488 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Produksi, Harga, Kurs dan Tarif 0% terhadap Ekspor CPO Indonesia dalam Skema ACFTA

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    Crude Palm Oil ( CPO ) as the main export commodity for Indonesia has contributed greatly to the economy of the agricultural sector in the agreement Indonesia.Dimasukkannya ASEAN - China Free Trade Area ( ACFTA ) means the Indonesian CPO should be ready to compete freely on Indonesian CPO is ACFTA.Ekspor the highest in the world , Indonesia must therefore be defended in the ACFTA which is one of the gates to the liberalization of the economy . This study aims to determine the effect of production , price , exchange rate , and the rate of 0 % on Indonesian CPO exports in ACFTA scheme in the period 2001-2012 . The data in this study come from the UN trade database , Statistics Indonesia , the Malaysian Palm Oil Board ( MPOB ) and literature - literature terkait.Teknik analysis used in this study is ordinary least square analysis techniques. Berdasarkan results of the analysis found that the production rate 0 % positive and significant impact on Indonesian CPO exports in the period 2001-2012 ACFTA scheme, while the price and the dollar exchange rate has no effect Indonesian CPO exports in the period 2001-2012 ACFTA scheme

    Implementasi Perizinan Galian C Di Sungai Luk Ulo Kabupaten Kebumen

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    Illegal mining which often operate in the river sand mining in the Luk Ulo Kebumen often cause a lot of damage to infrastructure at this location. Many roads leading to the mine site into a corrugated perforated and caused frequent traversed by trucks transporting sand from the mine site. The new policy as stipulated in Law No. 23 of 2014 regarding licensing this pleases Excavation C today that the provincial party in all the licensing process and the district are no longer authorized to conduct the regulatory process again because it is already the direct supervisor of the center and very unfortunate again one district only get one supervisor and came from the province so that it can be concluded that the role of the supervisor in his knowledge of the area monitored very minimal and certainly can not be every day watching the mine site. The purpose of this study is to determine how the results of implementation of licensing Excavation C in Kebumen and to know what is the driving factor as well as an obstacle to the passage of the C Excavation licensing policy. The research method in this study is a qualitative research method with data collection technique that is by interview, documentation and observation. While the results of the research were obtained, namely the implementation of the licensing policy of excavation c many walked not in accordance with the Law no.23 of 2014 as well as the increasing number of illegal miners. Such policies should be supervised by the supervisor of the supervisors province has been replaced by the municipal police and with the role of the distribution of the results that have been handed back to the district bestowed on the BAPPENDA the withdrawal of retribution assisted by municipal police in the regulatory process in the field. Recommendations for the community in addressing these issues should people be obedient to the policies that have been prepared for the purpose of the government for the welfare of the community itself. As for the government should make policy decisions should be reviewing the policy in advance in order to minimize the people who will be harmed from the passage of the policy

    Evaluasi Total Koloni Bakteri dan Umur Simpan Telur Asin yang Direndam dalam Larutan Lidah Buaya (Aloevera Barbadensis Miller)

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    Lidah buaya mengandung senyawa antimikroba cukup tinggi ; seperti, aloin (4,27%) dan saponin (5,43%). Keduanya berguna untuk memperpanjang umur simpan telur asin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi total koloni bakteri dan umur simpan telur asin yang direndam dalam beberapa kosentrasi larutan lidah buaya (Aloevera barbadensis Miller). Materi penelitian ini menggunakan 340 g garam dapur, 2.000 g daging lidah buaya yang sudah diblender selama 2 menit didapat 8.896 ml dan air 71.168 ml. Penelitian menggunakan metode eskperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok yang terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dan 4 kelompok. Perlakuannya adalah perbandingan lidah buaya dengan air (V/V) yaitu; A (0:1), B (1:2), C (1:3), D (1:4), dan E (1:5). Peubah yang diamati adalah kadar air, pH, total koloni bakteri dan umur simpan telur asin. Hasil penelitian menunjukan perendaman telur asin dalam larutan lidah buaya menurunkan total koloni bakteri dan umur simpan (berbeda sangat nyata P0,05) terhadap kadar air dan pH. Perlakuan B (lidah buaya : air = 1 : 2) menghasilkan nilai terbaik terhadap kadar air 64,74±1,60%, pH 7,53±0,26, total koloni bakteri 4,79±0,62x105 CFU/g dan umur simpan telur asin selama 19 hari

    Gaya Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Motivasi Kerja, dan Disiplin Kerja sebagai Prediktor Kinerja Karyawan

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    This study is aimed to determine the effect of transformational leadership style, motivation, and work discipline on employee performance. Location the study was conducted at the Pusat Koperasi Unit Desa Bali Dwipa Provinsi Bali, 69 samples taken by census method. Data collection using the survey data analysis questionnaire.Teknik technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that transformational leadership style, motivation, and work discipline and a significant positive effect on employee performance. This suggests that the transformational leadership style, motivation, and discipline work can improve employee performanc
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