27 research outputs found

    Evaluation of differences in health-related quality of life during the treatment of post-burn scars in pre-school and school children

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    [b]objective[/b]. The aim of the research was an assessment of the differences in the self-evaluation of health-related quality of life during the treatment of post-burn scars on the upper limbs of pre-school and school children. [b]materials and method[/b]. a group of 120 children were examined – 66 boys and 54 girls, divided into a pre-school group of 60 children (average age 4.3 ± 1.7) and a primary school group of 60 children (average age 10.4 ± 1.2). The structured interview and an adopted Visual Analog Anxiety Scale and Visual Analog Unpleasant Events Tolerance Scale were used to evaluate the level of plaster tolerance, and anxiety caused by the removal of dressings during treatment. [b]results[/b]. In the first test, In both groups, a low tolerance was noted to the pressure plaster, with the pre-school aged children obtaining worse results (x=18.9 ± SD 10.16) than those of school age (x=33.65± SD 13,21), regardless of gender. Pre-school children were afraid (x=47.5 ± SD 24.26), while school-aged children were not afraid of having the plaster removed (x=20.5 ± SD 9.46). The differences between the groups were statistically significant. In the fourth and final test on pre-school aged children, the tolerance of plasters had improved (x=23.24 ± SD 15.43) obtaining a value somewhat lower than for school-aged children (32.4 ± SD 6.45), as well as a noted fall in the anxiety level (30.83 ± SD 23.38) with an average value insignificantly higher than that recorded for the children of school age (15.83 ± SD 6.19). [b]conclusions[/b]. The tests confirmed the appearance of differences in the self-evaluation of health-related life quality in pre-school and school-aged children

    An evaluation of life satisfaction and health – Quality of life of senior citizens

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    Introduction Modern medicine is still searching for the antecedents which will lead to [i]successful aging[/i]. The article discusses the self-perception of life satisfaction and health of senior citizens. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between self-evaluation of life satisfaction and health by senior citizens in comparison to different age groups. Material and Methods The study included 463 persons – 230 men and 233 women. The age of the participants was in the range 16 – 83 years. All participants were asked to fill the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (Fragebogen zur Lebenszufriedenheit – FLZ). The FLZ questionnaire assesses the global life satisfaction of a person and health domain separately. Results The results show age-related differences in the evaluation of life satisfaction. Accordingly, there is a significant change in health evaluations in different age groups, but there are no significant gender differences in health self-report data. The senior citizens’ assessment of general health, although the lowest among all the age-subgroups, showed significant difference only in relation to the people below 45 years of age. The significant differences in satisfaction from mental health occurred only for the elderly and participants aged 25–34 and 35–44. Conclusions Life satisfaction is associated with subjective health evaluations. There are two domains (mental health and performance) that are positively evaluated by more than two-thirds of senior citizens. The observed differences challenge stereotypes and prejudices relating to negative aging process. Senior citizens can improve their control beliefs and develop self-regulation and coping skills

    Deterioro cognitivo, síntomas depresivos y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca estable severa

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    Antecedentes/Objetivo : Las enfermedades cardiovasculares y la depresión son comunes y, muchas veces, coexistentes empeorando la calidad de vida. Además, existen trastornos de funciones cognitivas omnipresentes en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca. Se obser - van deficiencias de distinto nivel de severidad en varios dominios cognitivos. Asimismo, en la depresión existen problemas cognitivos que podrían perjudicar el funcionamiento cotidiano, obstaculizar la adaptación a la enfermedad y empeorar los pronósticos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la relación entre calidad de vida, intensificación de trastornos depresivos y trastornos de ciertos aspectos de las funciones ejecutivas y me - moria en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca grave y estable. Método : Los estudios se realizaron en un grupo de 50 pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca grave y estable, y otro de 50 pacientes con enfermedad coronaria, pero sin insuficiencia cardiaca. Resultados : Los resultados de las pruebas cognitivas son notablemente peores en el grupo con insufi - ciencia cardiaca en comparación con el grupo control. Se observó una calidad de vida considerablemente peor y unos resultados significativamente más altos en la prueba BDI- II. No se demostró que los trastornos cognitivos influyeran en el empeoramiento de la calidad de vida. Sin embargo, se observó que los síntomas de depresión influían en la calidad de vida. Conclusiones : El factor que afecta significativamente la calidad de vida es la intensificación de los síntomas depresivos

    An evaluation of anti-social behaviour in children after traumatic brain injury-prospects for improving the quality of life in rehabilitation

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    Introduction and objective. The aim of the article is to present the consequences of traumatic brain injury in children, associated with general cognition and behavioural disorders, mainly of the anti-social type. Materials and method. A total of 20 school-age children took part in the study – 6 girls and 14 boys; average age of the children – 13.35 years (standard deviation SD = 1.95). The research instruments included an analysis of documentation, a structured clinical interview, MMSE and Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBInv) with an additional set of 5 supplementary questions directed at the detection of anti-social behaviour. Results. The functioning of the children with traumatic brain injury is severely disrupted because of the presence of cognitive impairment; however, dementia was not manifested. In a significant number of the children with traumatic brain injury, not only frontal syndrome was found, but also the occurrence of anti-social behaviour. The most commonly reported behavioural problems were: disorganization, commonly referred to as laziness, hypersensitivity, and anxiety. The most common types of anti-social behaviours were: impulsivity, physical and verbal aggression, as well as outbursts of anger. Conclusions. The children with traumatic brain injury suffer from cognitive disorders and behavioural problems, especially impulsivity, physical and verbal aggression, increased anxiety, and disorganization. The occurrence of frontal syndrome is related to the development of anti-social behaviour