25 research outputs found

    Implementation of Administration System in Assisting Pelyanan to the Community at SinarKasih Hospital GKST Tentena City Poso District. State University Administration Sam Ratulangi Manado

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    Service process to the public in order to be able to produce the output of excellent information, fast, efficient, and accurate information provided to the community. Implementation of administrative system has not run well, so this research to answer the question how the implementation of hospital administration system in helping the service to the community. In this research, the researcher limits through some elements which can influence the running of administration system which stated by Azrul (2010): Input (Human Resources and Facilities), Process (Steps), Output (Service produced) and Researcher also see Of behavioral factors or attitudes that hospital employees have in supporting the implementation of administrative systems to help service to the community. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach method through interviewing 10 informants, observation, and tracing of additional document in the form of list of interview guides, recorder and write. The results of this study show that in general the application of administrative systems in helping service to the community has not run well

    Kinerja Pegawai dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Administrasi Kependudukan di Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kota Manado.

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    Background: The low quality of public services is happening lately is one beam that is directed at the government in providing services to the public. This is evident from the number of complaints from the public, both directly and through the mass media, such as a convoluted procedure, there is no certainty of completion period, costs, requirements that are not transparent, the attitude of officers who are less responsive, etc; giving rise to unfavorable image of the government. Like most of the case, that the level of ease of service, especially for the middle to the bottom is still very low. One of the services that the public is often complained of population administration services. So authors interested in studying how to Improve Employee Performance Services Population Administration in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Manado City. Research Methodology: This study used qualitative research methods through direct observation, interviews with 17 informants related, and documentation assisted with additional instruments such as interview, recording devices, and stationery. Results: Based on performance indicators, namely Productivity, Accountability, Quality of Service, Responsiveness and Responsibility then get the results that Employee Performance in Improving Population Administration Service in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Manado City is quite good, although there are some constraints such as infrastructure which needs to be was added, and the lack of information about the requirements in the management of civil documents. Conclusion: Employee Performance in Improving the Population Administration Services in the Department of Population and Civil Registration Manado based on research that has been done can be said is good enough

    Kriteria Manajemen Pelayanan pada Penyusunan Program Kerja di Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    In carrying out the service management criteria there are also various complicated matters,such as in government agencies, especially the unity of the nation and politics are also inseparable fromthe various problems that convolve I. Judging from the reality of some problems such is not beingconsidered the criteria of service management to the planning in the preparation of work programs,such us professionalism and skill, attitudes and behavior, accessibility and flexibility, reability andtrustworthiness, recovery, reputation credibilityRresearch by as much as 10 (ten) informant: 1 person head of department, 1 secretary, 1 head of sub.Planning, 1 head of sub. General, 6 civil state apparatus. Data collection techniques used are interview,observation, and documentation. As well as data analysis techniques used are data reduction,presentation, and conclusion

    Penyelenggaraan Good Governance di Desa Sea Kecamatan Pineleng Kabupaten Minahasa

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    This research there are problems in implementing Good Governance at the village of Sea, have not gone wellaccording law No. 8 of 1999 on the implementation of good governance. The researchers used a qualitative researchmethod. The data was collected starting from the stage of observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Onthe data collection was completed by using the guidelines of the interview, where there are 10 informantsinterviewed.After being interviewed, the researchers analyzed the results of interviews with several phases. The first of themwith the data collection was done through observation or interviews, then do record keeping and typing and editingas necessary, both the reduction i.e. elections against existing data, sharpen data analysis, summarize and discarddata that is not needed, the third provides data and simplifying data have been obtained in order to facilitate researchin the conclusion, the fourth withdrawal i.e., verify their conclusions with a review the records or data retrieved aswell as analyze causal including brainstorm with friends and supervising professors and take conclusion.The results showed that organizing Good Governance have not applied optimally as expected by law No. 8 in 1999and the theory of Inu Kencana, 1994.The conclusion that can be drawn through the results of this research is that found there are some principles of GoodGovernance that has not gone well. Of which public participation is still very lacking in the process management ofthe KTP & KK, law enforcement has been running fine but for the better should the existence of PERDES,transparency needs to be improved in terms of disclosure for financial management to the community. Responsifitasthe Government is still lacking in terms of service the rice still need for renewing the data community who deservethe rice, RKPdesa village and Profile updates need to be made in accordance with the year 2016, the lack of aGovernment response, information boards, still less to embrace the community in order to make KK and ID CARD.Consensus is already well underway, however, Equality with regard to note what\u27s special in service of rice, theGovernment should give the rights of the underprivileged community, lest not right on target, effectiveness andefficiency can not be rated good because there are problems that have been described above so that the communitycan be felt yet. Accountability has been running good since the village was already running task for reporting to theDistrict about financial management and already inform the community about the program that will be implemented.With this research is expected to be the subject of study of the theory of society and contribute as well as input forthe Government in realizing Good Governance effectively and efficiently

