89 research outputs found

    PRDI-BF1 and PRDI-BF1P isoform expressions correlate with disease status in multiple myeloma patients

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    Human positive regulatory domain I binding factor 1 (PRDI-BF1 or BLIMP-1) is a transcription factor that acts as a master regulator and has crucial roles in the control of differentiation and in maintaining survival of plasma cells (PC). The PRDM1 gene, which codifies for PRDI-BF1, contains an alternative promoter capable of generating a PRDI-BF1 deleted protein (called PRDI-BF1β), which lacks 101 amino acids comprising most of the regulatory domain. PRDI-BF1β has been detected in relevant quantities especially in multiple myeloma cell lines (U266 and NCI- H929). The first aim of the study was to compare, using real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), the levels of PRDI-BF1 and PRDI-BF1β in myeloma patients and in normal human bone marrow. The second step was the examination of the expression of PRDI-BF1 and PRDI-BF1β isoform depending on disease status and treatment response. We demonstrate the correlation of PRDI-BF1 and the shorter PRDI-BF1β isoform protein levels with the clinical evolution and the management of myeloma patients

    Mesangiogenic Progenitor Cells Derived from One Novel CD64brightCD31brightCD14neg Population in Human Adult Bone Marrow

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    Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs) have been the object of extensive research for decades, due to their intrinsic clinical value. Nonetheless, the unambiguous identification of a unique in vivo MSC progenitor is still lacking, and the hypothesis that these multipotent cells could possibly arise from different in vivo precursors has been gaining consensus in the last years. We identified a novel multipotent cell population in human adult bone marrow that we firstly named Mesodermal Progenitor Cells (MPCs) for the ability to differentiate toward the mesenchymal lineage while still retaining angiogenic potential. Despite extensive characterization, MPCs positioning within the differentiation pathway and whether they can be ascribed as possible distinctive progenitor of the MSC lineage is still unclear. Here we describe the ex vivo isolation of one novel bone marrow sub-population (Pop#8) with the ability to generate MPCs. Multicolor flow cytometry in combination with either FACS or MACS cell sorting were applied to characterize Pop#8 as CD64brightCD31brightCD14neg. We defined Pop#8 properties in culture, including the potential of Pop#8-derived MPCs to differentiate into MSCs. Gene expression data were suggestive of Pop#8 in vivo involvement in HSC niche constitution/maintenance. Pop#8 resulted over three logs more frequent than other putative MSC progenitors, corroborating the idea that most of the controversies regarding culture expanded MSCs could be the consequence of different culture conditions which select or promote particular sub-populations of precursors

    A nonlinear complementary filter for underwater navigation using inertial measurements

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    This paper describes a nonlinear complementary filter capable of estimating the course motion variables namely the position, velocity, heading and accelerometers bias of an agile, over-actuated AUV during underwater operations, using the inertial sensors (IMU), the DVL, the depth sensor and the compass. The proposed work is within the framework of the V-Fides project, co-funded by Tuscany Region (Italy) and developed by a team lead by WASS S.p.A. (Whitehead Sistemi Subacquei, Livorno). The aim of the project was to develop and evaluate an high-depth, over-actuated, long endurance Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). The paper proposes the mathematical development of the observer, together with some experimental results, able to demonstrate the capabilities of the estimation scheme, compared with the estimations obtained via a standard Kalman Filter

    Constitutive Expression of Pluripotency-Associated Genes in Mesodermal Progenitor Cells (MPCs)

