4,957 research outputs found

    A momentum-dependent perspective on quasiparticle interference in Bi_{2}Sr_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{8+\delta}

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    Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) probes the momentum-space electronic structure of materials, and provides invaluable information about the high-temperature superconducting cuprates. Likewise, the cuprate real-space, inhomogeneous electronic structure is elucidated by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy (STS). Recently, STS has exploited quasiparticle interference (QPI) - wave-like electrons scattering off impurities to produce periodic interference patterns - to infer properties of the QP in momentum-space. Surprisingly, some interference peaks in Bi_{2}Sr_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{8+\delta} (Bi-2212) are absent beyond the antiferromagnetic (AF) zone boundary, implying the dominance of particular scattering process. Here, we show that ARPES sees no evidence of quasiparticle (QP) extinction: QP-like peaks are measured everywhere on the Fermi surface, evolving smoothly across the AF zone boundary. This apparent contradiction stems from different natures of single-particle (ARPES) and two-particle (STS) processes underlying these probes. Using a simple model, we demonstrate extinction of QPI without implying the loss of QP beyond the AF zone boundary

    Quantification of the performance of chaotic micromixers on the basis of finite time Lyapunov exponents

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    Chaotic micromixers such as the staggered herringbone mixer developed by Stroock et al. allow efficient mixing of fluids even at low Reynolds number by repeated stretching and folding of the fluid interfaces. The ability of the fluid to mix well depends on the rate at which "chaotic advection" occurs in the mixer. An optimization of mixer geometries is a non trivial task which is often performed by time consuming and expensive trial and error experiments. In this paper an algorithm is presented that applies the concept of finite-time Lyapunov exponents to obtain a quantitative measure of the chaotic advection of the flow and hence the performance of micromixers. By performing lattice Boltzmann simulations of the flow inside a mixer geometry, introducing massless and non-interacting tracer particles and following their trajectories the finite time Lyapunov exponents can be calculated. The applicability of the method is demonstrated by a comparison of the improved geometrical structure of the staggered herringbone mixer with available literature data.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Hemodialysis Complications of Hydroxocobalamin: A Case Report

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    Hydroxocobalamin is a new antidote approved by the FDA for the treatment of cyanide poisoning. Our report describes a patient with cyanide poisoning who survived after treatment with hydroxocobalamin and complications we encountered with hemodialysis. A 34-year-old female presented to the emergency department after a syncopal event and seizures. Her systolic blood pressure was 75 mmHg, her QRS complex progressively widened, and pulses were lost. She was intubated and resuscitated with fluids, sodium bicarbonate for her QRS widening and vasopressors. Venous blood gas demonstrated a pH of 6.36 with an O2 saturation of 99%. Due to the acidemia with a normal pulse oximetry, simultaneous venous and arterial blood gases were obtained. Venous gas demonstrated a pH of 6.80 with a PO2 of 222 mmHg, an O2 saturation of 99%. The arterial blood gas showed a pH of 6.82, a PO2 518 mmHg, an O2 saturation of 100%. Cyanide was suspected and hydroxocobalamin and sodium thiosulfate were given. Within 40 min of hydroxocobalamin administration, vasopressors were discontinued. Initially, nephrology attempted dialysis for metabolic acidosis; however, the dialysis machine repeatedly shut down due to a “blood leak”. This was an unforeseen effect attributed to hydroxocobalamin. Cyanide level, drawn 20 min after the antidote was completed, was elevated at 22 mcg/dL. Her urinary thiocyanate level could not be analyzed due to an “interfering substance”. Hydroxocobalamin is an effective antidote. However, clinicians must be aware of its effects on hemodialysis machines which could delay the initiation of this important treatment modality in the severely acidemic patient

    Runs of homozygosity implicate autozygosity as a schizophrenia risk factor

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    Autozygosity occurs when two chromosomal segments that are identical from a common ancestor are inherited from each parent. This occurs at high rates in the offspring of mates who are closely related (inbreeding), but also occurs at lower levels among the offspring of distantly related mates. Here, we use runs of homozygosity in genome-wide SNP data to estimate the proportion of the autosome that exists in autozygous tracts in 9,388 cases with schizophrenia and 12,456 controls. We estimate that the odds of schizophrenia increase by ~17% for every 1% increase in genome-wide autozygosity. This association is not due to one or a few regions, but results from many autozygous segments spread throughout the genome, and is consistent with a role for multiple recessive or partially recessive alleles in the etiology of schizophrenia. Such a bias towards recessivity suggests that alleles that increase the risk of schizophrenia have been selected against over evolutionary time

    Three-year tracking of fatty acid composition of plasma phospholipids in healthy children

