70 research outputs found

    Quality evaluation of selected tools to automate application testing

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    The subject of this article is a comparison of selected tools for the implementation of software tests. Seven open source tools were selected for the analysis: Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, JMeter, SoapUI, SikuliX, AutoIT, Katalon Studio. The research was carried out using dedicated test applications (desktop, web and web service) with the same functionality

    ASP.NET MVC database applications performance

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    During web application development, working with a database and choosing appropriate tool for database managing is extremely important. This choice influences both final application and its development process. However there is a large number of possibilities of choosing the best tool to use in a project. It often provides some difficulties. The main goal of this paper is to present the advantages and disadvantages of three popular solutions for ASP.NET MVC platform (ADO.NET, Entity Framework, NHibernate) to help make the proper decision

    Test-Driven Development as a tool to optimize the JEE programming

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    The article is about the benefits of using the Test-Driven Development methodology. Tests were carried out on the author's application based on Java Enterprise Edition platform. The investigated methodology was compared with the standard approach to writing tests

    Performance analysis of React v. 18.1.0 and Angular v. 11.0.2 development frameworks: Analiza wydajności szkieletów programistycznych React v. 18.1.0 i Angular v. 11.0.2

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    This paper presents the results of the comparative analysis of the two JavaScript frameworks. The research was carried out using test applications with the same functionalities, implemented in both environments. The number of bytes occupied by both projects, the number of lines of code, the average RAM consumption and the time efficiency were used as criteria for comparison. Automatic load tests and technical analysis of both environments were performed. The results showed that React is able to better handle a large amount of data (around 100 000 records), while for small data sets oscillating around 1000 records, no significant differences in both application performance were demonstrated. For a medium number of records (10000), React proved to be more efficient

    Modern technologies for creating graphical user interface in web applications

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    The goal of the article is to compare the three most commonly used tools for creating a graphical user interface in web applications. The analysis was carried out for the currently most popular tools: Angular, React and Vue. Test applications with identical user interface, implemented in three technologies, were used for the research. The article compares, above all, the performance related to page loading time and memory usage

    Comparison of web applications development using Spring MVC and Vaadin

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    The article presents the results of web application development effectiveness on Java platform in 1.8 version using Spring MVC and Vaadin frameworks. The comparative analysis was conducted with test applications, implementing the same functionalities in both technologies

    Performance optimization of web applications using Qwik

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    This article analyzes the performance of three frameworks - React.js, Next.js and Qwik - that offer different methods of rendering application views. The purpose of the study was to show whether the new Qwik framework allows for better application load times compared to the other frameworks. The study was conducted using 3 applications representing the same research content, referring to cases occurring in production environments. In order to assess the performance, the Google Lighthouse tool was used, thanks to which it was proved that it is impossible to unequivocally say that Qwik allows for better optimization of the application compared to other frameworks

    Hosting models comparison of ASP.NET Core application

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    The article presents hosting models comparison of ASP.NET Core application. Available hosting models were described and compared and then performance comparison was carried out. For each model the same test scenarios were executed and their performance was determined by number of requests per second which host was able to process. The results obtained show that standard model is the least efficient one and using one of the other configurations, for example, IIS with Kestrel (in-process), Kestrel or HTTP.sys might provide even several times better performance compared to standard model

    Web application development using ASP.NET MVC and JavaServer Faces

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    The paper presents the results of comparative analysis of two competing web application technologies: ASP.NET MVC from Microsoft and JavaServer Faces (JSF) supported by Oracle. The research was done by implementing two applications with the same functionality using the same MySQL database. The most commonly used ORM tools are Hibernate for JSF and Entity Framework for ASP.NET MVC. The research was done by comparison the application structure, ease of implementation, support of the development environment, community support, graphical interface components, and database performance

    Comparative analysis of Front-End Code Playground tools

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    This article contains comparative analysis of selected Front-End Code Playground tools. The included tables were performed on the results of tests of the considered applications and the analysis of their documentation. The comparison was made for several criteria (including: features of code editors, custom modes of creating projects, support for preprocessors and project export methods). The conclusions drawn from the comparison allowed dividing the considered tools into three groups (applications with: high, moderate and low level of advancement)