44 research outputs found

    Pioglitazone Represents an Effective Therapeutic Target in Preventing Oxidative/Inflammatory Cochlear Damage Induced by Noise Exposure

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    Recent progress in hearing loss research has provided strong evidence for the imbalance of cellular redox status and inflammation as common predominant mechanisms of damage affecting the organ of Corti including noise induced hearing loss. The discovery of a protective molecule acting on both mechanisms is challenging. The thiazolidinediones, a class of antidiabetic drugs including pioglitazone and rosiglitazone, have demonstrated diverse pleiotrophic effects in many tissues where they exhibit anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, tissue protective effects and regulators of redox balance acting as agonist of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). They are members of the family of ligand regulated nuclear hormone receptors that are also expressed in several cochlear cell types, including the outer hair cells. In this study, we investigated the protective capacity of pioglitazone in a model of noise-induced hearing loss in Wistar rats and the molecular mechanisms underlying this protective effects. Specifically, we employed a formulation of pioglitazone in a biocompatible thermogel providing rapid, uniform and sustained inner ear drug delivery via transtympanic injection. Following noise exposure (120 dB, 10 kHz, 1 h), different time schedules of treatment were employed: we explored the efficacy of pioglitazone given immediately (1 h) or at delayed time points (24 and 48 h) after noise exposure and the time course and extent of hearing recovery were assessed. We found that pioglitazone was able to protect auditory function at the mid-high frequencies and to limit cell death in the cochlear basal/middle turn, damaged by noise exposure. Immunofluorescence and western blot analysis provided evidence that pioglitazone mediates both anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects by decreasing NF-ÎșB and IL-1ÎČ expression in the cochlea and opposing the oxidative damage induced by noise insult. These results suggest that intratympanic pioglitazone can be considered a valid therapeutic strategy for attenuating noise-induced hearing loss and cochlear damage, reducing inflammatory signaling and restoring cochlear redox balance

    Mouse Panx1 Is Dispensable for Hearing Acquisition and Auditory Function

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    Panx1 forms plasma membrane channels in brain and several other organs, including the inner ear. Biophysical properties, activation mechanisms and modulators of Panx1 channels have been characterized in detail, however the impact of Panx1 on auditory function is unclear due to conflicts in published results. To address this issue, hearing performance and cochlear function of the Panx1−/− mouse strain, the first with a reported global ablation of Panx1, were scrutinized. Male and female homozygous (Panx1−/−), hemizygous (Panx1+/−) and their wild type (WT) siblings (Panx1+/+) were used for this study. Successful ablation of Panx1 was confirmed by RT-PCR and Western immunoblotting in the cochlea and brain of Panx1−/− mice. Furthermore, a previously validated Panx1-selective antibody revealed strong immunoreactivity in WT but not in Panx1−/− cochleae. Hearing sensitivity, outer hair cell-based “cochlear amplifier” and cochlear nerve function, analyzed by auditory brainstem response (ABR) and distortion product otoacoustic emission (DPOAE) recordings, were normal in Panx1+/− and Panx1−/− mice. In addition, we determined that global deletion of Panx1 impacts neither on connexin expression, nor on gap-junction coupling in the developing organ of Corti. Finally, spontaneous intercellular Ca2+ signal (ICS) activity in organotypic cochlear cultures, which is key to postnatal development of the organ of Corti and essential for hearing acquisition, was not affected by Panx1 ablation. Therefore, our results provide strong evidence that, in mice, Panx1 is dispensable for hearing acquisition and auditory function

    A study protocol for identifying aging trajectories toward chronic neurodegenerative diseases by means of Marche regional administrative databases – TREND project

