6 research outputs found

    A qPCR targeted against the viral replication origin designed to quantify total amount of filamentous phages and phagemids

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    Filamentous bacteriophages are widely used in phage display technology. The most common quantification method is lysis plaque formation test (PFT). This technique has several disadvantages, and only quantifies infective phages and is not effective when phagemids are used. We developed a qPCR method directed against the M13 replication origin, which detects between 3.3 9 103 and 3.3 9 108 viral genome copies with a linearity of R2 = 0.9998. Using this method we were able to observe a difference of approximately ten more phages than with the PFT. This difference was not due to the presence of a free genome, which suggests the presence of non-infective particles. Using a DNaseI treatment, we observed the presence of 30% to 40% of unpackaged genome in recombinant phage modified in PIII or PVIII. The qPCR method with a DNase I treatment is an efficient method to quantify the total amount of filamentous phages.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Diet of the Kelp gull (Larus dominicanus) during the breeding season in the Bahía Blanca Estuary, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    La Gaviota Cocinera (Larus dominicanus) está ampliamente distribuida en Argentina. Es una especie de comportamiento alimentario generalista y oportunista; según algunos autores, su capacidad de explotar recursos alimentarios derivados de actividades humanas ha favorecido su expansión geográfica. En este estudio se da a conocer la dieta de la Gaviota Cocinera durante el período reproductivo en una colonia de 3114 nidos ubicada en la Isla del Puerto, estuario de Bahía Blanca, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Se analizó un total de 1024 egagrópilas, cinco regurgitados de pichones y 12 de volantones, recolectados entre los meses de octubre y diciembre de 2003. Se registraron 39 categorías presa, de las cuales los granos (principalmente girasol) y la carroña de ganado vacuno tuvieron los mayores porcentajes en la dieta (54.6% y 29.0%, respectivamente). Ambos recursos están disponibles en grandes cantidades en las cercanías de la colonia, lo que podría estar favoreciendo el incremento poblacional observado en los últimos años. Otras presas halladas en la dieta, en orden decreciente de ocurrencia, fueron peces óseos, gasterópodos, insectos, cirripedios, basura, quitones, pelecípodos, roedores y otros. En la colonia de la Isla del Puerto, al igual que lo observado en otras colonias de la costa patagónica, la Gaviota Cocinera se comportaría como una especie generalista, con una fuerte tendencia a la explotación de recursos de origen humano y, en menor medida, de presas del ambiente marino costero.The Kelp Gull (Larus dominicanus) is widely distributed in Argentina. Several authors suggest that the species is expanding its geographic distribution due to its capacity to exploit food resources derived from human activities. This study shows the diet composition of the Kelp Gull during breeding season in a colony of 3114 nests located in the Del Puerto Island, Bahía Blanca estuary, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. A total of 1024 pellets, five chick regurgitates, and 12 fledgling regurgitates collected between October and December 2003 were analyzed. A total of 39 prey categories were recorded, being grains (mainly sunflower) and cattle carrion the most important items (54.6% and 29.0%, respectively). These prey items are available in large quantities in the proximity of the colony, which could favour the population increase observed in the last years. Fishes, marine snails, insects, barnacles, garbage, chitons, mussels, clams, and rodents were also observed. Gulls from this colony, as in other colonies along the Patagonian coast, are generalists with a strong tendency to the exploitation of human-derived resources and, to a lesser degree, of seashore preys.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Paraguay’s approach to biotechnology governance: a comprehensive guide

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    This study analyzes Paraguay’s biotechnology regulatory framework and its alignment with international standards amid biotechnological advancements. It also identifies areas of improvement for enhancing framework effectiveness. Through this work, we aim to provide a resource for policymakers, stakeholders, and researchers navigating Paraguay’s biotechnology regulation

    Isolation and characterization of native Trichoderma spp. and phytopathogenic fungi in Paraguay

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    The objective of the work was to isolate and characterize morphologically native strains of Trichoderma spp. and phytopathogens from different growing regions of Paraguay, as well as establish the methodological conditions for the molecular characterization of native Trichoderma isolates.CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencias y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Phytochemical Discrimination, Biological Activity and Molecular Docking of Water-Soluble Inhibitors from Saussurea costus Herb against Main Protease of SARS-CoV-2

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    Siddha medicine is one of the oldest medical systems in the world and is believed to have originated more than 10,000 years ago and is prevalent across ancient Tamil land. It is undeniable that inhibitor preferences rise with increasing solubility in water due to the considerations pertaining to the bioavailability and the ease of which unabsorbed residues can be disposed of. In this study, we showed the phytochemical discrimination of Saussurea costus extracted with water at room temperature as a green extraction procedure. A total of 48 compounds were identified using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The fatty acids had a high phytochemical abundance at 73.8%, followed by tannins at 8.2%, carbohydrates at 6.9%, terpenoids at 4.3%, carboxylic acids at 2.5%, hydrocarbons at 2.4%, phenolic compounds at 0.2%, and sterols at 1.5%. Of these compounds, 22 were docked on the active side and on the catalytic dyad of His41 and Cys145 of the main protease of SARS-CoV-2 (Mpro). Eight active inhibitors were carbohydrates, five were fatty acids, three were terpenoids, two were carboxylic acids, one was a tannin, one was a phenolic compound, and one was a sterol. The best inhibitors were 4,8,13-Cyclotetradecatriene-1,3-diol, 1,5,9-trimethyl-12-(1-methylethyl), Andrographolide, and delta.4-Androstene-3.beta.,17.beta.-diol, with a binding affinity that ranged from −6.1 kcal/mol to −6.5 kcal/mol. The inhibitory effect of Saussurea costus of SARS-CoV-2 entry into the cell was studied using a pseudovirus with Spike proteins from the D614G variant and the VOC variants Gamma and Delta. Based on the viral cycle of SARS-CoV-2, our results suggest that the Saussurea costus aqueous extract has no virucidal effect and inhibits the virus in the events after cell entry. Furthermore, the biological activity of the aqueous extract was investigated against HSV-1 virus and two bacterial strains, namely Staphylococcus aureus ATCC BAA 1026 and Escherichia coli ATCC 9637. According to this study, an enormous number of water-soluble inhibitors were identified from Saussurea costus against the Mpro, and this is unprecedented as far as we know

    Caracterizacion de los tipos de aflatoxinas y hongos aflatoxigénicos presentes en yerba mate elaborada (Ilex paraguaiensis)

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    "El objetivo general del proyecto es caracterizar los tipos de aflatoxinas y hongos aflatoxigénicos presentes en yerba mate elaborada (Ilex paraguariensis)"CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencias y TecnologíaPROCIENCI