714 research outputs found

    Mercury's low‐degree geoid and topography controlled by insolation‐driven elastic deformation

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    ©2015. American Geophysical UnionMercury experiences an uneven insolation that leads to significant latitudinal and longitudinal variations of its surface temperature. These variations, which are predominantly of spherical harmonic degrees 2 and 4, propagate to depth, imposing a long‐wavelength thermal perturbation throughout the mantle. We computed the accompanying density distribution and used it to calculate the mechanical and gravitational response of a spherical elastic shell overlying a quasi‐hydrostatic mantle. We then compared the resulting geoid and surface deformation at degrees 2 and 4 with Mercury's geoid and topography derived from the MErcury, Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging spacecraft. More than 95% of the data can be accounted for if the thickness of the elastic lithosphere were between 110 and 180 km when the thermal anomaly was imposed. The obtained elastic thickness implies that Mercury became locked into its present 3:2 spin orbit resonance later than about 1 Gyr after planetary formation

    The thermal state and interior structure of Mars

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    ©2018. American Geophysical UnionThe present‐day thermal state, interior structure, composition, and rheology of Mars can be constrained by comparing the results of thermal history calculations with geophysical, petrological, and geological observations. Using the largest‐to‐date set of 3‐D thermal evolution models, we find that a limited set of models can satisfy all available constraints simultaneously. These models require a core radius strictly larger than 1,800 km, a crust with an average thickness between 48.8 and 87.1 km containing more than half of the planet's bulk abundance of heat producing elements, and a dry mantle rheology. A strong pressure dependence of the viscosity leads to the formation of prominent mantle plumes producing melt underneath Tharsis up to the present time. Heat flow and core size estimates derived from the InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) mission will increase the set of constraining data and help to confine the range of admissible models.DFG, 280637173, FOR 2440: Materie im Inneren von Planeten - Hochdruck-, Planeten- und Plasmaphysi

    Agroecologia em Mato Grosso do Sul: princípios, fundamentos e experiências.

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    Agricultura ecológica: heteronomia e servidão? Histórico, conceitos e principios da agroecologia; Agricultura ecológica e agricultura familiar; Manejo ecológico do solo; As doenças infecciosas das lavouras dentro de uma visão agroecológica; Sistema integrado de produção agroecológica: uma experiência de pesquisa em agricultura orgânica; Homeopatia na produção de leite; Manejo de plantas infestantes em agroecologia; Comercialização e certificação de produtos ecològicos - a experiência da rede Ecovida de Agroecologia; Experiências em agroecologia no Sul do brasil; Experiência da FEPAGRO na pesquisa em agroecologia no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul; A importância da conscientização do consumidor no mercado de produtos orgânicos; A conversão de sistemas convencionais para sistemas orgânicos de produção no Brasil; A agroecologia em Mato Grosso do Sul.bitstream/item/38821/1/LV20022.pdfContém palestras apresentadas no I Seminário de Agroecologia de Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, MS, nov. 2002

    Nível de adoção de boas práticas em sistemas de produção sob transição agroecológica no Sul de Mato Grosso do Sul.

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    bitstream/item/66257/1/31295.pdfOrganizado por: Alberto Feiden, Milton Parron Padovan, Adalgiza Inês Campolim, Aurélio Vinícius Borsato, Ivo de Sá Motta, João Batista Catto, Tércio Jacques Fehlauer

    A solar disinfection water treatment system for remote communities

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    Abstract not availablePeter Kalt, Cristian Birzer, Harrison Evans, Anthony Liew, Mark Padovan, Michael Watchma

    Cultivares de mandioca de mesa cultivadas sob manejo de base agroecológica em Dourados, MS, Brasil.

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    bitstream/item/68855/1/038-cultivares-motta.pdfPublicado também no Cadernos de Agroecologia, v. 7, n.2, 2012