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    Objectives: The fatty acid composition of plasma phospholipids reflects the dietary fatty acid intake as well as endogenous turnover. We aimed at investigating the potential tracking of plasma phospholipid fatty acid composition in children that participated in a prospective cohort study. Methods: 26 healthy children participated in a longitudinal study on health risks and had been enrolled after birth. All children were born at term with birth weights appropriate for gestational age. Follow-up took place at ages 24, 36 and 60 months. At each time point a 24-hour dietary recall was obtained, anthropometric parameters were measured and a blood sample for phospholipid fatty acid analysis was taken. Results: Dietary intake of saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids at the three time points were not correlated. We found lower values for plasma MUFA and the MUFA/SFA ratio at 60 months compared to 24 months. In contrast, total PUFA, total n-6 and n-6 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) were higher at 60 months. Significant averaged correlation coefficients (average of Pearson's R for 24 versus 36 months and 36 versus 60 months) were found for n-6 LC-PUFA (r = 0.67), n-6/n-3 LC-PUFA ratio (r = 0.59) and arachidonic acid/linoleic acid ratio (r = 0.64). Partial tracking was found for the docosahexaenoic acid/alpha-linolenic acid ratio (r = 0.33). Body mass index and sum of skinfolds Z-scores were similar in the three evaluations. Conclusions: A significant tracking of n-6 LC-PUFA, n-6 LC-PUFA/n-3 LC-PUFA ratio, arachidonic acid/ linoleic acid ratio and docosahexaenoic acid/alpha-linolenic acid ratio may reflect an influence of individual endogenous fatty acid metabolism on plasma concentrations of some, but not all, fatty acids. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Giant Superfluorescent Bursts from a Semiconductor Magnetoplasma

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    Currently, considerable resurgent interest exists in the concept of superradiance (SR), i.e., accelerated relaxation of excited dipoles due to cooperative spontaneous emission, first proposed by Dicke in 1954. Recent authors have discussed SR in diverse contexts, including cavity quantum electrodynamics, quantum phase transitions, and plasmonics. At the heart of these various experiments lies the coherent coupling of constituent particles to each other via their radiation field that cooperatively governs the dynamics of the whole system. In the most exciting form of SR, called superfluorescence (SF), macroscopic coherence spontaneously builds up out of an initially incoherent ensemble of excited dipoles and then decays abruptly. Here, we demonstrate the emergence of this photon-mediated, cooperative, many-body state in a very unlikely system: an ultradense electron-hole plasma in a semiconductor. We observe intense, delayed pulses, or bursts, of coherent radiation from highly photo-excited semiconductor quantum wells with a concomitant sudden decrease in population from total inversion to zero. Unlike previously reported SF in atomic and molecular systems that occur on nanosecond time scales, these intense SF bursts have picosecond pulse-widths and are delayed in time by tens of picoseconds with respect to the excitation pulse. They appear only at sufficiently high excitation powers and magnetic fields and sufficiently low temperatures - where various interactions causing decoherence are suppressed. We present theoretical simulations based on the relaxation and recombination dynamics of ultrahigh-density electron-hole pairs in a quantizing magnetic field, which successfully capture the salient features of the experimental observations.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    In situ interface engineering for probing the limit of quantum dot photovoltaic devices.

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    Quantum dot (QD) photovoltaic devices are attractive for their low-cost synthesis, tunable band gap and potentially high power conversion efficiency (PCE). However, the experimentally achieved efficiency to date remains far from ideal. Here, we report an in-situ fabrication and investigation of single TiO2-nanowire/CdSe-QD heterojunction solar cell (QDHSC) using a custom-designed photoelectric transmission electron microscope (TEM) holder. A mobile counter electrode is used to precisely tune the interface area for in situ photoelectrical measurements, which reveals a strong interface area dependent PCE. Theoretical simulations show that the simplified single nanowire solar cell structure can minimize the interface area and associated charge scattering to enable an efficient charge collection. Additionally, the optical antenna effect of nanowire-based QDHSCs can further enhance the absorption and boost the PCE. This study establishes a robust 'nanolab' platform in a TEM for in situ photoelectrical studies and provides valuable insight into the interfacial effects in nanoscale solar cells

    Primary cilia elongation in response to interleukin-1 mediates the inflammatory response

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    Primary cilia are singular, cytoskeletal organelles present in the majority of mammalian cell types where they function as coordinating centres for mechanotransduction, Wnt and hedgehog signalling. The length of the primary cilium is proposed to modulate cilia function, governed in part by the activity of intraflagellar transport (IFT). In articular cartilage, primary cilia length is increased and hedgehog signaling activated in osteoarthritis (OA). Here, we examine primary cilia length with exposure to the quintessential inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1 (IL-1), which is up-regulated in OA. We then test the hypothesis that the cilium is involved in mediating the downstream inflammatory response. Primary chondrocytes treated with IL-1 exhibited a 50 % increase in cilia length after 3 h exposure. IL-1-induced cilia elongation was also observed in human fibroblasts. In chondrocytes, this elongation occurred via a protein kinase A (PKA)-dependent mechanism. G-protein coupled adenylate cyclase also regulated the length of chondrocyte primary cilia but not downstream of IL-1. Chondrocytes treated with IL-1 exhibit a characteristic increase in the release of the inflammatory chemokines, nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2. However, in cells with a mutation in IFT88 whereby the cilia structure is lost, this response to IL-1 was significantly attenuated and, in the case of nitric oxide, completely abolished. Inhibition of IL-1-induced cilia elongation by PKA inhibition also attenuated the chemokine response. These results suggest that cilia assembly regulates the response to inflammatory cytokines. Therefore, the cilia proteome may provide a novel therapeutic target for the treatment of inflammatory pathologies, including OA