42 research outputs found

    UU-Tax at SemEval-2022 Task 3: Improving the generalizability of language models for taxonomy classification through data augmentation

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    This paper presents our strategy to address the SemEval-2022 Task 3 PreTENS: Presupposed Taxonomies Evaluating Neural Network Semantics. The goal of the task is to identify if a sentence is deemed acceptable or not, depending on the taxonomic relationship that holds between a noun pair contained in the sentence. For sub-task 1 -- binary classification -- we propose an effective way to enhance the robustness and the generalizability of language models for better classification on this downstream task. We design a two-stage fine-tuning procedure on the ELECTRA language model using data augmentation techniques. Rigorous experiments are carried out using multi-task learning and data-enriched fine-tuning. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed model, UU-Tax, is indeed able to generalize well for our downstream task. For sub-task 2 -- regression -- we propose a simple classifier that trains on features obtained from Universal Sentence Encoder (USE). In addition to describing the submitted systems, we discuss other experiments that employ pre-trained language models and data augmentation techniques. For both sub-tasks, we perform error analysis to further understand the behaviour of the proposed models. We achieved a global F1_Binary score of 91.25% in sub-task 1 and a rho score of 0.221 in sub-task 2

    A Comparative Study of Fuzzy Topic Models and LDA in terms of Interpretability

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    In many domains that employ machine learning models, both high performing and interpretable models are needed. A typical machine learning task is text classification, where models are hardly interpretable. Topic models, used as topic embeddings, carry the potential to better understand the decisions made by text classification algorithms. With this goal in mind, we propose two new fuzzy topic models; FLSA-W and FLSA-V. Both models are derived from the topic model Fuzzy Latent Semantic Analysis (FLSA). After training each model ten times, we use the mean coherence score to compare the different models with the benchmark models Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and FLSA. Our proposed models generally lead to higher coherence scores and lower standard deviations than the benchmark models. These proposed models are specifically useful as topic embeddings in text classification, since the coherence scores do not drop for a high number of topics, as opposed to the decay that occurs with LDA and FLSA

    A Comparative Study of Fuzzy Topic Models and LDA in terms of Interpretability

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    In many domains that employ machine learning models, both high performing and interpretable models are needed. A typical machine learning task is text classification, where models are hardly interpretable. Topic models, used as topic embeddings, carry the potential to better understand the decisions made by text classification algorithms. With this goal in mind, we propose two new fuzzy topic models; FLSA-W and FLSA-V. Both models are derived from the topic model Fuzzy Latent Semantic Analysis (FLSA). After training each model ten times, we use the mean coherence score to compare the different models with the benchmark models Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and FLSA. Our proposed models generally lead to higher coherence scores and lower standard deviations than the benchmark models. These proposed models are specifically useful as topic embeddings in text classification, since the coherence scores do not drop for a high number of topics, as opposed to the decay that occurs with LDA and FLSA

    UU-Tax at SemEval-2022 Task 3: Improving the generalizability of language models for taxonomy classification through data augmentation

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    This paper presents our strategy to address the SemEval-2022 Task 3 PreTENS: Presupposed Taxonomies Evaluating Neural Network Semantics. The goal of the task is to identify if a sentence is deemed acceptable or not, depending on the taxonomic relationship that holds between a noun pair contained in the sentence. For sub-task 1—binary classification—we propose an effective way to enhance the robustness and the generalizability of language models for better classification on this downstream task. We design a two-stage fine-tuning procedure on the ELECTRA language model using data augmentation techniques. Rigorous experiments are carried out using multi-task learning and data-enriched fine-tuning. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed model, UU-Tax, is indeed able to generalize well for our downstream task. For sub-task 2 —regression—we propose a simple classifier that trains on features obtained from Universal Sentence Encoder (USE). In addition to describing the submitted systems, we discuss other experiments that employ pre-trained language models and data augmentation techniques. For both sub-tasks, we perform error analysis to further understand the behaviour of the proposed models. We achieved a global F1BinaryBinary score of 91.25% in sub-task 1 and a rho score of 0.221 in sub-task 2

    Modest performance of text mining to extract health outcomes may be almost sufficient for high-quality prognostic model development

