142 research outputs found

    Evidence for the importance of resonance scattering in X-ray emission line profiles of the O star ζ\zeta Puppis

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    We fit the Doppler profiles of the He-like triplet complexes of \ion{O}{7} and \ion{N}{6} in the X-ray spectrum of the O star ζ\zeta Puppis, using XMM-Newton RGS data collected over ∌400\sim 400 ks of exposure. We find that they cannot be well fit if the resonance and intercombination lines are constrained to have the same profile shape. However, a significantly better fit is achieved with a model incorporating the effects of resonance scattering, which causes the resonance line to become more symmetric than the intercombination line for a given characteristic continuum optical depth τ∗\tau_*. We discuss the plausibility of this hypothesis, as well as its significance for our understanding of Doppler profiles of X-ray emission lines in O stars.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, revised version accepted by Ap

    Shocks and non-thermal particles in clusters of galaxies

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    Galaxy clusters grow by gas accretion, mostly from mergers of substructures, which release powerful shock waves into cosmic plasmas and convert a fraction of kinetic energy into thermal energy, amplification of magnetic fields and into the acceleration of energetic particles. The modeling of the radio signature of cosmic shocks, combined with the lack of detected gamma-rays from cosmic ray (CR) protons, poses challenges to our understanding of how cosmic rays get accelerated and stored in the intracluster medium. Here we review the injection of CRs by cosmic shocks of different strengths, combining the detailed "microscopic" view of collisionless processes governing the creation of non-thermal distributions of electrons and protons in cluster shocks (based on analytic theory and particle-in-cell simulations), with the "macroscopic" view of the large-scale distribution of cosmic rays, suggested by modern cosmological simulations. We discuss time dependent non-linear kinetic models of particle acceleration by multiple internal shocks with large scale compressible motions of plasma. The models produce soft CR spectra containing a noticeable energy density in the super-thermal protons of energies below a few GeV which are difficult to constrain by Fermi observations. We consider the effect of plasma composition on CR injection and super-thermal particle population in the hot intracluster matter which can be constrained by fine high resolution X-ray spectroscopy of Fe ions.Comment: Space Science Reviews, in prin

    The interstellar oxygen-K absorption edge as observed by XMM-Newton

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    High resolution X-ray spectra of the Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) on board the XMM satellite are used to resolve the oxygen K absorption edge. By combining spectra of low and high extinction sources, the observed absorption edge can be split in the true interstellar (ISM) extinction and the instrumental absorption. The detailed ISM edge structure closely follows the edge structure of neutral oxygen as derived by theoretical R-matrix calculations. However, the position of the theoretical edge requires a wavelength shift. In addition the detailed instrumental RGS absorption edge structure is presented. All results are verified by comparing to a subset of Chandra LETG-HRC observations.Comment: LaTeX2e A&A style, 10 pages, 12 postscript figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Properties of the ionised plasma in the vicinity of the neutron-star X-ray binary EXO 0748-676

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    Aims. We present the spectral analysis of a large set of XMM-Newton observations of EXO 0748-676, a bright dipping low-mass X-ray binary. In particular, we focus on the dipping phenomenon as a result of changes in the properties of the ionised gas close to the source.Methods. We analysed the high-resolution spectra collected with the reflection grating spectrometer on board XMM-Newton. We studied dipping and persistent spectra separately. We used the Epic data to constrain the broad-band continuum. We explored two simple geometrical scenarios for which we derived physical quantities of the absorbing material like the density, size, and mass.Results. We find that the continuum is absorbed by a neutral gas, and by both a collisionally (temperature T similar to 70 eV) and photoionised (ionisation parameter log xi similar to 2.5) absorbers. Emission lines from OVII and OVIII are also detected. This is the first time that evidence of a collisionally ionised absorber has been found in a low-mass X-ray binary. The collisionally ionised absorber may be in the form of dense (n &gt; 10(14) cm(-3)) filaments, located at a distance r greater than or similar to 10(11) cm. During dips, the photoionised absorber significantly increases its column density (factor 2-4) while becoming less ionised. This strengthens the idea that the colder material of the accretion stream impinging the disc is passing on our line of sight during dips. In this scenario, we find that the distance from the neutron star to the impact region (similar to 5 x 10(10) cm) is similar to the size of the neutron star's Roche lobe. The gas observed during the persistent state may have a flattened geometry. Finally, we explore the possibility of the existence of material forming an initial, hotter portion of a circumbinary disc.</p

    Simultaneous UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 5548. I. Physical Conditions in the UV Absorbers

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    We present new UV spectra of the nucleus of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548, which we obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph at high spectral resolution, in conjunction with simultaneous Chandra X-ray Observatory spectra. Taking advantage of the low UV continuum and broad emission-line fluxes, we have determined that the deepest UV absorption component covers at least a portion of the inner, high-ionization narrow-line region (NLR). We find nonunity covering factors in the cores of several kinematic components, which increase the column density measurements of N V and C IV by factors of 1.2 to 1.9 over the full-covering case; however, the revised columns have only a minor effect on the parameters derived from our photoionization models. For the first time, we have simultaneous N V and C IV columns for component 1 (at -1040 km/s), and find that this component cannot be an X-ray warm absorber, contrary to our previous claim based on nonsimultaneous observations. We find that models of the absorbers based on solar abundances severely overpredict the O VI columns previously obtained with the Far Ultraviolet Spectrograph, and present arguments that this is not likely due to variability. However, models that include either enhanced nitrogen (twice solar) or dust, with strong depletion of carbon in either case, are successful in matching all of the observed ionic columns. These models result in substantially lower ionization parameters and total column densities compared to dust-free solar-abundance models, and produce little O VII or O VIII, indicating that none of the UV absorbers are X-ray warm absorbers.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures (Figures 3 and 4 are in color), Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
