9 research outputs found

    Association between smoking cessation and alterations in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1). A Follow-Up Study from a Greek Tobacco Cessation Clinic

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    Background: Cigarette smoking is the most important preventable cause of several diseases such as malignancies, pulmonary and cardiovascular diseases. Smoking cessation is now supported by both behavioral counseling and medical pharmacotherapy and is the only effective approach for slowing down an accelerated decline in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1). Our study aims to examine changes in forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) after smoking cessation for smokers attending our smoking cessation clinic their correlation to smokers’ demographic characteristics.Methods: 114 smokers (48 males and 66 females), with a mean age of 48.36±10.49 years, were enrolled. They were classified in 4 groups, according to their age; 60 years (Group D) and underwent Spirometry on the 1st day of visit, one month (2nd visit) and, 3 months later (3rd visit).Findings: Statistically significant increase in FEV1 values at the 2nd and 3rd visit compared to the 1st visit was observed in smokers who quit smoking in Group Α, B and C (p<0.05). In addition, a statistically significant decrease in FEV1 values at the 2nd and 3rd visit compared to the 1st visit was noticed in smokers who continued smoking in Group B, C and D (p<0.05).Conclusion: Smoking cessation achieved through smoking cessation support led to the improvement of FEV1 values within 3 months. The greatest benefit was observed in smokers under the age of 60

    A Challenging Cutaneous Lesion in a Patient With Chronic Idiopathic Neutropenia

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    Ecthyma gangrenosum (EG) is an uncommon necrotizing vasculitis that affects mainly immunocompromised and burn patients, and it is frequently associated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia. However, cases of EG with other related pathogens and cases of EG affecting immunocompetent hosts have also been described in the literature. Besides, less common cases of EG without bacteremia have been reported. Herein, we describe a rare case of EG due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa without bacteremia in a patient with chronic idiopathic neutropenia (CIN). Considering the high mortality rate associated with EG, early diagnosis and appropriate effective treatment are crucial

    Solitary Fibrous Tumor of the Pleura as a Cause of Type II Respiratory Failure.

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    Solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura is a rare type of tumor originating from the mesenchyma of the pleura. It is traditionally a benign lesion. However, in some cases malignant features have been observed. The majority of solitary fibrous tumors of the pleura are noticed by accident on chest X-ray, while the main symptoms include cough, thoracic pain and dyspnea. When growing within the thoracic cavity, these tumors exert pressure on vital adjacent tissues and large vessels. In addition, these tumors can be accompanied with paraneoplastic syndromes that are completely resolved after tumor resection. Respiratory failure is a rare complication of this tumors, which is reported in a handful of cases. Herein, we report a rare case of a benign solitary fibrous tumors of the pleura in a 75-year-old woman complicated with type II respiratory failure

    Firstcase of pneumonia-parapneumonic effusion due to Trichoderma longibrachiatum

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    Trichoderma longibrachiatum is a fungus belonging to the genus Trichoderma. Trichoderma long-ibrachiatum is not thought as a pathogenic for healthy individuals. However, it has the ability to produce toxic peptides and extracellular proteases and has been described to cause invasive infections in immunocompromised hosts. Trichoderma longibrachiatum has been reported as the causative microorganism of lung infections, skin infections, sinus infections, otitis, stomatitis endocarditis, pericarditis, gastrointestinal infections, mediastinitis and peritonitis. We report the first case of pneumonia with parapneumonic effusion in an old woman with diabetes mellitus due to Trichoderma longibrachiatum. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Predictive Indicators of Survival in Patients With Surgically Resected Lung Carcinoid Tumors at a Greek Medical Center

