37 research outputs found

    Fungerar företags belöningsystem motiverande? -en studie av tio svenska företag

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    Syftet Àr att utvÀrdera i vilken utstrÀckning svenska företags belöningssystem motiverar de anstÀllda. PrimÀrdata inhÀmtades via tio fallstudier genom intervjuer med de ansvariga för belöningssystemet pÄ företagen. SekundÀrdata inhÀmtades via en teorigenomgÄng av böcker, artiklar och uppsatser hÀmtade ur Lunds Universitets Bibliotek. TeorigenomgÄngen mynnar ut i definierandet av tio kriterier som ett belöningssystem skall uppfylla för att vara motiverande för de anstÀllda. De definierade kriteriernas uppfyllelse analyseras för de tio fallen. Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen Àr att svenska företags belöningssystem inte motiverar anstÀllda i hög grad. En annan viktig slutsats Àr, att smÄ företag har belöningssystem, som motiverar anstÀllda mer Àn stora företags belöningssystem gör. Vidare motiverar icke-tillverkande företags belöningssystem anstÀllda i större utstrÀckning Àn tillverkande företags

    FrÄn förening till företag - Sportslig kontra ekonomisk framgÄng

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    Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att undersöka vad framgÄng Àr i dagens skandinaviska elitfotbollsklubbar och vilka strategier som Àr anvÀndbara för att uppnÄ denna. Uppsatsen Àmnar sÄledes belysa och klargöra de viktigaste aspekterna i en lyckad strategi inom en modern skandinavisk fotbollsklubb. Med denna kunskap har vi för avsikt att Äterge en bild över hur en elitfotbollsklubb strategiskt bör organiseras och ledas för att nÄ framgÄng. PrimÀrdata har insamlats genom kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer med FC Köpenhamn, Malmö FF och genom telefonintervjuer med IF Elfsborg. SekundÀrdata har frÀmst baserats pÄ vetenskapliga artiklar, rapporter och teoretisk litteratur. Vi har baserat vÄrt teoretiska perspektiv utifrÄn teorier inom Sport management, Komplexitetsteorin samt The crisis curve. Vi har kommit fram till att professionella fotbollsklubbar först mÄste bygga en stabil organisatorisk grund för att sedan kunna nÄ sportsliga framgÄngar

    Evolution of In-Cylinder Diesel Engine Soot and Emission Characteristics Investigated with Online Aerosol Mass Spectrometry

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    To design diesel engines with low environmental impact, it is important to link health and climate-relevant soot (black carbon) emission characteristics to specific combustion conditions. The in-cylinder evolution of soot properties over the combustion cycle and as a function of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) was investigated in a modern heavy-duty diesel engine. A novel combination of a fast gas-sampling valve and a soot particle aerosol mass spectrometer (SP-AMS) enabled online measurements of the in-cylinder soot chemistry. The results show that EGR reduced the soot formation rate. However, the late cycle soot oxidation rate (soot removal) was reduced even more, and the net effect was increased soot emissions. EGR resulted in an accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during combustion, and led to increased PAH emissions. We show that mass spectral and optical signatures of the in-cylinder soot and associated low volatility organics change dramatically from the soot formation dominated phase to the soot oxidation dominated phase. These signatures include a class of fullerene carbon clusters that we hypothesize represent less graphitized, C5-containing fullerenic (high tortuosity or curved) soot nanostructures arising from decreased combustion temperatures and increased premixing of air and fuel with EGR. Altered soot properties are of key importance when designing emission control strategies such as diesel particulate filters and when introducing novel biofuels

    Exposure and Emission Measurements During Production, Purification, and Functionalization of Arc-Discharge-Produced Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes.

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    Background: The production and use of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is rapidly growing. With increased production, there is potential that the number of occupational exposed workers will rapidly increase. Toxicological studies on rats have shown effects in the lungs, e.g. inflammation, granuloma formation, and fibrosis after repeated inhalation exposure to some forms of multi-walled CNTs (MWCNTs). Still, when it comes to health effects, it is unknown which dose metric is most relevant. Limited exposure data for CNTs exist today and no legally enforced occupational exposure limits are yet established. The aim of this work was to quantify the occupational exposures and emissions during arc discharge production, purification, and functionalization of MWCNTs. The CNT material handled typically had a mean length <5 ÎŒm. Since most of the collected airborne CNTs did not fulfil the World Health Organization fibre dimensions (79% of the counted CNT-containing particles) and since no microscopy-based method for counting of CNTs exists, we decided to count all particle that contained CNTs. To investigate correlations between the used exposure metrics, Pearson correlation coefficient was used

