7 research outputs found

    Employment lands and conceptual land use planning project : City of Newport, Oregon

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    148 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Maps, tables, charts, figures. Published September, 2005; latest activity March, 2006. Captured April 14, 2009.[This] report has been prepared to accomplish two primary objectives: first, to guide the growth of Newport's economy and, second, to provide a Land Use, Transportation and Utility Plan for the South Beach Neighborhood

    City Corvallis local wetland inventory : DSL final approval

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    137 pp. OCR and bookmarks supplied by UO. Charts, tables. Referenced map not included. Published November 16, 2004. Captured April 15, 2009.This Local Wetlands Inventory (LWI) is a part ofthe 2003 Corvallis Natural Resources Inventory. The LWI includes all wetlands within the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) at least 0.5 acres in size and uses the standards and procedures of Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 14186- 110 through 141-86-240. The LWI also includes an assessment of the quality and function of the inventoried wetlands and a determination of their significance. [From the document

    George Rogers Park master plan : Lake Oswego, Oregon

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    255 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Maps, illus. Published June, 2002. Captured October 16, 2008.A consultant team of landscape architects, historians, natural resource scientists, architects, and transportation engineers was engaged to facilitate a public master planning process for George Rogers Park with the final product to be a narrative plan for phased improvements and implementation recommendations. To best understand the park and its context, the consultant team led investigations to assess the park site's history, its features and structures, its natural resources, and transportation influences. [From the Plan

    Springbrook master plan : Final

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    72 pp. Bookmarks supplied by UO. Maps, charts, illus. Published June, 2008. Captured October 24, 2008.The Springbrook Master Plan is intended to provide the framework for future development to occur that is consistent with the Proposed Conceptual Master Plan (pg. 29) for the property. The Master Plan functions in concert with the Springbrook Development Agreement and the City of Newberg's Development Code, primarily the provisions set forth in Sections 151.25 through 151.30, Springbrook District which provides a "roadmap" for the land use processes and criteria applicable to future development of the site. [From the Plan