6,148 research outputs found

    Double Diffusion Encoding Prevents Degeneracy in Parameter Estimation of Biophysical Models in Diffusion MRI

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    Purpose: Biophysical tissue models are increasingly used in the interpretation of diffusion MRI (dMRI) data, with the potential to provide specific biomarkers of brain microstructural changes. However, the general Standard Model has recently shown that model parameter estimation from dMRI data is ill-posed unless very strong magnetic gradients are used. We analyse this issue for the Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging with Diffusivity Assessment (NODDIDA) model and demonstrate that its extension from Single Diffusion Encoding (SDE) to Double Diffusion Encoding (DDE) solves the ill-posedness and increases the accuracy of the parameter estimation. Methods: We analyse theoretically the cumulant expansion up to fourth order in b of SDE and DDE signals. Additionally, we perform in silico experiments to compare SDE and DDE capabilities under similar noise conditions. Results: We prove analytically that DDE provides invariant information non-accessible from SDE, which makes the NODDIDA parameter estimation injective. The in silico experiments show that DDE reduces the bias and mean square error of the estimation along the whole feasible region of 5D model parameter space. Conclusions: DDE adds additional information for estimating the model parameters, unexplored by SDE, which is enough to solve the degeneracy in the NODDIDA model parameter estimation.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Circumstellar Disks revealed by HH/KK Flux Variation Gradients

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    The variability of young stellar objects (YSO) changes their brightness and color preventing a proper classification in traditional color-color and color magnitude diagrams. We have explored the feasibility of the flux variation gradient (FVG) method for YSOs, using HH and KK band monitoring data of the star forming region RCW\,38 obtained at the University Observatory Bochum in Chile. Simultaneous multi-epoch flux measurements follow a linear relation FH=α+β⋅FKF_{H}=\alpha + \beta \cdot F_{K} for almost all YSOs with large variability amplitude. The slope β\beta gives the mean HKHK color temperature TvarT_{var} of the varying component. Because TvarT_{var} is hotter than the dust sublimation temperature, we have tentatively assigned it to stellar variations. If the gradient does not meet the origin of the flux-flux diagram, an additional non- or less-varying component may be required. If the variability amplitude is larger at the shorter wavelength, e.g. α<0\alpha < 0, this component is cooler than the star (e.g. a circumstellar disk); vice versa, if α>0\alpha > 0, the component is hotter like a scattering halo or even a companion star. We here present examples of two YSOs, where the HKHK FVG implies the presence of a circumstellar disk; this finding is consistent with additional data at JJ and LL. One YSO shows a clear KK-band excess in the JHKJHK color-color diagram, while the significance of a KK-excess in the other YSO depends on the measurement epoch. Disentangling the contributions of star and disk it turns out that the two YSOs have huge variability amplitudes (∼3−5\sim 3-5\,mag). The HKHK FVG analysis is a powerful complementary tool to analyze the varying components of YSOs and worth further exploration of monitoring data at other wavelengths.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Photometric reverberation mapping of 3C120

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    We present the results of a five month monitoring campaign of the local active galactic nuclei (AGN) 3C120. Observations with a median sampling of two days were conducted with the robotic 15cm telescope VYSOS-6 located near Cerro Armazones in Chile. Broad band (B,V) and narrow band (NB) filters were used in order to measure fluxes of the AGN and the H_beta broad line region (BLR) emission line. The NB flux is constituted by about 50% continuum and 50% H_beta emission line. To disentangle line and continuum flux, a synthetic H_beta light curve was created by subtracting a scaled V-band light curve from the NB light curve. Here we show that the H_beta emission line responds to continuum variations with a rest frame lag of 23.6 +/- 1.69 days. We estimate a virial mass of the central black hole M_BH = 57 +/- 27 * 10^6 solar masses, by combining the obtained lag with the velocity dispersion of a single contemporaneous spectrum. Using the flux variation gradient (FVG) method, we determined the host galaxy subtracted rest frame 5100A luminosity at the time of our monitoring campaign with an uncertainty of 10% (L_AGN = 6.94 +/- 0.71* 10^43 ergs^-1). Compared with recent spectroscopic reverberation results, 3C120 shifts in the R_BLR - L_AGN diagram remarkably close to the theoretically expected relation of R-L^0.5. Our results demonstrate the performance of photometric AGN reverberation mapping, in particular for efficiently determining the BLR size and the AGN luminosityComment: 11 pages, 11 figures, Published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Modelling photometric reverberation data -- a disk-like broad-line region and a potentially larger black hole mass for 3C120