    Investigation of late-cycle soot oxidation using laser extinction and in-cylinder gas sampling at varying inlet oxygen concentrations in diesel engines

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    [EN] This study focuses on the relative importance of O-2 and OH as oxidizers of soot during the late cycle in diesel engines, where the soot oxidation is characterized in an optically accessible engine using laser extinction measurements. These are combined with in-cylinder gas sampling data from a single cylinder engine fitted with a fast gas-sampling valve. Both measurements confirm that the in-cylinder soot oxidation slows down when the inlet concentration of O-2 is reduced. A 38% decrease in intake O-2 concentration reduces the soot oxidation rate by 83%, a non-linearity suggesting that O-2 in itself is not the main soot oxidizing species. Chemical kinetics simulations of OH concentrations in the oxidation zone and estimates of the OH-soot oxidation rates point towards OH being the dominant oxidizer.The authors gratefully acknowledge the Swedish Energy Agency, the Competence Center for Combustion Processes KCFP (Project number 22485-3), and the competence center METALUND funded by FORTE for financially supporting this research. The authors acknowledge Volvo AB for providing the gas-sampling valve and personally Jan Eismark (Volvo AB) and Mats Bengtsson (Lund University) for their technical support.Gallo, Y.; Malmborg, VB.; Simonsson, J.; Svensson, E.; Shen, M.; Bengtsson, P.; Pagels, J.... (2017). Investigation of late-cycle soot oxidation using laser extinction and in-cylinder gas sampling at varying inlet oxygen concentrations in diesel engines. Fuel. 193:308-314. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2016.12.013S30831419

    Extension of the Chiral Perturbation Theory Meson Lagrangian to Order P6P^6

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    We have derived the most general chirally invariant Lagrangian L6{\cal L}_6 for the meson sector at order p6p^6. The result provides an extension of the standard Gasser-Leutwyler Lagrangian L4{\cal L}_4 to one higher order, including as well all the odd intrinsic parity terms in the Lagrangian. The most difficult part of the derivation was developing a systematic strategy so as to get all of the independent terms and eliminate the redundant ones in an efficient way. The 'equation of motion' terms, which are redundant in the sense that they can be transformed away via field transformations, are separated out explicitly. The resulting Lagrangian has been separated into groupings of terms contributing to increasingly more complicated processes, so that one does not have to deal with the full result when calculating p6p^6 contributions to simple processes.Comment: 59 pages in LaTex, using RevTex macro, TRIUMF preprint TRI-PP-94-6

    Living God Pandeism: Evidential Support

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    Pandeism is the belief that God chose to wholly become our Universe, imposing principles at this Becoming that have fostered the lawful evolution of multifarious structures, including life and consciousness. This article describes and defends a particular form of pandeism: living God pandeism (LGP). On LGP, our Universe inherits all of God's unsurpassable attributes—reality, unity, consciousness, knowledge, intelligence, and effectiveness—and includes as much reality, conscious and unconscious, as is possible consistent with retaining those attributes. God and the Universe, together “God-and-Universe,” is also eternal into the future and the past. The article derives testable hypotheses from these claims and shows that the evidence to date confirms some of these while falsifying none. Theism cannot be tested in the same way

    Entreprenörens idealrÄdgivare - i etablerings- och uppstartsfaserna

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    Syfte: Syftet Ă€r att undersöka vilka vĂ€rden ett konsultbolag bör kommunicera, för att attrahera entreprenörer i etablering- och uppstartsfasen. Metod: PrimĂ€rdata har insamlats genom kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer genom för vĂ„r uppsats relevanta respondenter. SekundĂ€rdata har frĂ€mst baserats pĂ„ vetenskapliga artiklar, rapporter och teoretisk litteratur. Teoretiska perspektiv: Vi har baserat vĂ„r teori utifrĂ„n relationsmarknadsföring, image och imageförĂ€ndringsteori och Ă€r kompletterad med konsult-klientrelationsteori samt teori rörande entreprenörers behov och personliga egenskaper. Empiri: PrimĂ€rdata har insamlats genom kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer med Malmö Nyföretagarcentrum, professorn i entreprenörskap Hans Landström samt entreprenörer i etablerings- och uppstartsfasen. Resultat: Genom utveckling av ett koncept för konsultbolag, vilket berör deras samarbete med entreprenörer, har vi funnit att vĂ€rdena ”möjlighet”, ”enkelhet” och ”helhet” bör betonas. Konsulters bemötande bör Ă€ven genom kunskap och förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt vara anpassat till entreprenörerna samt bör de ha erfarenhet av entreprenörskap och nyföretagande