187 research outputs found

    A Nonlinear Splitting Algorithm for Systems of Partial Differential Equations with self-Diffusion

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    Systems of reaction-diffusion equations are commonly used in biological models of food chains. The populations and their complicated interactions present numerous challenges in theory and in numerical approximation. In particular, self-diffusion is a nonlinear term that models overcrowding of a particular species. The nonlinearity complicates attempts to construct efficient and accurate numerical approximations of the underlying systems of equations. In this paper, a new nonlinear splitting algorithm is designed for a partial differential equation that incorporates self-diffusion. We present a general model that incorporates self-diffusion and develop a numerical approximation. The numerical analysis of the approximation provides criteria for stability and convergence. Numerical examples are used to illustrate the theoretical results

    EMPATH: A Neural Network that Categorizes Facial Expressions

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    There are two competing theories of facial expression recognition. Some researchers have suggested that it is an example of "categorical perception." In this view, expression categories are considered to be discrete entities with sharp boundaries, and discrimination of nearby pairs of expressive faces is enhanced near those boundaries. Other researchers, however, suggest that facial expression perception is more graded and that facial expressions are best thought of as points in a continuous, low-dimensional space, where, for instance, "surprise" expressions lie between "happiness" and "fear" expressions due to their perceptual similarity. In this article, we show that a simple yet biologically plausible neural network model, trained to classify facial expressions into six basic emotions, predicts data used to support both of these theories. Without any parameter tuning, the model matches a variety of psychological data on categorization, similarity, reaction times, discrimination, and recognition difficulty, both qualitatively and quantitatively. We thus explain many of the seemingly complex psychological phenomena related to facial expression perception as natural consequences of the tasks' implementations in the brain

    Fast Compressive 3D Single-pixel Imaging

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    In this work, we demonstrate a modified photometric stereo system with perfect pixel registration, capable of reconstructing continuous real-time 3D video at ~8 Hz for 64 x 64 image resolution by employing evolutionary compressed sensing

    A variable nonlinear splitting algorithm for reaction diffusion systems with self- and cross-diffusion

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    Self- and cross-diffusion are important nonlinear spatial derivative terms that are included into biological models of predator-prey interactions. Self-diffusion models overcrowding effects, while cross-diffusion incorporates the response of one species in light of the concentration of another. In this paper, a novel nonlinear operator splitting method is presented that directly incorporates both self- and cross-diffusion into a computational efficient design. The numerical analysis guarantees the accuracy and demonstrates appropriate criteria for stability. Numerical experiments display its efficiency and accurac

    A variable nonlinear splitting algorithm for reaction diffusion systems with self- and cross-diffusion

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    Self- and cross-diffusion are important nonlinear spatial derivative terms that are included into biological models of predator-prey interactions. Self-diffusion models overcrowding effects, while cross-diffusion incorporates the response of one species in light of the concentration of another. In this paper, a novel nonlinear operator splitting method is presented that directly incorporates both self- and cross-diffusion into a computational efficient design. The numerical analysis guarantees the accuracy and demonstrates appropriate criteria for stability. Numerical experiments display its efficiency and accurac

    Optimizing the use of detector arrays for measuring intensity correlations of photon pairs

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    Intensity correlation measurements form the basis of many experiments based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion. In the most common situation, two single-photon avalanche diodes and coincidence electronics are used in the detection of the photon pairs, and the coincidence count distributions are measured by making use of some scanning procedure. Here we analyze the measurement of intensity correlations using multielement detector arrays. By considering the detector parameters such as the detection and noise probabilities, we found that the mean number of detected photons that maximizes the visibility of the two-photon correlations is approximately equal to the mean number of noise events in the detector array. We provide expressions predicting the strength of the measured intensity correlations as a function of the detector parameters and on the mean number of detected photons. We experimentally test our predictions by measuring far-field intensity correlations of spontaneous parametric down-conversion with an electron multiplying charge-coupled device camera, finding excellent agreement with the theoretical analysis

    A Russian Dolls ordering of the Hadamard basis for compressive single-pixel imaging

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    Single-pixel imaging is an alternate imaging technique particularly well-suited to imaging modalities such as hyper-spectral imaging, depth mapping, 3D profiling. However, the single-pixel technique requires sequential measurements resulting in a trade-off between spatial resolution and acquisition time, limiting real-time video applications to relatively low resolutions. Compressed sensing techniques can be used to improve this trade-off. However, in this low resolution regime, conventional compressed sensing techniques have limited impact due to lack of sparsity in the datasets. Here we present an alternative compressed sensing method in which we optimize the measurement order of the Hadamard basis, such that at discretized increments we obtain complete sampling for different spatial resolutions. In addition, this method uses deterministic acquisition, rather than the randomized sampling used in conventional compressed sensing. This so-called ‘Russian Dolls’ ordering also benefits from minimal computational overhead for image reconstruction. We find that this compressive approach performs as well as other compressive sensing techniques with greatly simplified post processing, resulting in significantly faster image reconstruction. Therefore, the proposed method may be useful for single-pixel imaging in the low resolution, high-frame rate regime, or video-rate acquisition

    Sub-shot-noise shadow sensing with quantum correlations

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    The quantised nature of the electromagnetic field sets the classical limit to the sensitivity of position measurements. However, techniques based on the properties of quantum states can be exploited to accurately measure the relative displacement of a physical object beyond this classical limit. In this work, we use a simple scheme based on the split-detection of quantum correlations to measure the position of a shadow at the single-photon light level, with a precision that exceeds the shot-noise limit. This result is obtained by analysing the correlated signals of bi-photon pairs, created in parametric downconversion and detected by an electron multiplying CCD (EMCCD) camera employed as a split-detector. By comparing the measured statistics of spatially anticorrelated and uncorrelated photons we were able to observe a significant noise reduction corresponding to an improvement in position sensitivity of up to 17% (0.8dB). Our straightforward approach to sub-shot-noise position measurement is compatible with conventional shadow-sensing techniques based on the split-detection of light-fields, and yields an improvement that scales favourably with the detector’s quantum efficiency

    MU Grocery Delivery Business Plan

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    Mission Statement: MU Grocery Delivery is here to help the students of Marian University change the way they get their groceries by offering a low cost grocery delivery service that will save students time and effort that they could be using for their school work or anything else they feel deserves their time and energy. Service Summary: MU Grocery Delivery is a quality grocery delivery service for Marian University students. Our website has disclaimers and refund policy explanations. The home page features the date and time of delivery on Marian’s campus. We will deliver once a week and we deliver to a centralized location on campus, Norman Center room 105, and students will have an hour to come pick up their groceries from that location. The current time frame for students to pick their groceries up is Tuesday evenings from 8:00-9:00 pm. Having seen our home page, our customers will likely go to our online store page on the website. Our online store is comprised of products found at Walmart, Meijer, and Target stores. There are currently 80 items on our website. Many of these items have multiple varieties as well. The costs of the items are already pre-programmed with tax included on taxable items, as well as a 20% markup fee on each item individually. This 20% markup fee serves as our delivery fee. Objectives: MU Grocery Delivery projects that we will break even after 177 sales at an average of 11persale.Basedoffourtrialrun,inwhichwereceived41ordersataround11 per sale. Based off our trial run, in which we received 41 orders at around 11 per sale, we believe that we can double the amount of orders reaching 82 orders per week. We are projected to break even within 3 weeks. At the conclusion of the spring semester, we are projected to have a net income of 2,152.54.Takingournetincomeanddividingthisbythenumberofhourseachteammemberworked,wewillbemaking2,152.54. Taking our net income and dividing this by the number of hours each team member worked, we will be making 19.13 per hour
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