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    Background: We recently characterized a progenitor of mesodermal lineage (MPCs) from the human bone marrow of adults or umbilical cord blood. These cells are progenitors able to differentiate toward mesenchymal, endothelial and cardiomyogenic lineages. Here we present an extensive molecular characterization of MPCs, from bone marrow samples, including 39 genes involved in stem cell machinery, differentiation and cell cycle regulation. Methodology/Principal Findings: MPCs are cytofluorimetrically characterized and quantitative RT-PCR was performed to evaluate the gene expression profile, comparing it with MSCs and hESCs lines. Immunofluorescence and dot-blot analysis confirm qRT-PCR data. MPCs exhibit an increased expression of OCT4, NANOG, SALL4, FBX15, SPP1 and to a lesser extent c-MYC and KLF4, but lack LIN28 and SOX2. MPCs highly express SOX15. Conclusions/Significance: MPCs express many pluripotency-associated genes and show a peculiar Oct-4 molecular circuit. Understanding this unique molecular mechanism could lead to identifying MPCs as feasible, long telomeres, target cells for reprogramming with no up-regulation of the p53 pathway. Furthermore MPCs are easily and inexpensively harvested fro

    Using flood water in Managed Aquifer Recharge schemes as a solution for groundwater management in the Cornia valley (Italy)

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    The lower Cornia valley aquifer system (Tuscany, Italy) provides the only source of water for drinking, irrigation, industrial purposes and it also contributes to the water needs of the nearby Elba island. Since 60 years, intensive exploitation of groundwater resulted in consistent head lowering and water balance deficit, causing subsidence, reduction of groundwater dependent ecosystems, and salinization of freshwater resources. Rebalancing the water budget of the hydrologic system is the main objective of the LIFE REWAT project (sustainable WATer management in the lower Cornia valley through demand REduction, aquifer Recharge and river REstoration; http://www.liferewat.eu). Here, five demonstration measures (river restoration; Managed Aquifer Recharge; reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation; high irrigation efficiency scheme; leakage management in water distribution systems) are set in place for promoting water resource management, along with capacity building and participatory actions. A pilot Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) infiltration basin for using flood-water was designed and set in operation in Suvereto, testing the new-issued Italian regulation on artificial recharge of aquifers (DM 100/2016). The infiltration basin is located at a pre-existing topographical low near the Cornia River. The river, having intermittent flow, provides the recharge water during high flow periods, including floods, and when discharge is above the minimum ecological flow. The infiltration basin is set in a groundwater recharge area where the aquifer is constituted by gravel and sands. A preliminary project and an executive one were prepared and discussed with the relevant authorities, following one-year long monthly monitoring of surface- and ground-water. The project was supported by a groundwater flow modelling-based approach using the FREEWAT platform (www.freewat.eu). The facility consists of the following elements: i) intake work on the River Cornia; ii) the inlet structure control system, managed by quality (mass spectrometer defining surface water spectral signature) and level probes, and allowing pumping into the facility at predefined head and chemical quality thresholds; iii) a sedimentation basin; iv) the infiltration area (less than 1 ha large); v) the operational monitoring system, based on a network of piezometers where both continuous data (head, T, EC, DO) are gathered and discrete measurements/sampling performed. The cost of construction of the plant is about 300000 C well below the cost of a surface water reservoir for a similar storage. Depending on the climatic conditions, the estimated volume of diverted surface water may vary between 300000 m3/year and 2 Mm3/year. Being the facility a pilot one, diverted water discharge ranges between 20 to 50 l/s. Minimal site development and modification was required, resulting in a no-impact water-work, while providing ecosystem benefits by reconnecting and inundating former abandoned riverbeds. The effectiveness of such pilot may demonstrate the potential for Flood-MAR schemes to increase water availability in scarcity prone areas

    Nanotopography Induced Human Bone Marrow Mesangiogenic Progenitor Cells (MPCs) to Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs) Transition