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    We consider photometric reverberation mapping, where the nuclear continuum variations are monitored via a broad-band filter and the echo of emission line clouds of the broad line region (BLR) is measured with a suitable narrow-band (NB) filter. We investigate how an incomplete emission-line coverage by the NB filter influences the BLR size determination. This includes two basic cases: 1) a symmetric cut of the blue and red part of the line wings, and 2) the filter positioned asymmetrically to the line centre so that essentially a complete half of the emission line is contained in the NB filter. Under the assumption that the BLR size is dominated by circular Keplerian orbits, we find that symmetric cutting of line wings may lead to overestimating the BLR size by less than 5%. The case of asymmetric half-line coverage, similar as for our data of the Seyfert 1 galaxy 3C120, yields the BLR size with a bias of less than 1%. Our results suggest that any BLR size bias due to narrow-band line cut in photometric reverberation mapping is small and in most cases negligible. We used well sampled photometric reverberation mapping light curves with sharp variation features in both the continuum and the Hbeta light curves to determine the geometry type of the Hbeta BLR for 3C120. Modelling of the light curve, under the assumption that the BLR is essentially virialised, argues against a spherical geometry and favours a nearly face-on disk-like geometry with inclination i = 10 +/- 4 deg and extension from 22 to 28 light days. The low inclination may lead to a larger black hole mass than the derived when using the average geometry scaling factor f=5.5. We discuss deviations of Seyfert 1 galaxies from the M_BH - sigma relation.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Dust reverberation-mapping of the Seyfert 1 galaxy WPVS48

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    Using robotic telescopes of the Universitatssternwarte Bochum near Cerro Armazones in Chile, we monitored the z=0.0377 Seyfert 1 galaxy WPVS48 (2MASX J09594263-3112581) in the optical (B and R) and near-infrared (NIR, J and Ks) with a cadence of two days. The light curves show unprecedented variability details. The NIR variation features of WPVS48 are consistent with the corresponding optical variations, but the features appear sharper in the NIR than in the optical, suggesting that the optical photons undergo multiple scatterings. The J and Ks emission, tracing the hot (1600 K) dust echo, lags the B and R variations by on average 64 +/- 4 days and 71 +/- 5 days, respectively (restframe). WPVS48 lies on the known tau-M_V relationship. However, the observed lag is about three times shorter than expected from the dust sublimation radius r_sub inferred from the optical-UV luminosity, and explanations for this common discrepancy are searched for. The sharp NIR echos argue for a face-on torus geometry and allow us to put forward two potential scenarios: 1) as previously proposed, in the equatorial plane of the accretion disk the inner region of the torus is flattened and may come closer to the accretion disk. 2) The dust torus with inner radius r_sub is geometrically and optically thick, so that the observer only sees the facing rim of the torus wall, which lies closer to the observer than the torus equatorial plane and therefore leads to an observed foreshortened lag. Both scenarios are able to explain the factor three discrepancy between tau and r_sub. Longer-wavelength dust reverberation data might enable one to distinguish between the scenarios.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, Published in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Improving adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Latin America: reflections from an International Congress

