13 research outputs found

    Load-based generic polca: performance assessement using simulation

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    POLCA (i.e. Paired-cell Overlapping Loops of Cards with Authorization) is a card-based decision support system for production control, developed to support the adoption of Quick Response Manufacturing. Two variants of POLCA have been proposed in the literature to improve POLCA performance: Load Based POLCA and Generic POLCA. In this paper, we combine these two variants into a single production control system and analyse its performance for different backlog-sequencing rules. The results of a simulation study carried out for a make-to-order flow shop, support the strategy of combining these two POLCA variants and show that capacity-slack backlog sequencing based on corrected aggregate load have the potential for improving performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Determining the Optimal Network Partition and Kanban Allocation in JIT Production Lines

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    . One way to reduce costs in high volume production lines is to smooth and balance the material flow by means of controlled inventories. Kanban systems are now being implemented worldwide due to their ability of reducing inventories and production lead times. This paper addresses two fundamental design issues in kanban systems and presents an efficient heuristic method for designing such systems. An analytical method for modelling kanban systems and a general-purpose genetic algorithm are integrated in a heuristic design methodology which evaluates the performance of kanban systems using alternative network partitions and allocations of kanbans. As we demonstrate, the heuristic method provides a useful procedure to evaluate the impact of design alternatives and can thus serve as a rough-cut decision support tool which assists managers in the planning of largescale manufacturing systems. Keywords. Just-in-time, kanban systems, queueing networks, genetic algorithms. 1 Introduction The..