4 research outputs found

    The Difference Plasma Levels of Endotelin-1 in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Women with and without Hypertension

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    Background. Diabetes and hypertension are related to each other and have a strong pre-disposition on the incidence of atherosclerosis. The incidence of hypertension 2 times greater in patients with DM than non DM. Endothelial dysfunction underlies these events. Endothelial markers, endothelin-1 is known to affect blood pressure.Aim. The aim of this study is to determine the difference plasma levels of endothelin-1 in type 2 diabetes mellitus in women with and without hypertension.Methods. The cross sectional design was conducted on women with type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without hypertension at metabolic and endocrinology clinic, Dr. Sardjito General Hospital Yogyakarta from July 2010 until the sample met the criterias. Subjects were divided into two groups, type 2 DM woman with hypertension groups and without hypertension. ELISA sandwich’s method was used to measure plasma levels of endothelin-1. Characteristics of the study are presented in the form of mean Kurniaatmaja et al.Results. In this research, the plasma levels of endothelin-1 in in type 2 diabetes mellitus in women with hypertension (n=32) and without hypertension (n=32) respectively 19.17±7.53 ng/ml and 13.75±6.19 ng/dl, and this difference was stastistically signifi cant with p= 0.003 CI 95% -8.87 to -1.97.Conclusion. Plasma levels of endothelin-1 in type 2 diabetes woman with hypertension higher than without hypertension.

    Evaluasi Hasil Edukasi Farmasis Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Di Rumah Sakit Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder caused by a defect in insulin secretion or insulin action. Number of diabetic patients will increase if strategies are not prepared for preventing and controlling diabetes. This study aimed to evaluate the outcome of pharmacist education on the level of knowledge, level of medication adherence and diet, as well as the A1C value of type 2 diabetic patients in Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta. This research was conducted prospectively using Nonrandomized Concurrent Control Trial. The number of subjects recruited were based on a three-months period and subjects were taken by consecutive sampling method. There were two groups: one group received education intervention for 3 months, and the other group as control did not receive education. Data were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively using Independent T and T-Paired test. The results showed that patients in the control group have developed an increase in the level of knowledge and adherence by themself, on the other hand patients in this group showed a decrease in A1C values, but the decrease was not as big as patients in the intervention group. Patient’s adherence to diet did not improve in either control nor intervention group. It can be concluded that education given by pharmacist can increase knowledge and adherence towards medication and decrease the A1C values of DM type-2 patients.Diabetes melitus (DM) merupakan kelainan metabolik akibat defek pada sekresi insulin, aksi insulin, atau keduanya. Jumlah penderita DM akan meningkat apabila tidak disusun strategi pencegahan dan pengontrolan DM secara tepat. Edukasi terbukti penting dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan, kepatuhan, dan kontrol glikemik pada pasien DM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi hasil edukasi farmasis terhadap tingkat pengetahuan, tingkat kepatuhan pengobatan dan diet, serta terhadap nilai A1C pasien DM tipe 2 di RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yang dilakukan menggunakan rancangan Non-randomized Concurrent Control Trial secara prospektif. Banyaknya subyek yang direkrut didasarkan atas waktu yaitu selama tiga bulan dan subyek diambil dengan metode consecutive sampling. Dua kelompok penelitian yaitu kelompok intervensi yang mendapatkan edukasi selama 3 bulan dan kelompok kontrol yang tidak mendapatkan edukasi. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan kuantitatif menggunakan uji t independen dan berpasangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasien kelompok kontrol dengan sendirinya mengalami kenaikan pada tingkat pengetahuan dan kepatuhan. Selain itu pasien kelompok tersebut juga mengalami penurunan nilai A1C, namun penurunan tersebut tidak sebesar pasien pada kelompok intervensi. Kepatuhan pasien terhadap diet tidak mengalami perbaikan baik pada kelompok kontrol maupun intervensi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa edukasi farmasis dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kepatuhan pengobatan, serta menurunkan nilai A1C pasien DM tipe 2