29 research outputs found

    Sulfide enrichment along igneous layer boundaries in the lower oceanic crust: IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Pieterek, B., Ciazela, J., Boulanger, M., Lazarov, M., Wegorzewski, A., Pańczyk, M., Strauss, H., Dick, H. J. B., Muszyński, A., Koepke, J., Kuhn, T., Czupyt, Z., & France, L. Sulfide enrichment along igneous layer boundaries in the lower oceanic crust: IODP Hole U1473A, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 320, (2022): 179–206, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2022.01.004.Reactive porous or focused melt flows are common in crystal mushes of mid-ocean ridge magma reservoirs. Although they exert significant control on mid-ocean ridge magmatic differentiation, their role in metal transport between the mantle and the ocean floor remains poorly constrained. Here we aim to improve such knowledge for oceanic crust formed at slow-spreading centers (approximately half of present-day oceanic crust), by focusing on specific igneous features where sulfides are concentrated. International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 360 drilled Hole U1473A 789 m into the lower crust of the Atlantis Bank oceanic core complex, located at the Southwest Indian Ridge. Coarse-grained (5–30 mm) olivine gabbro prevailed throughout the hole, ranging locally from fine- (30 mm). We studied three distinct intervals of igneous grain size layering at 109.5–110.8, 158.0–158.3, and 593.0–594.4 meters below seafloor to understand the distribution of sulfides. We found that the layer boundaries between the fine- and coarse-grained gabbro were enriched in sulfides and chalcophile elements. On average, sulfide grains throughout the layering were composed of pyrrhotite (81 vol.%; Fe1-xS), chalcopyrite (16 vol.%; CuFeS2), and pentlandite (3 vol.%; [Ni,Fe,Co]9S8), which reflect paragenesis of magmatic origin. The sulfides were most commonly associated with Fe-Ti oxides (titanomagnetites and ilmenites), amphiboles, and apatites located at the interstitial positions between clinopyroxene, plagioclase, and olivine. Pentlandite exsolution textures in pyrrhotite indicate that the sulfides formed from high-temperature sulfide liquid separated from mafic magma that exsolved upon cooling. The relatively homogenous phase proportion within sulfides along with their chemical and isotopic compositions throughout the studied intervals further support the magmatic origin of sulfide enrichment at the layer boundaries. The studied magmatic layers were likely formed as a result of intrusion of more primitive magma (fine-grained gabbro) into the former crystal mush (coarse-grained gabbro). Sulfides from the coarse-grained gabbros are Ir-Platinum Group Element-rich (PGE; i.e., Ir, Os, Ru) but those from the fine-grained gabbros are Pd-PGE-rich (i.e., Pd, Pt, Rh). Notably, the sulfides from the layer boundaries are also enriched in Pd-PGEs, and therefore elevated sulfide contents at the boundaries were likely related to the new intruding melt. Because S concentration at sulfide saturation level is dependent on the Fe content of the melt, sulfide crystallization may have been caused by FeO loss, both via crystallization of late-precipitating oxides at the boundaries, and by exchange of Fe and Mg between melt and Fe-bearing silicates (olivine and clinopyroxene). The increased precipitation of sulfide grains at the layer boundaries might be widespread in the lower oceanic crust, as also observed in the Semail ophiolite and along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Therefore, this process might affect the metal budget of the global lower oceanic crust. We estimate that up to ∼20% of the Cu, ∼8% of the S, and ∼84% of the Pb of the oceanic crust inventory is accumulated at the layer boundaries only from the interaction between crystal mush and new magma.This research was funded by National Science Centre Poland (PRELUDIUM 12 no. 2016/23/N/ST10/00288), Graduate Academy of the Leibniz Universität Hannover (60421784), and ECORD Research Grant to J. Ciazela, as well as Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (KO1723/23-1) to J. Koepke and H. Strauss. J. Ciazela is additionally supported within the START program of the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP). This is CRPG contribution No. 2813

    Test-Driven Development as a tool to optimize the JEE programming

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    W artykule poruszono temat korzyści płynących z zastosowania metodyki Test-Driven Development. Badania przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem autorskiej aplikacji na platformę Java Enterprise Edition. Badana metodyka została porównana ze standardowym podejściem pisania testów.The article is about the benefits of using the Test-Driven Development methodology. Tests were carried out on the author's application based on Java Enterprise Edition platform. The investigated methodology was compared with the standard approach to writing tests

