peacekeepers.This research theoretically has built with pluralism perspectives on International Relations and supported by the theory of International Organization and Role theory, and also the concept of human security. Formulation of all the arguments, facts and theoretical framework in this research was guided by qualitative descriptive explanation methods. Scope of this research is The Role of United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in The Settlement of Sexual Harassment Cases in Central African Republic in 2013-2016.This research also proves that UNHRC is considered quite good in carrying out its role by forming an independent panel and investigation team to solve cases Sexual harassment occurring in the Central African Republic. To resolve this issue again in the future, the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly passed resolution in 2016, namely UN Security Council resolution 2272 and General Assembly resolution 70/286

    Kepentingan Ekonomi Politik Indonesia Dikawasan Amerika Latin Dalam Organisasi Intra Regional Fealac (Forum for East Asia Latin America Cooperation)

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    This research illustrates the political economy of Indonesia in East Asia LatinAmerican countries. The focus of this study was to determine the interests of the Indonesianpolitical economy in Latin America, which is the subject and the main goal within theframework of intra regional organization FEALAC. Latin American countries that aremembers of FEALAC is a promising partnership in the sector import-export, FEALAC alsoa forum with a huge potential to increase intra regional cooperation. Targets to be achievedby is made FEALAC as a means to enhance mutual understanding, strengthen politicaldialogue, develop cooperation, as well as forming new partnerships and strategic betweenEast Asia and Latin America.This study, using data collected from books, journals, massa media and websites ofinterest to analyze the Indonesian economy in the Latin American intra regionalorganization FEALAC. The theory used in this study the theory of the political economy ofIndonesia from Donald E. Necterlain, Defence Interest, Economic interest, Word OrderInterest, Interest ideological. Economic interests even become one of the points used in theIndonesian cooperation with the member countries of the Latin America region FEALAC.Explores the opinions for effective execution and sustainability of FEALAC. As anon-traditional markets, Latin America is still considered a potential market for Indonesia.Identification of potential countries as a partner that will be a priority Indonesian nontraditionalmarkets in Latin America would be something relevant in International tradecooperation program in Indonesia

    Kerjasama Indonesia Dengan Islamic Delopment Bank (Idb) Dalam Program Member Countries Partnership Strategy (Mcps) 2011-2014

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    This research is describes the cooperation between Indonesia and Islamic Development Bank (IDB) in program known as Member Countries Partnership Strategy (MCPS). In this case, Indonesia is country with the largest economy in Southeast Asia with GDP per capita that has been steadily rising. In fact, the GDP growth as much six percent in 2012 and Muslim population in majority. However, the country is still struggling against poverty, educational problem, health- care and infrastructure development. Therefore, to solve this problem Indonesia should cooperate with another country or International organization, like Islamic Development Bank (IDB).The research was obtained by reviewing the literature either from books, journals, theses, reports, and internet. In this research, the author uses neo-liberalist prespective with International cooperate theory by K.J Holsti and Charles H. Cooley , International organization theory by Clive Archer and A. Le Roy Bennet with level analysis in nation-state.Indonesia's economic plan is follows a 20-year development plan, spanning from 2005 to 2025. It is segmented into 5-year medium-term plans, called the RPJMN with different development priorities. In this research found that the program MCPS has positively contributed to the second phase of medium term plans. Implementation of the project program MCPS applied in education and health-care sector, poverty alleviation, infrastructure sector, and agricultural sector

    Dampak Hubungan Diplomatik AS - Perancis Pasca Kasus Penyadapan yang Dilakukan oleh AS terhadap Presiden Perancis Francois Hollande

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    This research is a study of diplomacy which discusses about the impact of diplomatic relations after the wiretapping case conducted by the American against the French. Unauthorized wiretapping is an unlawful act which may interfere with a person\u27s privacy. However, in the context of inter-state, tapping is actually a common practice, performed to determine the actualintentions of a country, especially with regard to the national interests. Besides, detailed information about the policy and its implementationneeds to be known in order to anticipate and prevent acts of surprise. Unauthorized wiretapping is a disgraceful act and a violation of ethics diplomacy, especially if applied to friendly countries as carried out by United States toward France.Herefore it is necessary to take bold steps yet precise and measurable actions. Crime or Cybercrime technology that refers to to cyberspace (cyberspace) and the criminal who uses a computer. Under these conditions, the relationship between the country much easier than before, a country may have a problem with other countries. One case that is happening now is a matter of American espionage conducted against the France. Actions taken by the American influence on diplomatic relations between the two countries, which has existed for a long time. Franch government\u27s take action to protect the state and its citizens in case of espionage

    Strategi Singapura Dalam Pengendalian Konsumsi Tembakau Pada Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (Fctc) Tahun 2010-2014

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    This research is a study of diplomatic which discusses about the strategy of Singapore to control the consumption of tobacco in Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). Consumption of tobacco is not a new phenomenon in Singapore.This practice of tobacco's consumption is known in past time. Tobacco's consumption leads to harm not just the users but also the people's around who breathe the air that polluted by tobacco.Victims generally come from any ages and member of families and they are vulnerable to be come affected by tobacco, risk of diseases that comes with consumption of tobacco such as cancer, heart attack, lung diseases, could harm pregnant woman , kids and teenagers. In this research, the author uses the nation analysis level which focused on the strategy of Singapore. This research uses a realism perspective in International relations and strategy theory of John P.Lovell and diplomatic theory of William C.Olson. FCTC's strategy to control Tobacco consumption in Singapore by suppress and control tobacco consumption. In effort to control and suppress tobacco consumption in Singapore, Singapore join the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) for solid strategys and programs. The strategys and programs from FCTC's are adopted to Singapore with the name of National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP). NTCP's strategys and program and will be monitoring and evaluation by the Singapore government for better result and the consumption of tobacco decreasing from year to year
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