28 research outputs found

    Operating results of the Netherlands National Air Quality Monitoring Network in the year 1989

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarIn this report an overview is presented concerning the operating results of the Netherlands National Air Quality Monitoring Network in the year 1989. The measurements in this network are carried out under the responsibility of the Laboratory for Air Research of the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection.RIV

    Operating results of the automatic measuring equipment and of the data acquisition system of the Netherlands National Air Quality Monitoring Network in the years 1987 and 1988.

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarIn this report an overview is presented of the operating results of the automatic measuring equipment and of the data acquisition system of the Netherlands National Air Quality Monitoring Network in the years 1987 and 1988. The measuring equipment for sulphur dioxyde including a new monitor scored a number of failures of 0,92 a year only. As a result of a modification of one of the monitor's electrodes the equipment for carbon monxyde showed less defects. The mean number of failures in the equipment for ozone is higher than in the old network. This score is attributed tot the poor quality of the Rhodamine B discs used in the monitors. The high failures's number for the equipment for nitrogen oxydes is related to service and maintenance. The results for the equipment for wind velocity and for wind direction are good. During 1987 and 1988 the failure's number for the data acquisition combination modem and stationprocessor are 0,97 and 0,81 respectively. In general, the performance of the network can be described by two parameters the net effieciency of the equipment and the gross efficiency. Net effieciencies are higher than in previous years for sulphur dioxyde, carbon monoxyde and for nitrogen oxydes. Net effieciency of the ozone equipment is about the same in the new network and in the old one. Network's gross efficiency is 92%.RIV

    Towards a new age of virtual ADME/TOX and multidimensional drug discovery

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    With the continual pressure to ensure follow-up molecules to billion dollar blockbuster drugs, there is a hurdle in profitability and growth for pharmaceutical companies in the next decades. With each success and failure we increasingly appreciate that a key to the success of synthesized molecules through the research and development process is the possession of drug-like properties. These properties include an adequate bioactivity as well as adequate solubility, an ability to cross critical membranes (intestinal and sometimes blood-brain barrier), reasonable metabolic stability and of course safety in humans. Dependent on the therapeutic area being investigated it might also be desirable to avoid certain enzymes or transporters to circumvent potential drug-drug interactions. It may also be important to limit the induction of these same proteins that can result in further toxicities. We have clearly moved the assessment of in vitro absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity (ADME/TOX) parameters much earlier in the discovery organization than a decade ago with the inclusion of higher throughput systems. We are also now faced with huge amounts of ADME/TOX data for each molecule that need interpretation and also provide a valuable resource for generating predictive computational models for future drug discovery. The present review aims to show what tools exist today for visualizing and modeling ADME/TOX data, what tools need to be developed, and how both the present and future tools are valuable for virtual filtering using ADME/TOX and bioactivity properties in parallel as a viable addition to present practices

    Towards a new age of virtual ADME/TOX and multidimensional drug discovery

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    With the continual pressure to ensure follow-up molecules to billion dollar blockbuster drugs, there is hurdle in profitability and growth for pharmaceutical companies in the next decades. With each success and failure we increasingly appreciate that key to the success of synthesized molecules through the research and development process is the possession of drug-like properties. These properties include an adequate bioactivity as well as adequate solubility, an ability to cross critical membranes (intestinal and sometimes blood-brain barrier), reasonable metabolic stability and of course safety in humans. Dependent on the therapeutic area being investigated it might also be desirable to void certain enzymes or transporters to circumvent potential drug-drug interactions. It may also be important to limit the induction of these same proteins that can result in further toxicities. We have clearly moved the assessment of in vitro absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and toxicity (ADME/TOX) parameters much earlier in the discovery organization than decade ago with the inclusion of higher throughput systems. We are also now faced with huge amounts of ADME/TOX data for each molecule that need interpretation and also provide valuable resource for generating predictive computational models for future drug discovery. The present review aims to show what tools exist today for visualizing and modeling ADME/TOX data, what tools need to be developed, and how both the present and future tools are valuable for virtual filtering using ADME/TOX and bioactivity properties in parallel as viable addition to present practices

