4 research outputs found

    Creative service business and regional performance: evidence for the European regions

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11628-012-0165-7[EN] The study shows the important impact that the creative service business exerts on the wealth of European regions. The study disentangles the differences between creative service business and other non-creative service business, and explores how much each type of service business contributes to the wealth of the European regions. Most importantly, the study provides robust evidence about the fact that creative service business industries present the highest impact on the wealth of the European regions. The study has important implications for scholars and policymakers, focusing specifically on the type of service business that should be promoted by regional governments.The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Universitat Polite`cnica de Vale`ncia (Spain) for financially supporting this research (ECO2010-17318 MICINN Project and Research Project n. 2677-UPV). Dr. Hervas-Oliver acknowledges funding from the Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria d’EducacioÂŽ (BEST, 2011; London School of Economics and Political Science), and the enormous support received from the London School of Economics.Boix, R.; Miguel Molina, MBD.; HervĂĄs Oliver, JL. (2013). Creative service business and regional performance: evidence for the European regions. Service Business. 7(3):381-398. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11628-012-0165-7S38139873Alexander N, Akehurst G (2005) Identifying the role of services in the regional economy and servicing the identity of the region. 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