    Peranan Hukum Tua dalam Mewujudkan Transparansi dan Akuntanbilitas Pembangunan Desa Seretan Kecamatan Lembean Timur Kabupaten Minahasa

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    ABSTARCT: The authority of leadership village leader as Hukum Tua in Minahasa Regency, is head the legal community unity which has borders authorized to regulate and manage the affairs of government, the interests of the local community by community initiatives, the right of origin, and / or traditional rights are recognized and respected in the system of government of the Republic of Indonesia. Good Governance be a good idea in order to improve the quality of public services that the village government organized jointly between the Hukum Tua, BPD, community organizations and the public with the principles of transparency and accountability. Therefore, this study aims to determine the role of the Hukum Tua in realizing the transparency and accountability of development in the village of East Lembean drag troughs District of Minahasa.The research proves that the role of the Hukum Tua in realizing the principle of transparency in village drag troughs are good, because the ability to convey information and financial development programs are often delivered village itself directly to the community and village, in meetings or in the event of joy and sorrow. Communication patterns often hold a general meeting every three (3) months and provide information boards so people can determine the extent of the activities that have and have not done. The principle of accountability also good because the Hukum Tua in delivering accountability of the duties and obligations is delivered directly to the public through a loudspeaker as well as the accountability report (LPJ) be submitted in writing to the BPD, Head and forwarded to the Regent Minahasa, in determining the commitment to the process of delivering LPJ BPD and there is conformity with the vision and mission of the village government.The method used in this study is a qualitative study with 32 informants. It can be concluded that the role of Hukum Tua villages Seretan troughs in accountable is the transparency to stakeholders received good appreciation by almost all members of the Rural Colusion Organization receives accountability report Hukum Tua. Considered appropriate for a person of honor calls Ukung Tu'a is Tu'a in walak. Hukum Tua (Rural Head) can be interpreted as a protector

    Peranan Satuan Lalu Lintas Polisi Resort dalam Pelayanan Administrasi Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan (Studi di Kantor Bersama Sistem Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap Sangihe)

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    ABSTRACK : Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the role of Satlantas Polres in the administrative service of STNK in Samsat Sangihe Joint Office in general can be done well, but it is not fully demonstrating the principles of Prime Regident Ranmor service yet as stipulated in the Regulation of Chief of Police Number 5 Year 2012, which are simple, fast, accurate, accountable, informative, and convenient. Based on the conclusion of the research result, it is suggested that the principles of simple, fast, accurate, accountable, informative, and convenient services can be improved in the administrative service of STNK by Satlantas Polres in Samsat Sangihe Joint Office. Therefore, some actions that is needed to be done, among other things is to add the number of personnel officers, to improve the infrastructures and facilities and to add facilities in serving

    Kompetensi Kepala Desa dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Desa Tounelet Kecamatan Kakas Kabupaten Minahasa

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    The implementation of village governance requires more optimal handling on the aspect of RuralApparatus Human Resources, in improving the competence of village head and village apparatus. In termsof management, it is necessary to increase the capacity of village government in village developmentplanning and budgeting, village financial management, village head leadership, village policy formulation,and village services. Based on the problems presented, this study aims to determine the competence of theVillage Head in the administration in the Village Tounelet Kakas District Minahasa District This researchuses qualitative method, which is a contextual research that makes man as an instrument, and adapted to areasonable situation in relation to data collection which is generally qualitative. The result of the researchshows that the competence of Tounelet Village Head in the administration of village government is seenfrom the competence of knowledge and attitude competence is good enough / adequate; But seen from thecompetence of skills and skills are still inadequate