26 research outputs found

    Impairment of germline transmission after blastocyst injection with murine embryonic stem cells cultured with mouse hepatitis virus and mouse minute virus

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    The aim of this study was to determine the susceptibility of murine embryonic stem (mESCs) to mouse hepatitis virus (MHV-A59) and mouse minute virus (MMVp) and the effect of these viruses on germline transmission (GLT) and the serological status of recipients and pups. When recipients received 10 blastocysts, each injected with 100 TCID50 MHV-A59, three out of five recipients and four out of 14 pups from three litters became seropositive. When blastocysts were injected with 10−5 TCID50 MMVp, all four recipients and 14 pups from four litters remained seronegative. The mESCs replicated MHV-A59 but not MMVp, MHV-A59 being cytolytic for mESCs. Exposure of mESCs to the viruses over four to five passages but not for 6 h affected GLT. Recipients were seropositive for MHV-A59 but not for MMVp when mESCs were cultured with the virus over four or five passages. The data show that GLT is affected by virus-contaminated mESCs

    Indigenous Vibrio cholerae

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    Genetic relationships of vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from clinical, human carrier, and environmental sources in Thailand, determined by multilocus sequence analysis

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    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a seafood-borne pathogenic bacterium that is a major cause of gastroenteritis worldwide. We investigated the genetic and evolutionary relationships of 101 V. parahaemolyticus isolates originating from clinical, human carrier, and various environmental and seafood production sources in Thailand using multilocus sequence analysis. The isolates were recovered from clinical samples (n = 15), healthy human carriers (n = 18), various types of fresh seafood (n = 18), frozen shrimp (n = 16), fresh-farmed shrimp tissue (n = 18), and shrimp farm water (n = 16). Phylogenetic analysis revealed a high degree of genetic diversity within the V. parahaemolyticus population, although isolates recovered from clinical samples and from farmed shrimp and water samples represented distinct clusters. The tight clustering of the clinical isolates suggests that disease-causing isolates are not a random sample of the environmental reservoir, although the source of infection remains unclear. Extensive serotypic diversity occurred among isolates representing the same sequence types and recovered from the same source at the same time. These findings suggest that the O- and K-antigen-encoding loci are subject to exceptionally high rates of recombination. There was also strong evidence of interspecies horizontal gene transfer and intragenic recombination involving the recA locus in a large proportion of isolates. As the majority of the intragenic recombinational exchanges involving recA occurred among clinical and carrier isolates, it is possible that the human intestinal tract serves as a potential reservoir of donor and recipient strains that is promoting horizontal DNA transfer, driving evolutionary change, and leading to the emergence of new, potentially pathogenic strains

    A glycosylated recombinant subunit candidate vaccine consisting of Ehrlichia ruminantium major antigenic protein1 induces specific humoral and Th1 type cell responses in sheep

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    Heartwater, or cowdriosis, is a tick-borne disease of domestic and wild ruminants that is endemic in the Caribbean and sub-Saharan Africa. The disease is caused by an intracellular pathogen, Ehrlichia ruminantium and may be fatal within days of the onset of clinical signs with mortality rates of up to 90% in susceptible hosts. Due to the presence of competent tick vectors in North America, there is substantial risk of introduction of heartwater with potentially devastating consequences to the domestic livestock industry. There is currently no reliable or safe vaccine for use globally. To develop a protective DIVA (differentiate infected from vaccinated animals) subunit vaccine for heartwater, we targeted the E. ruminantium immunodominant major antigenic protein1 (MAP1) with the hypothesis that MAP1 is a glycosylated protein and glycans contained in the antigenic protein are important epitope determinants. Using a eukaryotic recombinant baculovirus expression system, we expressed and characterized, for the first time, a glycoform profile of MAP1 of two Caribbean E. ruminantium isolates, Antigua and Gardel. We have shown that the 37-38 kDa protein corresponded to a glycosylated form of the MAP1 protein, whereas the 31-32 kDa molecular weight band represented the non-glycosylated form of the protein frequently reported in scientific literature. Three groups of sheep (n = 3-6) were vaccinated with increasing doses of a bivalent (Antigua and Gardel MAP1) rMAP1 vaccine cocktail formulation with montanide ISA25 as an adjuvant. The glycosylated recombinant subunit vaccine induced E. ruminantium-specific humoral and Th1 type T cell responses, which are critical for controlling intracellular pathogens, including E. ruminantium, in infected hosts. These results provide an important basis for development of a subunit vaccine as a novel strategy to protect susceptible livestock against heartwater in non-endemic and endemic areas