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    Snappers are edible fish of great commercial importance in Panama since their meat is highly appreciated for its excellent texture and taste; all species in the family are commercially exploited. Lutjanus peru (Nichols and Murphy, 1922) is an important species for the artisanal, industrial and recreational fisheries. The main objective was to describe at microscopic level the cycle of ripeness of the females of the red / silk snapper. Samples of histological cuts were prepared with the Hematoxilin-Eosin's dye routine. Due to the presence of oocytes at different stages of maturation throughout the year, this histological review allows us to deduce that Lutjanus peru has a spaced reproduction period that coincides with the rainy season, with a peak in June and most likely another spawning period towards November and December. Red snapper’s, has a reproductive period spread with a maximum gonadal maturation in June. As we find evidence that the total length (Lt) of catches has decreased and that most of the captured females are young specimens, this implies the need to improve management measures.Lutjanus peru (Nichols y Murphy, 1922) es una especie importante para la pesca artesanal, industrial y recreativa. El objetivo principal fue describir a nivel microscópico el ciclo de madurez de las hembras del pargo rojo/seda. Este análisis histológico nos permite deducir que Lutjanus peru tiene un período de reproducción espaciado que coincide con la temporada de lluvias, con un pico en junio. Las muestras de cortes histológicos fueron preparadas con la rutina de tinción de hematoxilina-eosina. Observamos que en una década (1990-1999) las longitudes totales promedio de la hembra del pargo de seda han disminuido, esto permite entender la necesidad de mejorar las medidas de manejo de la especie, con especial atención en la supervisión continua y cuidadosa de las capturas, del esfuerzo de pesca y de la selectividad para prevenir o controlar la captura de los especímenes menores a 40 cm. &nbsp

    REGISTRO DE Venefica tentaculata (Garman,1899) EN AGUAS DE AMÉRICA CENTRAL

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    The systematic status of a specimen belonging tu the Nettastomatidae family, coilected during the fishing campaigns made in 1995 aboard the B/P Orense, in the waters ofthe Economic Exclusive Zone (E.E.Z) of the Salvadoran Pacific was established. Literature allowed identification of the individual as Venefica tentaculata (Garman, 1899). This is the first record ofthis batipelagig flsh in Central American waters. 11ie sample was compared with those at the reference collection of the National Museum of Natural Histoiy (Washington, DC) and The Academy ofNatural Sciences (Philadelphia).Se define la posición Sistemática de un ejemplar perteneciente a la familia NETTATOSMATIDAE colectado durante la campaña de pesca realizada en 1995 a bordo del B/P Orense, en aguas de la Zona Económica Exclusiva (ZEE) pertenecientes al Pacífico de la República del Salvador. La literatura revisada, permite citar al espécimen como Venefica tentaculata (Garman, 1899) y el mismo representaría un nuevo registro para la fauna de peces batipelágicos enlaregión