    Object-relational mapping technologies in PHP applications

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    Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje porównanie dwóch najczęściej wykorzystywanych w programowaniu aplikacji internetowych PHP technologii mapowania obiektowo-relacyjnego: Propel i Doctrine. Analiza porównawcza została wykonana na podstawie aplikacji testowej i odpowiednio opracowanych scenariuszy. Wyniki zaprezentowano w postaci zestawień tabelarycznych i wykresów. We wnioskach wskazano korzyści wynikające ze stosowania obu technologii w odniesieniu do czystego kodu PHP.This paper presents a comparison of the two most commonly used for PHP applications object-relational mapping technologies: Propel and Doctrine. The comparative analysis was made on the basis of the test application and test cases. The results are presented in tables and figures. The conclusions indicate the benefits of applying both technologies in relation to the pure PHP code

    Comparison of features and capabilities of modern Linux file systems ext4, XFS, Btrfs

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    W artykule zostały porównane trzy nowoczesne systemy plików powszechnie stosowanych w systemach Linux: ext4, Btrfs i XFS. Została omówiona budowa i cechy funkcjonalne poszczególnych systemów plików. Systemy plików zostały porównane pod względem wydajności. Uwzględniono specyfikę dysków SSD i przystosowanie do pracy z nimi. Do testów funkcjonalności oraz wydajności został użyty system Ubuntu 15.10This article compares three modern Linux file systems: ext4, Btrfs and XFS. Their construction and functional features were discussed. File systems were compared in terms of performance. Additionally modern SSD drives were included in discussion. Ubuntu 15.10 distribution was used to test functionality and performance of these three Linux file systems

    The current software tools for the JEE platform

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    Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy i opisuje aktualnie stosowane narzędzia wspomagające proces wytwarzania oprogramowania na platformę Java Enterprise Edition. W artykule dokonano wyboru omawianych narzędzi w oparciu o statystyki wykorzystania udostępnione na stronach internetowych. Przeanalizowano zintegrowane środowiska programistyczne, narzędzia do kontroli wersji kodu, narzędzia automatyzujące budowę oprogramowania oraz analizujące poprawność kodu. W niniejszej pracy wskazano najbardziej optymalne (według autora) narzędzia, wykorzystując je do budowy przykładowej aplikacji testowej w środowisku JEE.This article is an overview and describes the currently used tools supporting software development process for Java Enterprise Edition. The tools were selected based on the usage statistics provided by websites. Analysis includes integrated development environments, code revision tools, software automation tools, and code validation tools. This paper shows the most optimal (according to the author) tools, using them to build sample test application in JEE

    Teoretyczne podstawy metody elemntów brzegowych Fouriera

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    The traditional Boundary Element Method (BEM) is a collection of numerical techniques for solving some partial differential equations. The classical BEM produces fully populated coefficients matrix. With Galerkin Boundary Element Method (GBEM) is possible to produce the symmetric coefficients matrix. The Fourier BEM is a more general numerical approach and allows to avoid problems with singular integrals . The article presents the main aspects of Fourier BEM equations and the comparison of GBEM and Fourier BEM formulation.Tradycyjna metoda elementów brzegowych(MEB) prowadzi w efekcie do rozwiązania układu równań liniowych z pełną macierzą współczynników. Stosując podejście Galerkina ostateczny układ równań liniowych jest reprezentowany macierzą symetryczną. W podejściu Fouriera, współczynniki układu równań wyznaczane są w przestrzeni Fouriera co pozwala uniknąć problemów z całkowaniem całek nieosobliwych. W artykule zaprezentowano podstawowe założenia MEB Fouriera oraz porównanie z MEB Galerkina

    Web applicatin development usin the PEAR library

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    Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje możliwości biblioteki PEAR w procesie szybkiego wytwarzania aplikacji internetowych w języku PHP. Na podstawie przykładów zostaną zaprezentowane zalety oraz korzyści płynące z użytkowania biblioteki PEAR. Stosowanie repozytoriów klas z niniejszej biblioteki pozwala znacznie uprościć i zoptymalizować kod w procesie programowania aplikacji PHP.The paper presents the possibility of the PEAR library in the rapid production of the PHP applications. The advantages and benefits of the use of the PEAR are going to be presented. Use of this repository class library can significantly simplify and optimize the PHP code and accelerate the process of the web application programming