    Evaluation on the performance of the Dutch National Quality Network in 1991

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarIn this report the results of an evaluation of the technical performance of the Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network in 1991 are presented. The average brute component efficiences, i.e. a measure for the availability of measuring data, are: - for the automatically measured components [CO, NOx, O3 SO2] 98%; - for the meteorological parameters [global radiation, temperature, wind direction, wind speed]97%; - for aerosols etc. [black smoke, acidifying compounds, metals, tsp.] 97%. - for the chemical composition of precipitation [i.a. acidifying compounds heavy metals] 97%. Current Dutch legislation requires the measurement of a number of components in such way that only a minimal loss of data is tolerated. The number of stations wich did not meet the legal requirements in 1991 are: 3 for CO [12% of the total number of stations], 7 for NO2 [17%], 7 for SO2 [18%], 0 for lead aerosol and 9 for black smoke [45%].DGM/L

    Evaluation of the technical performance of the Dutch National Air Quality Network in 1990

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarIn this report the results of an evaluation of the technical performance of the Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network in 1990 are presented. The average brute component efficiences, i.e. a measure for the availability of measuring data, are: - for the automatically measured components [CO, NOx, O3, SO2] 97% ; - for the meteorological parameters [global radiation, temperature, wind direction, wind speed] 96% ; - for aerosols etc. [black smoke, acidifying compounds, metals, tsp.] 97% ; - for the chemical composition of precipitation [i.a. acidifying compounds, heavy metals] 95%. Current Dutch legislation requires the measurement of a number of components in such way that only a minimal loss of data is tolerated. The number of stations which did not meet the legal requirements in 1990 are: 3 for CO [12% of the total number of stations], 2 for NO2 [5%], 11 for SO2 [13%], O for lead aerosol and 6 for black smoke [30%]. In general, considerable improvement has been achieved in comparison to 1989. Nevertheless, for certain activities [black smoke and chemical composition of precipitation logistical procedures have to be redefined to improve efficiency and/or quality of the measurements.DGM/

    Evaluation of the performance of the Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network in 1993

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    In dit rapport wordt het technisch functioneren van het Landelijk Meetnet Luchtkwaliteit [LML] in 1993 geevalueerd. Tevens wordt de beschikbaarheid van meetwaarden beschouwd mede in relatie tot wettelijke eisen [AMvB's] zoals die voor een aantal componenten zijn geformuleerd. Het gemiddeld bruto component rendement, een maat voor de beschikbaarheid van meetwaarden, bedroeg voor de automatische opstellingen voor gasvormige componenten 95,7%, voor fijn stof 86,0% en voor de meteorologische grootheden 98,0%. Het gemiddeld bruto component rendement voor de semi-automatische opstellingen bedroeg 97,3%. Hiermee heeft het meetnet in 1993 een vergelijkbaar rendement behaald als in vorige jaren. Overzicht van de bruto component rendementen in 1993: * GASVORMIGE COMPONENTEN: ammoniak: 87,9; koolstofmonoxide: 97,2 ; ozon: 95,4 ; stikstofoxiden: 94 ,0; zwaveldioxide 97,8. * DEELTJESVORMIGE EN DEELTJESGEBONDEN COMPONENTEN: fijn stof 86,0 ; metalen met mvs 98,8 ; verzurende aerosolen met lvs 97,0 ; zwarte rook 97,0. * CHEMISCHE SAMENSTELLING VAN NEERSLAG IN HET KADER VAN HET LML: meting neerslaghoeveelheid 98,9 ; monsterverzameling 100 ; * CHEMISCHE SAMENSTELLING VAN NEERSLAG IN HET KADER VAN ECE/EMEP: 100. * METEOROLOGISCHE GROOTHEDEN: globale straling 96,7 ; temperatuur 97,4 ; windrichting 98,5; windsnelheid 98,1. Van de automatische opstellingen heeft de NOx-monitor opnieuw matig gefunctioneerd. Dit resulteerde tevens in een groot verlies van meetwaarden voor ozon. Daarnaast is de prestatie van de monitor voor fijn stof mager te noemen. Opvallend is de sterke verbetering in prestatie van de ammoniak opstellingen (+21,1% t.o.v. 1992). Storingen in de data-acquisitieapparatuur zorgde voor vrijwel alle automatische componenten voor het ontbreken van circa 1% van de meetwaarden. Een gewijzigde bedrijfsvoering m.b.t. de meting van zwarte rook heeft het functioneren van deze opstelling sterk verbeterd (+3,6% t.o.v. 1992). De toetsing van de beschikbaarheid van meetwaarden aan de wettelijke kwantitatieve eisen leverde de volgende aantallen AMvB ongeldige stations op: - drie voor de meting van koolstofmonoxide [14%] ; - dertien voor de meting van stikstofdioxide [28%] ; - negen voor de meting van zwaveldioxide [13%] ; - geen voor de monsterneming van lood [0%] ; - vijf voor de monsterneming van zwarte rook [31%].In this report the results of an evaluation of the technical performance of the Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network in 1993 are presented.The average brute component efficiencies, i.e. a measure for the availability of measuring data, are: - for the automatically measured gaseous components [NH3, CO, NOx, O3, SO2]: 95,7% ; - for the automatic fine dust measurements: 86,0% ; - for the meteorological parameters [global radiation, relative humidity, temperature, wind direction, wind speed]: 98,0% ; - for aerosols etc. [black smoke, acidifying compounds, metals, tsp] 97,2% ; - for the chemical composition of precipitation [i.a. acidifying compounds, heavy metals] 100%. Current Dutch legislation requires the measurement of a number of components in such way that only a minimal loss of data is tolerated. The number of stations which did not meet the legal requirements in 1993 are: three for CO [14% of the total number of stations], thirteen for NO2 [28%], nine for SO2 [13%], zero for lead aerosol [0%] and 5 for black smoke [31%].DGM/L

