10 research outputs found

    High doses of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides stimulate a tolerogenic TLR9–TRIF pathway

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    CpG-rich oligodeoxynucleotides activate the immune system, leading to innate and acquired immune responses. The immune-stimulatory effects of CpG-rich oligodeoxynucleotides are being exploited as a therapeutic approach. Here we show that at high doses, CpG-rich oligodeoxynucleotides promote an opposite, tolerogenic response in mouse plasmacytoid dendritic cells in vivo and in a human in vitro model. Unveiling a previously undescribed role for TRIF and TRAF6 proteins in Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) signalling, we demonstrate that physical association of TLR9, TRIF and TRAF6 leads to activation of noncanonical NF-κB signalling and the induction of IRF3- and TGF-β-dependent immune-suppressive tryptophan catabolism. In vivo, the TLR9-TRIF circuit--but not MyD88 signalling--was required for CpG protection against allergic inflammation. Our findings may be relevant to an increased understanding of the complexity of Toll-like receptor signalling and optimal exploitation of CpG-rich oligodeoxynucleotides as immune modulators

    ZNF185 is a p63 target gene critical for epidermal differentiation and squamous cell carcinoma development.

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    Development and maintenance of healthy stratified epithelia require the coordination of complex transcriptional programmes. The transcription factor p63, a member of the p53 family, plays a crucial role in epithelial development and homeostasis. Analysis of the p63-dependent transcriptome indicated that one important aspect of p63 functions in epithelial development is the regulation of cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion programmes. However, limited knowledge exists on the relevant cell-cell adhesion molecules involved in physiological epithelial formation. Similarly, limited data are available to understand if deregulation of the cell-cell adhesion programme is important in tumour formation. Here, using the epidermis as an experimental model with the RNA sequencing approach, we identify a novel p63-regulated gene induced during differentiation, ZNF185. ZNF185 is an actin-cytoskeleton-associated Lin-l 1, Isl-1 and Mec-3 (LIM) domain-containing protein, whose function is poorly known. We found that p63 binds to a specific enhancer region, promoting its expression to sustain epithelial differentiation. ZNF185 silencing strongly impaired keratinocyte differentiation according to gene array analysis. ZNF185 is detected at the cell-cell periphery where it physically interacts with E-cadherin, indicating that it is important to maintain epithelial integrity beyond its pro-differentiation role. Interestingly, poorly differentiated, including head and neck, cervical and oesophageal, squamous cell carcinomas display loss of ZNF185 expression. Together, these studies reinforce that p63 is a crucial gene for maintaining epithelial tissue integrity and support the deregulation of the cell-cell adhesion programme,which plays a critical role in carcinoma development.This work has been partially supported by AIRC Grant IG-15653 to GM. This work has been mainly supported by IDI-IRCCS (RC to EC and GM) and RF-2016-02362541 (to EC)

    Therapeutic targeting of receptor tyrosine kinases in lung cancer

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    Gene expression profiles and signaling mechanisms in α2B-adrenoceptor-evoked proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells

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