1 research outputs found

    Control interno y rentabilidad en las empresas del sector de ventas de fertilizantes y abonos para la agricultura en los distritos de Lima metropolitana, 2020

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    La presente investigaci贸n tuvo como objetivo general determinar s铆 el control interno influye en la rentabilidad de las empresas del Sector de ventas de fertilizantes y abonos para la agricultura en los distritos de lima metropolitana, 2020. Se utiliz贸 el enfoque cuantitativo, tipo de investigaci贸n aplicada, mientras que su dise帽o no experimental, explicativo y descriptivo. Un grupo de 14 empresas conforman la poblaci贸n del estudio, de los cuales 86 colaboradores toman la muestra para la investigaci贸n, comprendiendo al gerente general, contador, asistentes contables, administradores. Se recolect贸 datos mediante la encuesta y el instrumento del cuestionario, los mismos que ser谩n tratados estad铆sticamente. El estudio llego a la siguiente conclusi贸n: Se determin贸 que el control interno influye significativamente en la rentabilidad de las empresas del Sector de ventas de fertilizantes y abonos para la agricultura en los distritos de lima metropolitana, 2020, determin谩ndose que la aplicaci贸n del control interno no es un tema que involucra 煤nicamente al 谩rea contable, sino que es ineludible la participaci贸n y compromiso de toda la organizaci贸n para obtener una rentabilidad que beneficia a todos.The general objective of this research was to determine whether internal control influences the profitability of companies in the fertilizer and fertilizer sales sector for agriculture in the districts of metropolitan Lima, 2020. The quantitative approach was used, type of applied research, while its design was non-experimental, explanatory, and descriptive. A group of 10 companies make up the population of the study, of which 86 collaborators are sampled for the research, comprising the general manager, accountant, accounting assistants, administrators. Data were collected by means of the survey and the questionnaire instrument, which will be treated statistically. The study reached the following conclusion: It was determined that internal control significantly influences the profitability of companies in the fertilizer and fertilizer sales sector for agriculture in the districts of metropolitan Lima, 2020, determining that the application of internal control is not an issue that involves only the accounting area, but it is essential the participation and commitment of the entire organization to obtain a profitability that benefits everyone