47 research outputs found

    Modern Trends in Dental Medicine: An Update for Internists

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    Traumatic injuries, genetic diseases, and external harmful agents such as bacteria and acids often compromise tooth integrity. There is an unmet medical need to develop alternative, innovative dental treatments that complement traditional restorative and surgery techniques. Stem cells have transformed the medical field in recent years. The combination of stem cells with bioactive scaffolds and nanostructured materials turns out to be increasingly beneficial in regenerative dental medicine. Stem cell-based regenerative approaches for the formation of dental tissues will significantly improve treatments and will have a major impact in dental practice. To date there is no established and reliable stem cell-based treatment translated into the dental clinics, however, the advances and improved technological knowledge are promising for successful dental therapies in the near future. Here, we review some of the contemporary challenges in dental medicine and describe the benefits and future possibilities of certain novel approaches in the emerging field of regenerative dentistry

    The Notch-mediated circuitry in the evolution and generation of new cell lineages: the tooth model

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    The Notch pathway is an ancient, evolutionary conserved intercellular signaling mechanism that is involved in cell fate specification and proper embryonic development. The Jagged2 gene, which encodes a ligand for the Notch family of receptors, is expressed from the earliest stages of odontogenesis in epithelial cells that will later generate the enamel-producing ameloblasts. Homozygous Jagged2 mutant mice exhibit abnormal tooth morphology and impaired enamel deposition. Enamel composition and structure in mammals are tightly linked to the enamel organ that represents an evolutionary unit formed by distinct dental epithelial cell types. The physical cooperativity between Notch ligands and receptors suggests that Jagged2 deletion could alter the expression profile of Notch receptors, thus modifying the whole Notch signaling cascade in cells within the enamel organ. Indeed, both Notch1 and Notch2 expression are severely disturbed in the enamel organ of Jagged2 mutant teeth. It appears that the deregulation of the Notch signaling cascade reverts the evolutionary path generating dental structures more reminiscent of the enameloid of fishes rather than of mammalian enamel. Loss of interactions between Notch and Jagged proteins may initiate the suppression of complementary dental epithelial cell fates acquired during evolution. We propose that the increased number of Notch homologues in metazoa enabled incipient sister cell types to form and maintain distinctive cell fates within organs and tissues along evolution

    Innovative dental stem cell-based research approaches: the future of dentistry

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    Over the past decade, the dental field has benefited from recent findings in stem cell biology and tissue engineering that led to the elaboration of novel ideas and concepts for the regeneration of dental tissues or entire new teeth. In particular, stem cell-based regenerative approaches are extremely promising since they aim at the full restoration of lost or damaged tissues, ensuring thus their functionality. These therapeutic approaches are already applied with success in clinics for the regeneration of other organs and consist of manipulation of stem cells and their administration to patients. Stem cells have the potential to self-renew and to give rise to a variety of cell types that ensure tissue repair and regeneration throughout life. During the last decades, several adult stem cell populations have been isolated from dental and periodontal tissues, characterized, and tested for their potential applications in regenerative dentistry. Here we briefly present the various stem cell-based treatment approaches and strategies that could be translated in dental practice and revolutionize dentistr

    Innovative Dental Stem Cell-Based Research Approaches: The Future of Dentistry

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    Over the past decade, the dental field has benefited from recent findings in stem cell biology and tissue engineering that led to the elaboration of novel ideas and concepts for the regeneration of dental tissues or entire new teeth. In particular, stem cell-based regenerative approaches are extremely promising since they aim at the full restoration of lost or damaged tissues, ensuring thus their functionality. These therapeutic approaches are already applied with success in clinics for the regeneration of other organs and consist of manipulation of stem cells and their administration to patients. Stem cells have the potential to self-renew and to give rise to a variety of cell types that ensure tissue repair and regeneration throughout life. During the last decades, several adult stem cell populations have been isolated from dental and periodontal tissues, characterized, and tested for their potential applications in regenerative dentistry. Here we briefly present the various stem cell-based treatment approaches and strategies that could be translated in dental practice and revolutionize dentistr

