22 research outputs found

    Tailor-Made Detection of Individual Phosphorylated and Non-Phosphorylated EPIYA-Motifs of Helicobacter pylori Oncoprotein CagA

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    The gastric pathogen and carcinogen Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) encodes a type IV secretion system for translocation of the effector protein CagA into host cells. Injected CagA becomes tyrosine-phosphorylated at the five amino acid residue Glutamate-Proline- Isoleucine-Tyrosine-Alanine (EPIYA)-sequence motifs. These phosphorylated EPIYA-sites represent recognition motifs for binding of multiple host factors, which then manipulate signaling pathways to trigger gastric disease. Thus, efficient detection of single phosphorylated EPIYA-motifs in CagA is required. Detection of phospho-CagA is primarily performed using commercial pan-phosphotyrosine antibodies. However, those antibodies were originally generated to recognize many phosphotyrosines in various mammalian proteins and are not optimized for use in bacteria. To address this important limitation, we synthesized 11-mer phospho- and non-phospho-peptides from EPIYA-motifs A, B, and C, and produced three phospho-specific and three non-phospho-specific rabbit polyclonal CagA antibodies. These antibodies specifically recognized the corresponding phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated EPIYA-motifs, while the EPIYA-C antibodies also recognized the related East-Asian EPIYA-D motif. Otherwise, no cross-reactivity of the antibodies among EPIYAs was observed. Western blotting demonstrated that each EPIYA-motif can be predominantly phosphorylated during H. pylori infection. This represents the first complete set of phospho-specific antibodies for an effector protein in bacteria, providing useful tools to gather information for the categorization of CagA phosphorylation, cancer signaling, and gastric disease progression

    Induction of TLR-2 and TLR-5 Expression by Helicobacter pylori Switches cagPAI-Dependent Signalling Leading to the Secretion of IL-8 and TNF-α

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    Helicobacter pylori is the causative agent for developing gastritis, gastric ulcer, and even gastric cancer. Virulent strains carry the cag pathogenicity island (cagPAI) encoding a type-IV secretion system (T4SS) for injecting the CagA protein. However, mechanisms of sensing this pathogen through Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and downstream signalling pathways in the development of different pathologies are widely unclear. Here, we explored the involvement of TLR-2 and TLR-5 in THP-1 cells and HEK293 cell lines (stably transfected with TLR-2 or TLR-5) during infection with wild-type H. pylori and isogenic cagPAI mutants. H. pylori triggered enhanced TLR-2 and TLR-5 expression in THP-1, HEK293-TLR2 and HEK293-TLR5 cells, but not in the HEK293 control. In addition, IL-8 and TNF-α cytokine secretion in THP-1 cells was induced in a cagPAI-dependent manner. Furthermore, we show that HEK293 cells are not competent for the uptake of T4SS-delivered CagA, and are therefore ideally suited for studying TLR signalling in the absence of T4SS functions. HEK293 control cells, which do not induce TLR-2 and TLR-5 expression during infection, only secreted cytokines in small amounts, in agreement with T4SS functions being absent. In contrast, HEK293-TLR2 and HEK293-TLR5 cells were highly competent for inducing the secretion of IL-8 and TNF-α cytokines in a cagPAI-independent manner, suggesting that the expression of TLR-2 or TLR-5 has profoundly changed the capability to trigger pro-inflammatory signalling upon infection. Using phospho-specific antibodies and luciferase reporter assays, we further demonstrate that H. pylori induces IRAK-1 and IκB phosphorylation in a TLR-dependent manner, and this was required for activation of transcription factor NF-κB. Finally, NF-κB activation in HEK293-TLR2 and HEK293-TLR5 cells was confirmed by expressing p65-GFP which was translocated from the cytoplasm into the nucleus. These data indicate that H. pylori-induced expression of TLR-2 and TLR-5 can qualitatively shift cagPAI-dependent to cagPAI-independent pro-inflammatory signalling pathways with possible impact on the outcome of H. pylori-associated diseases

    Helicobacter pylori controls NLRP3 expression by regulating hsa-miR-223-3p and IL-10 in cultured and primary human immune cells

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    Inflammasome-mediated production of mature IL-1β and IL-18 cytokines represents an important innate immune response against infecting pathogens. Helicobacter pylori, one of the most successful and persistent human pathogens, induces severe inflammation leading to gastritis and more serious gastric diseases. H. pylori modulates different immune responses for its survival and inflammasome signaling is manipulated by the cag pathogenicity island (cagPAI), urease and VacA cytotoxin. Here we report that H. pylori regulates NLRP3 expression, an inflammasome forming regulator, in infected THP-1 monocytes. This response was independent of the major H. pylori pathogenicity-associated factors CagA, VacA, Cgt, FlaA and cagPAI. Two NLRP3 expression controlling factors, the NLRP3 mRNA targeting microRNA hsa-miR-223-3p and cytokine IL-10, were found to work in tandem for its regulation. H. pylori infection also induced copious amount of pro-IL-1β in THP-1 monocytes/macrophages but secreted a very low amount of mature IL-1β. Moreover, secreted IL-10 correlated with the down-regulation of nigericin-induced NLRP3 inflammasome activation of LPS-primed THP-1 monocytes and human PBMCs from volunteers. However, H. pylori-treated PBMCs secreted significantly more mature IL-1β throughout the infection period, which suggests a different mode of activation. Taken together, this study demonstrates targeting of inflammasome-forming NLRP3, an important innate immunity component, and crucial manipulation of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in H. pylori infection

