4 research outputs found

    Characterization of the natural variation in Arabidopsis thaliana metabolome by the analysis of metabolic distance

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    Metabolite fingerprinting is widely used to unravel the chemical characteristics of biological samples. Multivariate data analysis and other statistical tools are subsequently used to analyze and visualize the plasticity of the metabolome and/or the relationship between those samples. However, there are limitations to these approaches for example because of the multi-dimensionality of the data that makes interpretation of the data obtained from untargeted analysis almost impossible for an average human being. These limitations make the biological information that is of prime importance in untargeted studies be partially exploited. Even in the case of full exploitation, current methods for relationship elucidation focus mainly on between groups variation and differences. Therefore, a measure that is capable of exploiting both between- and within-group biological variation would be of great value. Here, we examined the natural variation in the metabolome of nine Arabidopsis thaliana accessions grown under various environmental conditions and established a measure for the metabolic distance between accessions and across environments. This data analysis approach shows that there is just a minor correlation between genetic and metabolic diversity of the nine accessions. On the other hand, it delivers so far in Arabidopsis unexplored chemical information and is shown to be biologically relevant for resistance studies

    A Statistical Approach for Breast Density Segmentation

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    Studies reported in the literature indicate that the increase in the breast density is one of the strongest indicators of developing breast cancer. In this paper, we present an approach to automatically evaluate the density of a breast by segmenting its internal parenchyma in either fatty or dense class. Our approach is based on a statistical analysis of each pixel neighbourhood for modelling both tissue types. Therefore, we provide connected density clusters taking the spatial information of the breast into account. With the aim of showing the robustness of our approach, the experiments are performed using two different databases: the well-known Mammographic Image Analysis Society digitised database and a new full-field digital database of mammograms from which we have annotations provided by radiologists. Quantitative and qualitative results show that our approach is able to correctly detect dense breasts, segmenting the tissue type accordingly