    Evaluation of the performance of the Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network in 1994

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    In dit rapport wordt het technisch functioneren van het Landelijk Meetnet Luchtkwaliteit (LML) in 1994 geevalueerd. Tevens wordt de beschikbaarheid van meetwaarden beschouwd mede in relatie tot wettelijke eisen (AMvB's) zoals die voor een aantal componenten zijn geformuleerd. Het gemiddeld bruto component rendement, een maat voor de beschikbaarheid van meetwaarden, bedroeg voor de automatische opstellingen voor gasvormige componenten (NH3, CO, NOx, O3, SO2) 95,5%, voor fijn stof 90,0% en voor de meteorologische grootheden (windrichting en windsnelheid) 95,7%. Het gemiddeld bruto component rendement voor de semi-automatische opstellingen (zwarte rook, verzurende aerosolen, metalen in aerososlvorm) bedroeg 90,4% en voor de opstellingen voor de monsterneming van de chemische samenstelling van de neerslag 86,8%. Hiermee heeft het meetnet in 1994 met de automatische opstellingen een vergelijkbaar rendement behaald als in vorige jaren. De verdere invoering van structurele validatieprocedures heeft weliswaar geleid tot een daling in het rendement van de semi-automatische opstellingen, maar dit is voor een belangrijk deel toe te schrijven aan de geflatteerde rendementen in vorige jaren door kwalitatief mindere procedures. De toetsing van de beschikbaarheid van meetwaarden aan de wettelijke kwantitatieve eisen leverde de volgende aantallen AMvB ongeldige stations op: 1 voor de meting van koolstofmonoxide (6%), 10 voor stikstofdioxide (24%), 4 voor zwaveldioxide (11%), 4 voor de monsterneming van lood (100%) en 7 voor de monsterneming van zwarte rook (54%).The results of an evaluation of the technical performance of the Dutch National Air Quality Monitoring Network in 1994 are presented. The average brute component efficiencies, i.e. a measure for the availability of measuring data, are:- for the automatically measured gaseous components (NH3, CO, NOx, O3, SO2): 95,5% ; - for the volatile organic components: 80,8% ; - for the automatic fine dust measurements: 90,0% ; - for the meteorological parameters (wind direction, wind speed): 95,7% ; - for aerosols etc. (black smoke, acidifying compounds, metals) 92,7% ; - for the chemical composition of precipitation (i.a. acidifying compounds, heavy metals) 86,8%. Current Dutch legislation requires the measurement of a number of components in such way that only a minimal loss of data is tolerated. The number of stations which did not meet the legal requirements in 1994 are: 1 for CO (6% of the total number of stations), 10 for NO2 (24%), 4 for SO2 (11%), 4 for lead aerosol (100%) and 7 for black smoke (54%).DGM/L