    Inflammasome activation by helicobacter pylori and its implications for persistence and immunity

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    Infection with the Gram-negative pathogen Helicobacter pylori is the most prevalent chronic bacterial infection affecting about 50 % of the human world population and is the main risk factor for gastric cancer development. The pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β plays a crucial role in the development of gastric tumors, and polymorphisms in the IL-1 gene cluster resulting in increased IL-1β production have been associated with increased risk for gastric cancer. Recently, Helicobacter pylori was postulated to activate the inflammasome in human and mouse immune cells, and the molecular mechanisms and the bacterial virulence factors activating the inflammasome were elucidated in cell culture as well as animal models. It appears that H. pylori-induced IL-1β secretion is mediated by activation of toll-like receptor 2 (TLR-2), Nod-like receptor family member NLRP3 and caspase-1. The cag pathogenicity island-encoded type IV secretion system, lipopolysaccharide, vacuolating cytotoxin, and urease B subunit appear to play a role in inflammasome activation. In addition, recent results indicate that the TLR-2 → NLRP3 → caspase-1 → IL-18 axis is critical to H. pylori-specific immune regulation conferring protection against allergen-induced asthma and inflammatory bowel disease in murine models. The present chapter will review the proposed mechanisms of NLRP3 inflammasome activation during H. pylori infection and discuss the recent progress in this important research field

    Helicobacter pylori Avoids the Critical Activation of NLRP3 Inflammasome-Mediated Production of Oncogenic Mature IL-1β in Human Immune Cells

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    Helicobacter pylori persistently colonizes the human stomach, and is associated with inflammation-induced gastric cancer. Bacterial crosstalk with the host immune system produces various inflammatory mediators and subsequent reactions in the host, but not bacterial clearance. Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) is implicated in gastric cancer development and certain gene polymorphisms play a role in this scenario. Mature IL-1β production depends on inflammasome activation, and the NLRP3 inflammasome is a major driver in H. pylori-infected mice, while recent studies demonstrated the down-regulation of NLRP3 expression in human immune cells, indicating a differential NLRP3 regulation in human vs. mice. In addition to the formation of mature IL-1β or IL-18, inflammasome activation induces pyroptotic death in cells. We demonstrate that H. pylori infection indeed upregulated the expression of pro-IL-1β in human immune cells, but secreted only very low amounts of mature IL-1β. However, application of exogenous control activators such as Nigericin or ATP to infected cells readily induced NLRP3 inflammasome formation and secretion of high amounts of mature IL-1β. This suggests that chronic H. pylori infection in humans manipulates inflammasome activation and pyroptosis for bacterial persistence. This inflammasome deregulation during H. pylori infection, however, is prone to external stimulation by microbial, environmental or host molecules of inflammasome activators for the production of high amounts of mature IL-1β and signaling-mediated gastric tumorigenesis in humans

    Interplay of the Gastric Pathogen Helicobacter pylori with Toll-Like Receptors

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are crucial for pathogen recognition and downstream signaling to induce effective immunity. The gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori is a paradigm of persistent bacterial infections and chronic inflammation in humans. The chronicity of inflammation during H. pylori infection is related to the manipulation of regulatory cytokines. In general, the early detection of H. pylori by TLRs and other pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) is believed to induce a regulatory cytokine or chemokine profile that eventually blocks the resolution of inflammation. H. pylori factors such as LPS, HSP-60, NapA, DNA, and RNA are reported in various studies to be recognized by specific TLRs. However, H. pylori flagellin evades the recognition of TLR5 by possessing a conserved N-terminal motif. Activation of TLRs and resulting signal transduction events lead to the production of pro-and antiinflammatory mediators through activation of NF-B, MAP kinases, and IRF signaling pathways. The genetic polymorphisms of these important PRRs are also implicated in the varied outcome and disease progression. Hence, the interplay of TLRs and bacterial factors highlight the complexity of innate immune recognition and immune evasion as well as regulated processes in the progression of associated pathologies. Here we will review this important aspect of H. pylori infection

    <i>H. pylori</i> infection of different HEK293 cell lines induces NF-κB and AP-1 activation in a TLR2- or TLR-5-dependent fashion.

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    <p>NF-κB and AP-1 luciferase reporter constructs were transfected into HEK293, HEK293-TLR2, and HEK293-TLR5 cells for 48 hours and followed by infection with <i>H. pylori</i> for 5 hours. The NF-κB and AP-1 luciferase reporter expression was analyzed as function of activation.</p

    <i>H. pylori</i> infection of different HEK293 cell lines induces IκB phosphorylation at Ser-32 in a TLR2- or TLR-5-dependent fashion.

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    <p>(A) Western blot analysis of IκB phosphorylation in HEK293, HEK293-TLR2, and HEK293-TLR5 after 2 hours of infection. Blots for house keeping gene GAPDH were used as loading control. (B) Densitometric measurement of band intensities revealed the percentage of IκB phosphorylation per sample. The strongest band was set 100% as indicated.</p