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    Background: Across medicine, prognostic models are used to estimate patient risk of certain future health outcomes (e.g., cardiovascular or mortality risk). To develop (or train) prognostic models, historic patient-level training data is needed containing both the predictive factors (i.e., features) and the relevant health outcomes (i.e., labels). Sometimes, when the health outcomes are not recorded in structured data, these are first extracted from textual notes using text mining techniques. Because there exist many studies utilizing text mining to obtain outcome data for prognostic model development, our aim is to study the impact of the text mining quality on downstream prognostic model performance. Methods: We conducted a simulation study charting the relationship between text mining quality and prognostic model performance using an illustrative case study about in-hospital mortality prediction in intensive care unit patients. We repeatedly developed and evaluated a prognostic model for in-hospital mortality, using outcome data extracted by multiple text mining models of varying quality. Results: Interestingly, we found in our case study that a relatively low-quality text mining model (F1 score 0.50) could already be used to train a prognostic model with quite good discrimination (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of around 0.80). The calibration of the risks estimated by the prognostic model seemed unreliable across the majority of settings, even when text mining models were of relatively high quality (F1 0.80). Discussion: Developing prognostic models on text-extracted outcomes using imperfect text mining models seems promising. However, it is likely that prognostic models developed using this approach may not produce well-calibrated risk estimates, and require recalibration in (possibly a smaller amount of) manually extracted outcome data

    Modest performance of text mining to extract health outcomes may be almost sufficient for high-quality prognostic model development

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    Background: Across medicine, prognostic models are used to estimate patient risk of certain future health outcomes (e.g., cardiovascular or mortality risk). To develop (or train) prognostic models, historic patient-level training data is needed containing both the predictive factors (i.e., features) and the relevant health outcomes (i.e., labels). Sometimes, when the health outcomes are not recorded in structured data, these are first extracted from textual notes using text mining techniques. Because there exist many studies utilizing text mining to obtain outcome data for prognostic model development, our aim is to study the impact of the text mining quality on downstream prognostic model performance. Methods: We conducted a simulation study charting the relationship between text mining quality and prognostic model performance using an illustrative case study about in-hospital mortality prediction in intensive care unit patients. We repeatedly developed and evaluated a prognostic model for in-hospital mortality, using outcome data extracted by multiple text mining models of varying quality. Results: Interestingly, we found in our case study that a relatively low-quality text mining model (F1 score ≈ 0.50) could already be used to train a prognostic model with quite good discrimination (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of around 0.80). The calibration of the risks estimated by the prognostic model seemed unreliable across the majority of settings, even when text mining models were of relatively high quality (F1 ≈ 0.80). Discussion: Developing prognostic models on text-extracted outcomes using imperfect text mining models seems promising. However, it is likely that prognostic models developed using this approach may not produce well-calibrated risk estimates, and require recalibration in (possibly a smaller amount of) manually extracted outcome data

    Natural Language Processing and Text Mining (Turning Unstructured Data into Structured)

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    The integration of natural language processing (NLP) and text mining techniques has emerged as a key approach to harnessing the potential of unstructured clinical text data. This chapter discusses the challenges posed by clinical narratives and explores the need to transform them into structured formats for improved data accessibility and analysis. The chapter navigates through key concepts, including text pre-processing, text classification, text clustering, topic modeling, and advances in language models and transformers. It highlights the dynamic interplay between these techniques and their applications in tasks ranging from disease classification to extraction of side effects. In addition, the chapter acknowledges the importance of addressing bias and ensuring model explainability in the context of clinical prediction systems. By providing a comprehensive overview, the chapter offers insights into the synergy of NLP and text mining techniques in shaping the future of biomedical AI, ultimately leading to safer, more efficient, and more informed healthcare decisions

    Challenges in Reproducing Human Evaluation Results for Role-Oriented Dialogue Summarization

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    There is a growing concern regarding the reproducibility of human evaluation studies in NLP. As part of the ReproHum campaign, we conducted a study to assess the reproducibility of a recent human evaluation study in NLP. Specifically, we attempted to reproduce a human evaluation of a novel approach to enhance Role-Oriented Dialogue Summarization by considering the influence of role interactions. Despite our best efforts to adhere to the reported setup, we were unable to reproduce the statistical results as presented in the original paper. While no contradictory evidence was found, our study raises questions about the validity of the reported statistical significance results, and/or the comprehensiveness with which the original study was reported. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive account of our reproduction study, detailing the methodologies employed, data collection, and analysis procedures. We discuss the implications of our findings for the broader issue of reproducibility in NLP research. Our findings serve as a cautionary reminder of the challenges in conducting reproducible human evaluations and prompt further discussions within the NLP community

    Towards Interpreting Topic Models with ChatGPT

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    Topic modeling has become a popular approach to identify semantic structures in text corpora. Despite its wide applications, interpreting the outputs of topic models remains challenging. This paper presents an initial study regarding a new approach to better understand this output, leveraging the large language model ChatGPT. Our approach is built on a three- stage process where we first use topic modeling to identify the main topics in the corpus. Then, we ask a domain expert to assign themes to these topics and prompt ChatGPT to generate human- readable summaries of the topics. Lastly, we compare the human- and machine-produced interpretations. The domain expert found half of ChatGPT’s descriptions useful. This explorative work demonstrates ChatGPT’s capability to describe topics accurately and provide useful insights if prompted accurately