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    BackgroundPeople are living longer but an increasing number of older people experience chronicity and disability in the latest years of their life. The Marche region is one of the Italian regions where people live the longest lives; therefore, the number of people with age-related chronic diseases is expected to be at least similar, if not higher, compared to the rest of Italy. The identification of the aging trajectories is of huge interest in the arena of public health. Administrative healthcare databases represent valuable reservoirs for reconstructing the trajectories of aging. Here, we present the protocol for a study (TREND project) aimed to integrate existing administrative databases into a Marche regional dataset in order to estimate the prevalence and incidence rates of age-related neurodegenerative diseases (ND), with a specific focus on Parkinsonism and Dementia.MethodsThe TREND Project is a retrospective cross-sectional study. The source population includes permanent residents in the Marche region aged 40 years and older. A minimal dataset has been built up linking data on drug prescriptions, outpatient services, and diagnosis for hospital admission, from 2014 to 2021 in the Marche Region. Data on clinical outcomes (re-hospitalization, mortality, comorbidities), and therapeutic approaches (drugs and medicines) have been integrated with state-of-the-art statistical methods to define patients into different risk clusters and to analyze the aging trend by assessing the Comorbidity Index (CI) as a proxy for chronicity.DiscussionOur research contributes to the integration of existing administrative databases on ND to create a Marche regional ND database, support regional health policy, and better understand patients’ needs and their aging trajectories. This approach could be implemented also at the National level. Moreover, by linking different administrative data sources, this study sheds light on important issues related to ND, such as early-onset dementia; ethical aspects such as anticipated wills; problems of dementia in patients still in the job market, etc. The results of this study will contribute to the successful implementation of integrated care for patients affected by ND at regional or national levels

    Engineering memory with an extrinsically disordered kinase

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    : Synaptic plasticity plays a crucial role in memory formation by regulating the communication between neurons. Although actin polymerization has been linked to synaptic plasticity and dendritic spine stability, the causal link between actin polymerization and memory encoding has not been identified yet. It is not clear whether actin polymerization and structural changes in dendritic spines are a driver or a consequence of learning and memory. Using an extrinsically disordered form of the protein kinase LIMK1, which rapidly and precisely acts on ADF/cofilin, a direct modifier of actin, we induced long-term enlargement of dendritic spines and enhancement of synaptic transmission in the hippocampus on command. The activation of extrinsically disordered LIMK1 in vivo improved memory encoding and slowed cognitive decline in aged mice exhibiting reduced cofilin phosphorylation. The engineered memory by an extrinsically disordered LIMK1 supports a direct causal link between actin-mediated synaptic transmission and memory

    Hippocampal Estrogen Signaling Mediates Sex Differences in Retroactive Interference

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    Despite being a crucial physiological function of the brain, the mechanisms underlying forgetting are still poorly understood. Estrogens play a critical role in different brain functions, including memory. However, the effects of sex hormones on forgetting vulnerability-mediated by retroactive interference (RI), a phenomenon in which newly acquired information interferes with the retrieval of already stored information, are still poorly understood. The aim of our study was to characterize the sex differences in interference-mediated forgetting and identify the underlying molecular mechanisms. We found that adult male C57bl/6 mice showed a higher susceptibility to RI-dependent memory loss than females. The preference index (PI) in the NOR paradigm was 52.7 +/- 5.9% in males and 62.3 +/- 13.0% in females. The resistance to RI in female mice was mediated by estrogen signaling involving estrogen receptor alpha activation in the dorsal hippocampus. Accordingly, following RI, females showed higher phosphorylation levels (+30%) of extracellular signal-regulated kinasel/2 (ERK1/2) in the hippocampus. Pharmacological inhibition of ERK1/2 made female mice prone to RI. The PI was 70.6 +/- 11.0% in vehicle-injected mice and 47.4 +/- 10.8% following PD98059 administration. Collectively, our data suggest that hippocampal estrogen alpha receptor-ERK1/2 signaling is critically involved in a pattern separation mechanism that inhibits object-related RI in female mice

    Styrene enhances the noise induced oxidative stress in the cochlea and affects differently mechanosensory and supporting cells

