479 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Bump Hunting Using Principal Components

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    Principal Components Analysis is a widely used technique for dimension reduction and characterization of variability in multivariate populations. Our interest lies in studying when and why the rotation to principal components can be used effectively within a response-predictor set relationship in the context of mode hunting. Specifically focusing on the Patient Rule Induction Method (PRIM), we first develop a fast version of this algorithm (fastPRIM) under normality which facilitates the theoretical studies to follow. Using basic geometrical arguments, we then demonstrate how the PC rotation of the predictor space alone can in fact generate improved mode estimators. Simulation results are used to illustrate our findings.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figure

    Methods of tropical optimization in rating alternatives based on pairwise comparisons

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    We apply methods of tropical optimization to handle problems of rating alternatives on the basis of the log-Chebyshev approximation of pairwise comparison matrices. We derive a direct solution in a closed form, and investigate the obtained solution when it is not unique. Provided the approximation problem yields a set of score vectors, rather than a unique (up to a constant factor) one, we find those vectors in the set, which least and most differentiate between the alternatives with the highest and lowest scores, and thus can be representative of the entire solution.Comment: 9 pages, presented at the Annual Intern. Conf. of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Germany, August 30 - September 2, 201

    The influence of the Lande gg-factor in the classical general relativistic description of atomic and subatomic systems

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    We study the electromagnetic and gravitational fields of the proton and electron in terms of the Einstenian gravity via the introduction of an arbitrary Lande gg-factor in the Kerr-Newman solution. We show that at length scales of the order of the reduced Compton wavelength, corrections from different values of the gg-factor are not negligible and discuss the presence of general relativistic effects in highly ionized heavy atoms. On the other hand, since at the Compton-wavelength scale the gravitational field becomes spin dominated rather than mass dominated, we also point out the necessity of including angular momentum as a source of corrections to Newtonian gravity in the quantum description of gravity at this scale.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    The Effect of High Fat Diet on Marrow Adipocytes from C57BL/6J (B6) Mice

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    In mice models, the administration of a high fat diet (HFD) is an accelerating factor for metabolic syndrome, impaired glucose tolerance, and early type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) (1)https://knowledgeconnection.mainehealth.org/lambrew-retreat-2021/1049/thumbnail.jp

    Regular and Chaotic Motion in General Relativity: The Case of a Massive Magnetic Dipole

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    Circular motion of particles, dust grains and fluids in the vicinity of compact objects has been investigated as a model for accretion of gaseous and dusty environment. Here we further discuss, within the framework of general relativity, figures of equilibrium of matter under the influence of combined gravitational and large-scale magnetic fields, assuming that the accreted material acquires a small electric charge due to interplay of plasma processes and photoionization. In particular, we employ an exact solution describing the massive magnetic dipole and we identify the regions of stable motion. We also investigate situations when the particle dynamics exhibits the onset of chaos. In order to characterize the measure of chaoticness we employ techniques of Poincar\'e surfaces of section and of recurrence plots.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, published in the proceedings of the conference "Relativity and Gravitation: 100 Years after Einstein in Prague" (25. - 29. 6. 2012, Prague

    Forecast Ergodicity: Prediction Modeling Using Algorithmic Information Theory

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    The capabilities of machine intelligence are bounded by the potential of data from the past to forecast the future. Deep learning tools are used to find structures in the available data to make predictions about the future. Such structures have to be present in the available data in the first place and they have to be applicable in the future. Forecast ergodicity is a measure of the ability to forecast future events from data in the past. We model this bound by the algorithmic complexity of the available data

    Hypothesis testing with active information

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    We develop hypothesis testing for active information -the averaged quantity in the Kullback-Liebler divergence. To our knowledge, this is the first paper to derive exact probabilities of type-I errors for hypothesis testing in the area.Comment: Typo changed in one of the names in the Metadata, and a reference to an equation from the paper in the Supplemen

    Is Cosmological Tuning Fine or Coarse?

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    The fine-tuning of the universe for life, the idea that the constants of nature (or ratios between them) must belong to very small intervals in order for life to exist, has been debated by scientists for several decades. Several criticisms have emerged concerning probabilistic measurement of life-permitting intervals. Herein, a Bayesian statistical approach is used to assign an upper bound for the probability of tuning, which is invariant with respect to change of physical units, and under certain assumptions it is small whenever the life-permitting interval is small on a relative scale. The computation of the upper bound of the tuning probability is achieved by first assuming that the prior is chosen by the principle of maximum entropy (MaxEnt). The unknown parameters of this MaxEnt distribution are then handled in such a way that the weak anthropic principle is not violated. The MaxEnt assumption is "maximally noncommittal with regard to missing information." This approach is sufficiently general to be applied to constants of current cosmological models, or to other constants possibly under different models. Application of the MaxEnt model reveals, for example, that the ratio of the universal gravitational constant to the square of the Hubble constant is finely tuned in some cases, whereas the amplitude of primordial fluctuations is not.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure. Substantial reorganization and expansion to make it more clea

    Equatorial symmetry/antisymmetry of stationary axisymmetric electrovac spacetimes

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    Two theorems are proved concerning how stationary axisymmetric electrovac spacetimes that are equatorially symmetric or equatorially antisymmetric can be characterized correctly in terms of the Ernst potentials \E and Φ\Phi or in terms of axis-data.Comment: 8 page