    Roles of innervation in developing and regenerating orofacial tissues

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    The head is innervated by 12 cranial nerves (I-XII) that regulate its sensory and motor functions. Cranial nerves are composed of sensory, motor, or mixed neuronal populations. Sensory neurons perceive generally somatic sensations such as pressure, pain, and temperature. These neurons are also involved in smell, vision, taste, and hearing. Motor neurons ensure the motility of all muscles and glands. Innervation plays an essential role in the development of the various orofacial structures during embryogenesis. Hypoplastic cranial nerves often lead to abnormal development of their target organs and tissues. For example, Möbius syndrome is a congenital disease characterized by defective innervation (i.e., abducens (VI) and facial (VII) nerves), deafness, tooth anomalies, and cleft palate. Hence, it is obvious that the peripheral nervous system is needed for both development and function of orofacial structures. Nerves have a limited capacity to regenerate. However, neural stem cells, which could be used as sources for neural tissue maintenance and repair, have been found in adult neuronal tissues. Similarly, various adult stem cell populations have been isolated from almost all organs of the human body. Stem cells are tightly regulated by their microenvironment, the stem cell niche. Deregulation of adult stem cell behavior results in the development of pathologies such as tumor formation or early tissue senescence. It is thus essential to understand the factors that regulate the functions and maintenance of stem cells. Yet, the potential importance of innervation in the regulation of stem cells and/or their niches in most organs and tissues is largely unexplored. This review focuses on the potential role of innervation in the development and homeostasis of orofacial structures and discusses its possible association with stem cell populations during tissue repair

    Extracellular matrix remodelling in dental pulp tissue of carious human teeth through the prism of single-cell RNA sequencing

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    Carious lesions are bacteria-caused destructions of the mineralised dental tissues, marked by the simultaneous activation of immune responses and regenerative events within the soft dental pulp tissue. While major molecular players in tooth decay have been uncovered during the past years, a detailed map of the molecular and cellular landscape of the diseased pulp is still missing. In this study we used single-cell RNA sequencing analysis, supplemented with immunostaining, to generate a comprehensive single-cell atlas of the pulp of carious human teeth. Our data demonstrated modifications in the various cell clusters within the pulp of carious teeth, such as immune cells, mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and fibroblasts, when compared to the pulp of healthy human teeth. Active immune response in the carious pulp tissue is accompanied by specific changes in the fibroblast and MSC clusters. These changes include the upregulation of genes encoding extracellular matrix (ECM) components, including COL1A1 and Fibronectin (FN1), and the enrichment of the fibroblast cluster with myofibroblasts. The incremental changes in the ECM composition of carious pulp tissues were further confirmed by immunostaining analyses. Assessment of the Fibronectin fibres under mechanical strain conditions showed a significant tension reduction in carious pulp tissues, compared to the healthy ones. The present data demonstrate molecular, cellular and biomechanical alterations in the pulp of human carious teeth, indicative of extensive ECM remodelling, reminiscent of fibrosis observed in other organs. This comprehensive atlas of carious human teeth can facilitate future studies of dental pathologies and enable comparative analyses across diseased organs

    Notch Signaling Pathway in Tooth Shape Variations throughout Evolution

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    Evolutionary changes in vertebrates are linked to genetic alterations that often affect tooth crown shape, which is a criterion of speciation events. The Notch pathway is highly conserved between species and controls morphogenetic processes in most developing organs, including teeth. Epithelial loss of the Notch-ligand Jagged1 in developing mouse molars affects the location, size and interconnections of their cusps that lead to minor tooth crown shape modifications convergent to those observed along Muridae evolution. RNA sequencing analysis revealed that these alterations are due to the modulation of more than 2000 genes and that Notch signaling is a hub for significant morphogenetic networks, such as Wnts and Fibroblast Growth Factors. The modeling of these tooth crown changes in mutant mice, via a three-dimensional metamorphosis approach, allowed prediction of how Jagged1-associated mutations in humans could affect the morphology of their teeth. These results shed new light on Notch/Jagged1-mediated signaling as one of the crucial components for dental variations in evolution

    Analysis of developing tooth germ innervation using microfluidic co-culture devices

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    Innervation plays a key role in the development, homeostasis and regeneration of organs and tissues. However, the mechanisms underlying these phenomena are not well understood yet. In particular, the role of innervation in tooth development and regeneration is neglected. Several in vivo studies have provided important information about the patterns of innervation of dental tissues during development and repair processes of various animal models. However, most of these approaches are not optimal to highlight the molecular basis of the interactions between nerve fibres and target organs and tissues. Co-cultures constitute a valuable method to investigate and manipulate the interactions between nerve fibres and teeth in a controlled and isolated environment. In the last decades, conventional co-cultures using the same culture medium have been performed for very short periods (e.g., two days) to investigate the attractive or repulsive effects of developing oral and dental tissues on sensory nerve fibres. However, extension of the culture period is required to investigate the effects of innervation on tooth morphogenesis and cytodifferentiation. Microfluidics systems allow co-cultures of neurons and different cell types in their appropriate culture media. We have recently demonstrated that trigeminal ganglia (TG) and teeth are able to survive for a long period of time when co-cultured in microfluidic devices, and that they maintain in these conditions the same innervation pattern that they show in vivo. On this basis, we describe how to isolate and co-culture developing trigeminal ganglia and tooth germs in a microfluidic co-culture system.This protocol describes a simple and flexible way to co-culture ganglia/nerves and target tissues and to study the roles of specific molecules on such interactions in a controlled and isolated environment