5 research outputs found

    Efeito de reguladores de crescimento em uva apirênica, cv. BRS Clara Effect of growth regulators on the seedless grape cv. BRS Clara

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    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo verificar o efeito da aplicação de diferentes concentrações do ácido giberélico (AG3), do thidiazuron (TDZ) e do forchlorfenuron (CPPU) no aumento do tamanho dos cachos e das bagas e no teor de sólidos solúveis totais de uva sem semente, cv. BRS Clara. As plantas foram conduzidas no sistema de latada, sobre o porta-enxerto IAC 572, no espaçamento 2,5 x 2,0m e com irrigação por microaspersão. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na Estação Experimental de Viticultura Tropical, da Embrapa Uva e Vinho, em Jales-SP. Os reguladores de crescimento foram aplicados via pulverização localizada no cacho, utilizando-se de concentrações de 0 a 4mg.L-1 de CPPU; 0 a 10mg.L-1 de TDZ, e de 0 a 90mg.L-1 de AG3, isolados ou em conjunto. De modo geral, a aplicação dos reguladores de crescimento promove a melhoria da qualidade dos cachos da cv. BRS Clara; o uso do TDZ e do CPPU em conjunto com o AG3 produz um efeito sinérgico, proporcionando melhor resposta do que o uso isolado do AG3; os tratamentos com 60mg.L-1 de AG3; 20mg.L-1 de AG3 + 4mg.L-1 de CPPU, e 10mg.L-1 de AG3 + 5mg.L-1 de TDZ proporcionam os melhores resultados para o aumento do diâmetro das bagas; a aplicação de AG3 antes da floração da cv. BRS Clara provoca abortamento excessivo, reduzindo a qualidade comercial dos cachos; a utilização de concentrações elevadas dos reguladores reduz o teor de sólidos solúveis totais.<br>The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of gibberellic acid (AG3), thidiazuron (TDZ) and forchlorfenuron (CPPU) on the size of bunches and berries and on the total soluble solids content, when applied in different concentrations on the seedless grapes, cv. BRS Clara. The grapevines were grafted on the rootstock IAC 572, trained in the pergola system and, spaced 2.5 x 2.0m and irrigated by micro sprinklers. The experiments were carried out at the Embrapa Grape and Wine Experimental Station for Tropical Viticulture in Jales, SP. The bunches were directly sprayed with the plant growth regulators, either individually or combined, in concentrations from 0 to 4mg.L-1 of CPPU; 0 to 10mg.L-1of TDZ and 0 to 90mg.L-1 of AG3. Generally, the application of growth regulators improved the quality of the bunches of the cv. BRS Clara; the use of TDZ and CPPU, combined with AG3, produce a synergistic effect, causing a better response than the isolated use of AG3; the treatments with 60mg.L-1 of AG3, 20mg.L-1 of AG3 + 4mg.L-1 of CPPU and 10mg.L-1 of AG3 + 5mg.L-1 of TDZ provide the best results for increase in the berries diameter; the application of AG3 before flowering cause excessive abortion which reduced the commercial value of the bunches. High concentrations of plant growth regulators decrease the content of total soluble solids

    Flutuação populacional de Argyrotaenia sphaleropa (MEYRICK, 1909) (Lep: Tortricidae) com emprego de feromônio sexual sintético na cultura da videira easonal fluctuation of the adults of Argyrotaenia sphaleropa (MEYRICK, 1909) (Lep: Tortricidae) using synthetic sexual pheromone in vineyards

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    A lagarta-das-fruteiras, Argyrotaenia sphaleropa (Meyrick, 1909) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), é uma espécie freqüentemente encontrada danificando a cultura da videira e outras frutíferas de clima temperado na região Sul do Brasil e no Uruguai. Estudou-se a flutuação populacional de A. sphaleropa na cultura da videira com emprego do feromônio sexual sintético. Com base na avaliação semanal de machos de A. sphaleropa capturados em armadilha Delta contendo o feromônio sexual sintético (Z11,13-14Ac + Z11,13-14Al + Z11-14Al na proporção 4:4:1, impregnada em liberadores de borracha na dose de 1.000µg/septo), durante a safra 2003-2004, foram observados quatro picos populacionais na cultura da videira cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon. O primeiro pico populacional ocorreu no início do mês de outubro, o segundo no início de fevereiro, o terceiro teve o acme em meados do mês de março e o quarto no mês de junho. A temperatura média diária e a precipitação pluviométrica não exerceram influência sobre a captura dos insetos nas armadilhas. As informações deste trabalho permitem direcionar as táticas de controle para os períodos em que a população do inseto é mais elevada nos parreirais.<br>The South American Tortricid Moth (Meyrick, 1909) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is often found damaging vineyards and other temperate fruit orchards, in Southern Brazil and Uruguay. This work was conducted to study the seasonal occurrence of A. sphaleropa adults in vineyards using sexual synthetic pheromone. Based on weekly evaluation of A. sphaleropa adults caught in Delta trap baited with synthetic sexual pheromone (Z11, 13-14Ac + Z11, 13-14Al + Z11-14Al in a ratio of 4:4:1, 1000µg/septum), during 2003/2004 season, it was observed four populational peaks in a Cabernet Sauvignon vineyard. The first populational peak occurred in the beginning of October, the second in the beginning of February, the third occurred in middle of March and the forth in June. There was no significative correlation between medium temperature and pluvial precipitation pluvial on adult catches. Information about seasonal fluctuation can be used for grape growers as a tool to guide insecticide treatments for pest control in vineyards

    Design and development of a ubiquitous cancer care system: A collaborative communication among cancer community

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    Communication among cancer community (specifically patients, parents, and medical practitioners) has not been pervasively-supported.In response to that, this paper reports on a study that ensures communication among cancer community is supported with a ubiquitous communication model.The model is proposed to provide an alternative for the community to communicate; discussing among patients, parents, and medical practitioners.In particular, the system is important because the treatments for cancer mostly take a long time, and the entities in the community are normally closed, which leads to frequent communications. Furthermore, most of topics communicated among cancer community are only understood by themselves. Hence, the paper aims at discussing the design and development of respective prototype.An appropriate model is formed first; then the prototype development follows.The prototype is discussed at length in this paper.At the end, initial feedbacks from the cancer community prove that the designed prototype works well in supporting the communication among cancer community in a ubiquitous environment