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    Chandra-Mouli, V.; Decat, P.; Nelson, E.M.; de Meyer, S.; Jaruseviciene, L.; Vega, B.; Segura, Z.; Auquilla, N.; Hagens, A.; van Braeckel, D.; Michielsen, K. Published in: Reproductive Health DOI: 10. 1186/1742-4755-12-11 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Córdova Pozo, K., Chandra-Mouli, V., Decat, P., Nelson, E., de Meyer, S., Jaruseviciene, L., ... Michielsen, K. (2015). Improving adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Latin America: reflections from an International Congress. Reproductive Health, 12, General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. In case of a legitimate complaint, the Library will make the material inaccessible and/or remove it from the website. Please Ask the Library: https://uba.uva.nl/en/contact, or a letter to: Library of the University of Amsterdam, Secretariat, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You will be contacted as soon as possible. Abstract In February 2014, an international congress on Promoting Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) took place in Cuenca, Ecuador. Its objective was to share evidence on effective ASRH intervention projects and programs in Latin America, and to link this evidence to ASRH policy and program development. Over 800 people participated in the three-day event and sixty-six presentations were presented. This paper summarizes the key points of the Congress and of the Community Embedded Reproductive Health Care for Adolescents (CERCA) project. It aims at guiding future ASRH research and policy in Latin America. 1. Context matters. Individual behaviors are strongly influenced by the social context in which they occur, through determinants at the individual, relational, family, community and societal levels. Gender norms/attitudes and ease of communication are two key determinants. 2. Innovative action. There is limited and patchy evidence of effective approaches to reach adolescents with the health interventions they need at scale. Yet, there exist several promising and innovative examples of providing comprehensive sexuality education through conventional approaches and using new media, improving access to health services, and reaching adolescents as well as families and community members using community-based interventions were presented at the Congress. 3. Better measurement. Evaluation designs and indicators chosen to measure the effect and impact of interventions are not always sensitive to subtle and incremental changes. This can create a gap between measured effectiveness and the impact perceived by the targeted populations. Thus, one conclusion is that we need more evidence to better determine the factors impeding progress in ASRH in Latin American, to innovate and respond flexibly to changing social dynamics and cultural practices, and to better measure the impact of existing intervention strategies. Yet, this Congress offered a starting point from which to build a multi-agency and multi-country effort to generate specific evidence on ASRH with the aim of guiding policy and program decision-making. In a region that contains substantial barriers of access to ASRH education and services, and some of the highest adolescent pregnancy rates in the world, the participants agreed that there is no time to lose. This article is also published in Spanish as an additional file 1. Resumen En febrero de 2014, un congreso internacional sobre la promoción de la Salud Sexual y Reproductiva de los adolescentes (SSRA) tuvo lugar en Cuenca, Ecuador. Su objetivo era compartir evidencia sobre proyectos y programas de intervención eficaz en SSRA en América Latina, y vincular esta evidencia a la política de SSRA y al desarrollo de programas. Más de 800 personas participaron en un evento de tres días con sesenta y seis presentaciones. Este documento resume los puntos clave del congreso y del proyecto CERCA (Cuidado de la Salud sexual y Reproductiva para Adolescentes enmarcada en la comunidad). Su objetivo es orientar la investigación futura y la política de SSRA en América Latina. 1. El contexto es importante. Los comportamientos individuales están fuertemente influenciados por el contexto social en el que se producen a través de factores determinantes a nivel individual, relacional, familiar, comunitario y social. Las normas de género, actitudes y facilidad de comunicación son dos factores determinantes. 2. Acción innovadora. Hay evidencia limitada e irregular de los enfoques eficaces para llegar a los adolescentes con intervenciones que necesitan llevarse a escala. Sin embargo, existen varios ejemplos que fueron presentados en el congreso y que se ven prometedores e innovadores porque proporcionan una educación integral de la sexualidad a través de los métodos convencionales y el uso de nuevos medios de comunicación, la mejora del acceso a servicios de salud, y uso de intervenciones comunitarias para llegar a los adolescentes, familias y su comunidad. 3. Mejor medición. Los diseños de evaluación y los indicadores elegidos para medir el efecto e impacto de las intervenciones no siempre son sensibles a los cambios sutiles y graduales. Esto puede crear una brecha entre la eficacia de medidas y el impacto percibido por las poblaciones beneficiarias. Por lo tanto, una conclusión es que necesitamos más pruebas para determinar mejor los factores que obstaculizan el progreso en la SSRA de América Latina, para innovar y responder con flexibilidad a los cambios en la dinámica social y las prácticas culturales, y para medir mejor el impacto de las estrategias de intervención existentes. No obstante, este congreso proporcionó un punto de partida para construir un esfuerzo común entre las multi-agencias y multi-país que genere evidencia específica sobre SSRA con el objetivo de orientar la toma de decisiones políticas y programas. En una región que aún tiene barreras de acceso a la educación y los servicios de SSRA y se encuentran las tasas de embarazo adolescente más altas del mundo, los participantes coincidieron en que no hay tiempo que perder
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