12 research outputs found

    Valutazioni igienico-sanitarie relative all\u2019impiego di pannolini lavabili e riutilizzabili nell\u2019infanzia. .

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    Negli ultimi anni il crescente interesse per le tematiche relative al risparmio energetico e alla riduzione dell\u2019impatto ambientale per quanto riguarda lo smaltimento dei rifiuti ha sensisibilizzato diversi Comuni italiani e Associazioni \u201cno profit\u201d a sostenere iniziative di educazione sanitaria rivolte all\u2019introduzione nei reparti di ostetricia, pediatria, nidi d\u2019infanzia, asili e grupi di famiglie di pannolini lavabili e riutilizzabili in sostituzione dei tradizionali pannolini \u201cusa e getta\u201d. Si stima infatti che nei primi tre anni di vita il bambino utilizzi ed elimini nell\u2019ambiente circa 3000 pannolini, con notevole impatto ambientale. Gravoso \ue8 anche il costo che le famiglie devono affrontare per il loro acquisto. Si stima che una famiglia che utilizza pannolini lavabili risparmi almeno la met\ue0 rispetto a quella che acquista pannolini usa e getta, dai 200 agli 800 euro, a seconda del modello scelto), costo che praticamente si annulla nel caso di un secondo figlio. I pannolini riutilizzabili offrono anche il vantaggio di causare minori effetti irritativi alla delicata cute dei neonati e dei bambini (eritema da pannolino) in quanto l\u2019inserto a contatto con la cute \ue8 a base di fibre di cotone o di bamb\uf9, fibre naturali di largo utilizzo nella tessitura di indumenti ed effetti d\u2019uso. I pannolini riutilizzabili, definiti anche \u201cecologici\u201d, acquistabili presso farmacie, negozi specializzati per l\u2019infanzia, rivendite di prodotti biologici) sono del tutto simili a quelli \u201cusa e getta\u201d ma lavabili in lavatrice (fig. 1)

    Genetic polymorphisms as susceptibility factors to Legionella pneumonia

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    To the aim of evaluating a possible role of chemokine receptors (CCR) alleles in resistance to legionnaires' disease we studied the CCR5 32 and CCR264I mutations in a case-control study realised within a nationwide research network

    Diffusione ambientale di Legionella spp e frequenza di legionellosi in pazienti affetti da polmonite: primi risultati di uno studio multicentrico italiano

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    A multicentric Italian investigation on legionnaires' disease is in course to clarify host factors as well as pathogen associated characteristics involved in the infection/disease. The main goal of the research plan is to account for some critical aspects concerning identification and prevention of legionellosis. To improve knowledge on factors associated with Legionella spp colonisation in hot waters, to detect cases and to characterize risk factors in subjects which develop pneumonia are specific objectives of the research programme. Preliminary results show that hot waters of houses and hotels are frequently contaminated (22.6% and 54.6%, respectively), mainly by L. pneumophila. Microbial concentrations were low in domestic waters (<1.000 ufc/l), but higher in samples from the hotels (geom. mean 1.85 x 10(3) ufc/l). Warming system, age of the plant, type of building were risk factors significantly associated with Legionella spp positivity. The active surveillance on patients affected by pneumonia with search for Legionella urinary antigen allowed the identification of 34 cases, 3 of which of nosocomial origin, corresponding to 4.2% of the screened pneumonia. After informed consent, 26 subjects were recruited for a case-control-study to clarify risk factors for the disease

    Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with synthetic grafts. A review of literature

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    Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture, one of the most common knee injuries in sports, results in anteroposterior laxity, which often leads to an unstable knee. Traditional ACL reconstruction is performed with autograft; disadvantages of this technique are donor site morbidity and a long rehabilitation period. In the 1980s, artificial ligaments became an attractive alternative to biological grafts. The initial enthusiasm surrounding their introduction stemmed from their lack of donor morbidity, their abundant supply and significant strength, immediate loading and reduced postoperative rehabilitation. Synthetic grafts made of different materials such as carbon fibers, polypropylene, Dacron and polyester have been utilised either as a prosthesis or as an augmentation for a biological ACL graft substitute. Nevertheless, every material presented serious drawbacks: cross-infections, immunological responses, breakage, debris dispersion leading to synovitis, chronic effusions, recurrent instability and knee osteoarthritis. Recently, a resurgence of interest in the use of synthetic prostheses has occurred and studies regarding new artificial grafts have been reported. Although many experimental studies have been made and much effort has been put forth, currently no ideal prosthesis mimicking natural human tissue has been found