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    Introduction Lung carcinoid tumors are neuroendocrine neoplasms, less frequent than other lung tumors. They are subdivided into typical carcinoids (TC) and atypical carcinoids (AC), according to the rate of mitosis and the presence of necrosis. Lung carcinoids are often asymptomatic and only discovered incidentally. They may also present with cough, wheezing, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chest pain, and hemoptysis depending on the location of the tumor and, less commonly, present with carcinoid syndrome. In our study, we describe the clinical and pathological features of patients with surgically resected lung carcinoids at our institution over a period of 14 years. We also examine if these features, including age, gender, tumor size, type of carcinoid, stage, nodal involvement, and Ki-67 expression are associated with patients&apos; survival. Materials and methods We retrospectively reviewed patients that underwent surgery with a final histologic diagnosis of a pulmonary carcinoid tumor from March 2005 to March 2019. The evaluation included history, physical examination, chest radiographs, computerized tomography of the chest, upper abdomen, and brain, and bone scintiscan. All specimens resected during the surgical procedures were sent for pathological examination, including mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes. The patients&apos; age, gender, tumor size, type of carcinoid, nodal involvement, stage, and Ki-67 expression were recorded and correlated to the patients&apos; survival rates. Results The study included 108 patients - 52 males and 56 females - with a mean age of 51.5 years (range 11-80 years). Atypical carcinoid was the diagnosis in 28 patients (16 males and 12 females) and 80 patients had the diagnosis of typical carcinoid (36 males and 44 females). Tumor size was &lt;= 3.7 cm in 84 patients (68 with TC and 16 with AC) and &gt;3.7 cm in 22 patients (12 with TC and 10 with AC). Sixteen patients had nodal deposits, 12 in N1 nodes and four in N2 nodes. Eighty patients were classified in stage I, 18 patients in stage II, and 10 patients in stage III. None of the patients had distant metastases. The Ki-67 proliferation index was examined in 84 specimens and Ki-67 was &lt;2.5 in 50 patients and &gt;= 2.5 in 34 patients. Of the 108 patients, eight died, all with disease-related death. According to the Cox regression univariate analysis, four factors were correlated to shorter survival: atypical histology, tumor size &gt;3.7 cm, nodal involvement, and advanced stage Conclusions In conclusion, we found that histological type, tumor size, nodal involvement, and stage are associated with survival in patients with surgically resected lung carcinoids without distant metastases. Other parameters, such as age at operation, gender, and Ki-67 index, did not have a role in survival in these patients according to the Cox regression univariate analysis

    Pulmonary adverse events due to immune checkpoint inhibitors: A literature review.

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    Cancer immunotherapy aims to stimulate the immune system to fight against tumors, utilizing the presentation of molecules on the surface of the malignant cells that can be recognized by the antibodies of the immune system. Immune checkpoint inhibitors, a type of cancer immunotherapy, are broadly used in different types of cancer, improving patients&apos; survival and quality of life. However, treatment with these agents causes immune-related toxicities affecting many organs. The most frequent pulmonary adverse event is pneumonitis representing a non-infective inflammation localized to the interstitium and alveoli. Other lung toxicities include airway disease, pulmonary vasculitis, sarcoid-like reactions, infections, pleural effusions, pulmonary nodules, diaphragm myositis and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. This review aims to summarize these pulmonary adverse events, underlining the significance of an optimal expeditious diagnosis and management

    Exacerbation of bronchiectasis by Pseudomonas putida complicating COVID-19 disease: A case report

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    Novel coronavirus infection presents with greater severity in individuals with comorbid chronic lung diseases. Bronchiectasis is an illness characterized by permanent enlargement of the airways, presenting with chronic cough and sputum production and vulnerability to lung infections. Bronchiectasis is not a common comorbid disease in patients with COVID-19 disease and bronchiectasis exacerbation rates were decreased during the pandemic. However, COVID-19 disease is associated with worse outcomes in patients with bronchiectasis and patients with bronchiectasis are more susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection development. Pseudomonas putida is an opportunistic pathogen, causing infections mostly in immunocompromised hosts and is not a frequent bacterial colonizer in patients with bronchiectasis. This present study reports a rare case of exacerbation of bronchiectasis by Pseudomonas putida complicating COVID-19 disease in an immunocompetent 70-year-old woman. Clinicians should be aware that SARS-CoV-2 infection is probably a precipitating factor of bronchiectasis exacerbation while bronchiectasis is a risk factor for greater severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Evaluation of Immature Platelet Fraction in Lower Respiratory Tract Infections: A Retrospective Study