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    Mesangiogenic progenitor cells (MPCs) are a very peculiar population of cells present in the human adult bone marrow, only recently discovered and characterized. Owing to their differentiation potential, MPCs can be considered progenitors for mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), and for this reason they potentially represent a promising cell population to apply for skeletal tissue regeneration applications. Here, we evaluate the effects of surface nanotopography on MPCs, considering the possibility that this specific physical stimulus alone can trigger MPC differentiation toward the mesenchymal lineage. In particular, we exploit nanogratings to deliver a mechanical, directional stimulus by contact interaction to promote cell morphological polarization and stretching. Following this interaction, we study the MPC-MSC transition by i. analyzing the change in cell morphotype by immunostaining of the key cell-adhesion structures and confocal fluorescence microscopy, and ii. quantifying the expression of cell-phenotype characterizing markers by flow cytometry. We demonstrate that the MPC mesengenic differentiation can be induced by the solely interaction with the NGs, in absence of any other external, chemical stimulus. This aspect is of particular interest in the case of multipotent progenitors as MPCs that, retaining both mesengenic and angiogenic potential, possess a high clinical appeal

    CRISPR/Cas9 Ablation of Integrated HIV-1 Accumulates Proviral DNA Circles with Reformed Long Terminal Repeats

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    Gene editing may be used to excise the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) provirus from the host cell genome, possibly eradicating the infection. Here, using cells acutely or latently infected by HIV-1 and treated with long terminal repeat (LTR)-targeting CRISPR/Cas9, we show that the excised HIV-1 provirus persists for a few weeks and may rearrange in circular molecules. Although circular proviral DNA is naturally formed during HIV-1 replication, we observed that gene editing might increase proviral DNA circles with restored LTRs. These extrachromosomal elements were recovered and probed for residual activity through their transfection in uninfected cells. We discovered that they can be transcriptionally active in the presence of Tat and Rev. Although confirming that gene editing is a powerful tool to eradicate HIV-1 infection, this work highlights that, to achieve this goal, the LTRs must be cleaved in several pieces to avoid residual activity and minimize the risk of reintegration in the context of genomic instability, possibly caused by the off-target activity of Cas9. IMPORTANCE The excision of HIV-1 provirus from the host cell genome has proven feasible in vitro and, to some extent, in vivo. Among the different approaches, CRISPR/Cas9 is the most promising tool for gene editing. The present study underlines the remarkable effectiveness of CRISPR/Cas9 in removing the HIV-1 provirus from infected cells and investigates the fate of the excised HIV-1 genome. This study demonstrates that the free provirus may persist in the cell after editing and in appropriate circumstances may reactivate. As an episome, it might be transcriptionally active, especially in the presence of Tat and Rev. The persistence of the HIV-1 episome was strongly decreased by gene editing with multiple targets. Although gene editing has the potential to eradicate HIV-1 infection, this work highlights a potential issue that warrants further investigation

    Effects of a physical activity program on functional fitness, oxidative stress and salivary cortisol levels in older adults

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    Quality of life into later life is influenced by multiple factors. The physical ability to perform common everyday activities represents a key factor to maintain a healthy and independent lifestyle. Moreover, aging is a process characterized by physiological alterations resulting in a progressive decline in biological functions, decreased resistance to stress, and increased susceptibility to diseases. Especially in elderly people, alterations such as imbalance between pro and antioxidant activity and/or hormonal dysregulation negatively affect the physical capacity, the emotional status and the overall general health and quality of life [1]. On the other hand, regular physical activity is considered an effective strategy for older adults to prevent and reduce the risk of developing those negative conditions arising from aging. A 24-week regular physical activity program (twice weekly, 1 hour per session) focused on functional fitness exercises was performed by 20 older adults (aged 55 years or more). A set of anthropometric (height, weight, BMI and body fat percentage) and physical measurements (grip strength, chair sit to stand, sit and reach and back scratch) assessing the functional fitness performance [2] were evaluated. Moreover, biochemical markers (d-ROMs and BAP tests as assessment of oxidative stress and antioxidant potential; salivary cortisol levels) were measured before and after the intervention program. The results confirm the benefits of a regular physical activity in older adults resulting in improved physical strength and flexibility in the functional fitness parameters, and in regulating pro and antioxidant activity and cortisol levels
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