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    Experimental and human investigations have raised the level of concern about the potential ototoxicity of organic solvents and their interaction with noise. The main objective of this study was to characterize the effects of the combined noise and styrene exposure on hearing focusing on the mechanism of damage on the sensorineural cells and supporting cells of the organ of Corti and neurons of the ganglion of Corti. The impact of single and combined exposures on hearing was evaluated by auditory functional testing and histological analyses of cochlear specimens. The mechanism of damage was studied by analyzing superoxide anion and lipid peroxidation expression and by computational analyses of immunofluorescence data to evaluate and compare the oxidative stress pattern in outer hair cells versus the supporting epithelial cells of the organ of Corti. The oxidative stress hypothesis was further analyzed by evaluating the protective effect of a Coenzyme Q10 analogue, the water soluble Qter, molecule known to have protective antioxidant properties against noise induced hearing loss and by the analysis of the expression of the endogenous defense enzymes. This study provides evidence of a reciprocal noise-styrene synergism based on a redox imbalance mechanism affecting, although with a different intensity of damage, the outer hair cell (OHC) sensory epithelium. Moreover, these two damaging agents address preferentially different cochlear targets: noise mainly the sensory epithelium, styrene the supporting epithelial cells. Namely, the increase pattern of lipid peroxidation in the organ of Corti matched the cell damage distribution, involving predominantly OHC layer in noise exposed cochleae and both OHC and Deiters’ cell layers in the styrene or combined exposed cochleae. The antioxidant treatment reduced the lipid peroxidation increase, potentiated the endogenous antioxidant defense system at OHC level in both exposures but it failed to ameliorate the oxidative imbalance and cell death of Deiters’ cells in the styrene and combined exposures. Current antioxidant therapeutic approaches to preventing sensory loss focus on hair cells alone. It remains to be seen whether targeting supporting cells, in addition to hair cells, might be an effective approach to protecting exposed subject

    The redox protein p66(shc) mediates cochlear vascular dysfunction and transient noise-induced hearing loss

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    p66(shc), a member of the ShcA protein family, is essential for cellular response to oxidative stress, and elicits the formation of mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), thus promoting vasomotor dysfunction and inflammation. Accordingly, mice lacking the p66 isoform display increased resistance to oxidative tissue damage and to cardiovascular disorders. Oxidative stress also contributes to noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL); we found that p66(shc) expression and serine phosphorylation were induced following noise exposure in the rat cochlea, together with markers of oxidative stress, inflammation and ischemia as indicated by the levels of the hypoxic inducible factor (HIF) and the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the highly vascularised cochlear lateral region and spiral ganglion. Importantly, p66(shc) knock-out (p66 KO) 126 SvEv adult mice were less vulnerable to acoustic trauma with respect to wild type controls, as shown by preserved auditory function and by remarkably lower levels of oxidative stress and ischemia markers. Of note, decline of auditory function observed in 12 month old WT controls was markedly attenuated in p66KO mice consistent with delayed inner ear senescence. Collectively, we have identified a pivotal role for p66(shc) -induced vascular dysfunction in a common pathogenic cascade shared by noise-induced and age-related hearing loss

    Oxidative stress and inflammation cause auditory system damage via glial cell activation and dysregulated expression of gap junction proteins in an experimental model of styrene-induced oto/neurotoxicity