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    Introduction Immature platelet fraction (IPF) is a parameter of an automated hematologic analyzer and is related to platelet size and cytoplasmic RNA content. It reflects thrombopoiesis and is often used as the marker of platelet activity. IPF has been evaluated mostly in hematologic disorders and has also been evaluated in patients with gestational hypertension, sepsis, autoimmune diseases and in hospitalised patients with neutrophilia. Platelets, asides from the maintenance of hemostasis, release inflammatory mediators that can modify leukocyte and endothelial responses to various inflammatory stimuli. Lower respiratory tract infections are the leading cause of death from infections worldwide. The role of platelets in lower respiratory tract infections has been reported in many studies. IPF, which is related to platelet activation, has not been evaluated in patients with lower respiratory tract infections. Methods The study involved patients who fulfilled the criteria of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and aspiration pneumonia (AP). In addition, age and sex-matched healthy controls were involved. Whole blood samples were collected from healthy controls and from the patients on admission. The mean IPF% and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were measured in patients with CAP, in patients with AP and in healthy controls. The mean IPF% values in patients with infection were compared to mean IPF% values in healthy controls. The mean IPF% values were compared to mean CRP levels in patients with infection. Additionally, the mean IPF% values in patients that died in the first 14 days were compared to the mean IPF% values in patients that were alive. The statistical analysis of data was performed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows, Version 13.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL). Results The study population consisted of 45 patients (27 patients with CAP and 18 patients with AP), 27 males and 18 females, with a mean age of 72.11 +/- 16.4 years and 39 healthy controls, 22 males and 17 females with a mean age of 64.2 +/- 14.8 years. The mean CRP levels in patients with infection were 155.2 +/- 119.1 mg/dl. The mean IPF% value of patients with infection was 2.76 +/- 2.27 and the mean IPF% value of controls was 1.72 +/- 0.77 (p &lt; 0.006). The IPF% value in patients with CAP was 2.55 +/- 2.02 and in patients with AP 3.07 +/- 2.64 (p = 0.595). The mean IPF% value in patients with infection had no linear correlation with CRP value in these patients (r = 0.076, p = 0.62). The mean IPF% value in all patients that died in the first 14 days was 3.75 +/- 2.44 and the mean IPF% value in all patients alive was 2.35 +/- 2.11 (p = 0.06). The mean IPF% value in patients with CAP who died in the first 14 days of hospitalisation was 5.54 +/- 3.17 and in patients with CAP who were alive was 1.87 +/- 0.72 (p = 0.06). The mean IPF% value in patients with AP who died was 2.63 +/- 0.85 and in patients with AP who were alive was 3.41 +/- 3.51 (p = 0.554). Conclusions Mean IPF% value is greater in patients with lower respiratory tract infections, including CAP and AP, compared to healthy controls. There is no linear correlation between IPF values and CRP values in patients with lower respiratory tract infections. In addition, there is a difference in mean IPF% value between patients who died in the first 14 days of hospitalisation compared to those who were alive, but not statistically significant

    Prognostic value of the immunohistochemistry markers CD56, TTF-1, synaptophysin, CEA, EMA and NSE in surgically resected lung carcinoid tumors

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    Lung carcinoid tumor is a type of neuroendocrine tumor, which is subdivided into typical carcinoid (TC) and atypical carcinoid (AT), based on the rate of mitosis and the presence of necrosis. Several prognostic factors for lung carcinoids have been reported in the literature, including the type, Ki67 index, stage, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In the present study, 108 cases with resected carcinoid lung tumors were enrolled and the expression of CD56, thyroid transcription factor 1, synaptophysin, carcinoembryonic antigen, epithelial membrane antigen and neuron-specific enolase (NSE) in the resected tissue specimens was immunohistochemically analyzed. Patients with positive staining for NSE had an unfavorable survival prognosis compared with patients with negative staining for NSE (137.2 vs. 150.0 months, P=0.044). According to univariate analysis, none of the above immunohistochemistry markers was associated with survival, and according to multivariate analysis, NSE was an independent influencing factor for survival inpatients with AT (P=0.046) and furthermore, the stage was an independent factor of survival in patients with TC (P=0.005)