143 research outputs found

    Disentangling astroglial physiology with a realistic cell model in silico

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    Electrically non-excitable astroglia take up neurotransmitters, buffer extracellular K+ and generate Ca2+ signals that release molecular regulators of neural circuitry. The underlying machinery remains enigmatic, mainly because the sponge-like astrocyte morphology has been difficult to access experimentally or explore theoretically. Here, we systematically incorporate multi-scale, tri-dimensional astroglial architecture into a realistic multi-compartmental cell model, which we constrain by empirical tests and integrate into the NEURON computational biophysical environment. This approach is implemented as a flexible astrocyte-model builder ASTRO. As a proof-of-concept, we explore an in silico astrocyte to evaluate basic cell physiology features inaccessible experimentally. Our simulations suggest that currents generated by glutamate transporters or K+ channels have negligible distant effects on membrane voltage and that individual astrocytes can successfully handle extracellular K+ hotspots. We show how intracellular Ca2+ buffers affect Ca2+ waves and why the classical Ca2+ sparks-and-puffs mechanism is theoretically compatible with common readouts of astroglial Ca2+ imaging

    Clinicopathological significance of homeoprotein Six1 in hepatocellular carcinoma

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    Tumour recurrence and metastases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after hepatectomy are the major obstacles of long-term survival. The present study investigated the clinicopathological significance of a possible metastasis regulator Six1 in HCC patients who were undergone hepatectomy. Seventy-two pairs of RNA and 103 pairs of protein from tumour and adjacent nontumour liver tissues of HCC patients were examined. About 85 and 60% of HCC tumour tissues were found to overexpress Six1 mRNA and protein, respectively, compared with nontumour liver tissues. No Six1 protein was detected in HCC nontumour liver tissues and normal liver tissues. Increased Six1 protein expression in HCC patients was significantly correlated with pathologic tumour-node-metastasis (pTNM) stage (P=0.002), venous infiltration (P=0.004) and poor overall survival (P=0.0423). We concluded that Six1 is frequently overexpressed in HCC patients and elevated Six1 protein in HCC patients may be an indication of advanced stage and poor overall survival after hepatectomy

    Three-dimensional structure of a viral genome-delivery portal vertex.

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    DNA viruses such as bacteriophages and herpesviruses deliver their genome into and out of the capsid through large proteinaceous assemblies, known as portal proteins. Here, we report two snapshots of the dodecameric portal protein of bacteriophage P22. The 3.25-Å-resolution structure of the portal-protein core bound to 12 copies of gene product 4 (gp4) reveals a ~1.1-MDa assembly formed by 24 proteins. Unexpectedly, a lower-resolution structure of the full-length portal protein unveils the unique topology of the C-terminal domain, which forms a ~200-Å-long α-helical barrel. This domain inserts deeply into the virion and is highly conserved in the Podoviridae family. We propose that the barrel domain facilitates genome spooling onto the interior surface of the capsid during genome packaging and, in analogy to a rifle barrel, increases the accuracy of genome ejection into the host cell

    Encoding of Temporal Information by Timing, Rate, and Place in Cat Auditory Cortex

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    A central goal in auditory neuroscience is to understand the neural coding of species-specific communication and human speech sounds. Low-rate repetitive sounds are elemental features of communication sounds, and core auditory cortical regions have been implicated in processing these information-bearing elements. Repetitive sounds could be encoded by at least three neural response properties: 1) the event-locked spike-timing precision, 2) the mean firing rate, and 3) the interspike interval (ISI). To determine how well these response aspects capture information about the repetition rate stimulus, we measured local group responses of cortical neurons in cat anterior auditory field (AAF) to click trains and calculated their mutual information based on these different codes. ISIs of the multiunit responses carried substantially higher information about low repetition rates than either spike-timing precision or firing rate. Combining firing rate and ISI codes was synergistic and captured modestly more repetition information. Spatial distribution analyses showed distinct local clustering properties for each encoding scheme for repetition information indicative of a place code. Diversity in local processing emphasis and distribution of different repetition rate codes across AAF may give rise to concurrent feed-forward processing streams that contribute differently to higher-order sound analysis
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