2 research outputs found

    Ochrona danych medycznych zawartych w dokumentacji medycznej, a wykorzystanie bezpiecznego podpisu elektronicznego

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    A presentation of the regulations concerning the protection of personal data at health care units is a purpose of the work. Medical data i.e. sensitive data constitute the special category of personal details (sensitive ones) which concern medical condition, information about the genetic code or addictions. A general prohibition on the processing of sensitive data exists, except for the situation, when provisions of the law allow it. In the legal status being in force processing both information referring directly to the medical condition of man, and information the average recipient can acquire these data is forbidden. Processing sensitive personal details without the written consent of the person which they concern, is possible only in the objective of protection of medical condition, providing medical services or curing patients by persons being engaged professionally in curing or with providing other medical services, provided there are created full guarantees of the protection such data.. Medical data gathered by the health-service units must be provided with the full legal protection, predicted in the act from 29.08.1997 about the protection of personal data. For creating appropriate conditions of storing medical documentation a manager of the health care unit is held responsible

    Strategie profilaktyki boreliozy

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    This study aimed to analyze the severity of risks associated specific tick-borne diseases and to identify directions for the development of preventive measures, particularly for Lyme disease. Thus, a detailed literature review was performed to analyze epidemiological data and the latest scientific research in the field of prevention and health education for Lyme disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) indicated that it is necessary to increase the level of knowledge and health awareness of individuals living in the highest-risk areas and who travel to countries with endemic vectors. Additional activities of the WHO in the area of vector-borne disease prevention resulted from the adoption of the global vector control response 2017-2030 (GVCR 2017-2030), which focused on diseases transmitted by vectors. At the EU level, activities include the European Emerging and Vector-borne Diseases (EVD) program. At the national level, the basic legal act related to the issue of infectious diseases is the Act of 5 December 2008 on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans. The main body implementing activities in the field of prevention and health education in Poland is the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate (GIS). Creating new ways to implement preventive actions, including those regarding the problem of tick-borne diseases in humans, should take into account a number of factors that determine their effectiveness. The creation of effective educational strategies translates into the effectiveness of prevention efforts and negative social effects.Celem pracy jest analiza skali zagro偶enia zwi膮zanego ze specyfik膮 chor贸b odkleszczowych, w tym szczeg贸lnie boreliozy oraz wyznaczenie kierunk贸w dzia艂a艅 profilaktycznych. W tym celu dokonano szczeg贸艂owego przegl膮du literatury, analizuj膮c dane epidemiologiczne oraz najnowsze badania naukowe z obszaru profilaktyki i edukacji zdrowotnej, w aspekcie zjawiska boreliozy. Jak wskaza艂a WHO w uzasadnieniu podj臋cia tematu chor贸b wektorowych, istotnym dzia艂aniem jest zwi臋kszenie poziomu wiedzy i 艣wiadomo艣ci zdrowotnej ludno艣ci mieszkaj膮cej na obszarach najbardziej zagro偶onych, jak r贸wnie偶 podr贸偶uj膮cych do kraj贸w endemicznego wyst臋powania chorobotw贸rczych wektor贸w. Dodatkowa aktywno艣膰 WHO w zakresie profilaktyki chor贸b powodowanych przez wektory wynika z przyj臋cia globalnej strategii w zakresie chor贸b przenoszonych przez wektory na lata 2017-2030 (GVCR 2017-2030). Na poziomie unijnym w odniesieniu do chor贸b przenoszonych przez wektory jest realizowany europejski program Emerging and Vector-borne Diseases (EVD) Programme. Na poziomie krajowym podstawowym aktem prawnym odnosz膮cym si臋 do problematyki chor贸b zaka藕nych jest ustawa z dnia 5 grudnia 2008 r. o zapobieganiu oraz zwalczaniu zaka偶e艅 i chor贸b zaka藕nych u ludzi. Podstawowym podmiotem realizuj膮cym dzia艂ania z zakresu profilaktyki i edukacji zdrowotnej w Polsce jest G艂贸wny Inspektorat Sanitarny. Kreowanie nowych sposob贸w na realizacj臋 dzia艂a艅 profilaktycznych, obejmuj膮cych problem chor贸b odkleszczowych u ludzi, powinno uwzgl臋dnia膰 szereg czynnik贸w determinuj膮cych ich skuteczno艣膰. Budowanie efektywnych strategii edukacyjnych przek艂ada si臋 bowiem na skuteczno艣膰 zapobiegania negatywnym skutkom zdrowotnym i spo艂ecznym