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    BackgroundRedox imbalance and inflammation have been proposed as the principal mechanisms of damage in the auditory system, resulting in functional alterations and hearing loss. Microglia and astrocytes play a crucial role in mediating oxidative/inflammatory injury in the central nervous system; however, the role of glial cells in the auditory damage is still elusive.ObjectivesHere we investigated glial-mediated responses to toxic injury in peripheral and central structures of the auditory pathway, i.e., the cochlea and the auditory cortex (ACx), in rats exposed to styrene, a volatile compound with well-known oto/neurotoxic properties.MethodsMale adult Wistar rats were treated with styrene (400 mg/kg daily for 3 weeks, 5/days a week). Electrophysiological, morphological, immunofluorescence and molecular analyses were performed in both the cochlea and the ACx to evaluate the mechanisms underlying styrene-induced oto/neurotoxicity in the auditory system.ResultsWe showed that the oto/neurotoxic insult induced by styrene increases oxidative stress in both cochlea and ACx. This was associated with macrophages and glial cell activation, increased expression of inflammatory markers (i.e., pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokine receptors) and alterations in connexin (Cxs) and pannexin (Panx) expression, likely responsible for dysregulation of the microglia/astrocyte network. Specifically, we found downregulation of Cx26 and Cx30 in the cochlea, and high level of Cx43 and Panx1 in the ACx.ConclusionsCollectively, our results provide novel evidence on the role of immune and glial cell activation in the oxidative/inflammatory damage induced by styrene in the auditory system at both peripheral and central levels, also involving alterations of gap junction networks. Our data suggest that targeting glial cells and connexin/pannexin expression might be useful to attenuate oxidative/inflammatory damage in the auditory system

    Auditory sensory deprivation induced by noise exposure exacerbates cognitive decline in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

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    Although association between hearing impairment and dementia has been widely documented by epidemiological studies, the role of auditory sensory deprivation in cognitive decline remains to be fully understood. To address this issue we investigated the impact of hearing loss on the onset and time-course of cognitive decline in an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), that is the 3×Tg-AD mice and the underlying mechanisms. We found that hearing loss induced by noise exposure in the 3×Tg-AD mice before the phenotype is manifested caused persistent synaptic and morphological alterations in the auditory cortex. This was associated with earlier hippocampal dysfunction, increased tau phosphorylation, neuroinflammation, and redox imbalance, along with anticipated memory deficits compared to the expected time-course of the neurodegenerative phenotype. Our data suggest that a mouse model of AD is more vulnerable to central damage induced by hearing loss and shows reduced ability to counteract noise-induced detrimental effects, which accelerates the neurodegenerative disease onset

    Interleukin 1ÎČ triggers synaptic and memory deficits in Herpes simplex virus type-1-infected mice by downregulating the expression of synaptic plasticity-related genes via the epigenetic MeCP2/HDAC4 complex

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    Extensive research provides evidence that neuroinflammation underlies numerous brain disorders. However, the molecular mechanisms by which inflammatory mediators determine synaptic and cognitive dysfunction occurring in neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Alzheimer's disease) are far from being fully understood. Here we investigated the role of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta), and the molecular cascade downstream the activation of its receptor, to the synaptic dysfunction occurring in the mouse model of multiple Herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) reactivations within the brain. These mice are characterized by neuroinflammation and memory deficits associated with a progressive accumulation of neurodegenerative hallmarks (e.g., amyloid-beta protein and tau hyperphosphorylation). Here we show that mice undergone two HSV-1 reactivations in the brain exhibited increased levels of IL-1 beta along with significant alterations of: (1) cognitive performances; (2) hippocampal long-term potentiation; (3) expression synaptic-related genes and pre- and post-synaptic proteins; (4) dendritic spine density and morphology. These effects correlated with activation of the epigenetic repressor MeCP2 that, in association with HDAC4, affected the expression of synaptic plasticity-related genes. Specifically, in response to HSV-1 infection, HDAC4 accumulated in the nucleus and promoted MeCP2 SUMOylation that is a post-translational modification critically affecting the repressive activity of MeCP2. The blockade of IL-1 receptors by the specific antagonist Anakinra prevented the MeCP2 increase and the consequent downregulation of gene expression along with rescuing structural and functional indices of neurodegeneration. Collectively, our findings provide novel mechanistic evidence on the role played by HSV-1-activated IL-1 beta signaling pathways in synaptic deficits leading to cognitive impairment