3,007 research outputs found

    Spin induced multipole moments for the gravitational wave flux from binary inspirals to third Post-Newtonian order

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    Using effective field theory techniques we calculate the source multipole moments needed to obtain the spin contributions to the power radiated in gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries to third Post-Newtonian order (3PN). The multipoles depend linearly and quadratically on the spins and include both spin(1)spin(2) and spin(1)spin(1) components. The results in this paper provide the last missing ingredient required to determine the phase evolution to 3PN including all spin effects which we will report in a separate paper.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figures. Published versio

    Universal Behaviour of the Superfluid Fraction and Tc of He-3 in 99.5% Open Aerogel

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    We have investigated the superfluid transition of He-3 in a 99.5% porosity silica aerogel. This very dilute sample shows behaviour intermediary between bulk He-3 and He-3 confined to the denser aerogels previously studied. We present data on both the superfluid transition temperature and the superfluid density and compare our results with previous measurements. Finally, we show that the suppression of the superfluid transition temperature and suppression of the superfluid density of He-3 in aerogel follow a universal relation for a range of aerogel samples.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; 1 new figure, minor change

    Differential Light Shift Cancellation in a Magnetic-Field-Insensitive Transition of 87^{87}Rb

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    We demonstrate near-complete cancellation of the differential light shift of a two-photon magnetic-field-insensitive microwave hyperfine (clock) transition in 87^{87}Rb atoms trapped in an optical lattice. Up to 95(2)95(2)% of the differential light shift is canceled while maintaining magnetic-field insensitivity. This technique should have applications in quantum information and frequency metrology.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Conditional probabilities with Dirac observables and the problem of time in quantum gravity

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    We combine the "evolving constants" approach to the construction of observables in canonical quantum gravity with the Page--Wootters formulation of quantum mechanics with a relational time for generally covariant systems. This overcomes the objections levied by Kucha\v{r} against the latter formalism. The construction is formulated entirely in terms of Dirac observables, avoiding in all cases the physical observation of quantities that do not belong in the physical Hilbert space. We work out explicitly the example of the parameterized particle, including the calculation of the propagator. The resulting theory also predicts a fundamental mechanism of decoherence.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, RevTe

    Next to leading order spin-orbit effects in the motion of inspiralling compact binaries

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    Using effective field theory (EFT) techniques we calculate the next-to-leading order (NLO) spin-orbit contributions to the gravitational potential of inspiralling compact binaries. We use the covariant spin supplementarity condition (SSC), and explicitly prove the equivalence with previous results by Faye et al. in arXiv:gr-qc/0605139. We also show that the direct application of the Newton-Wigner SSC at the level of the action leads to the correct dynamics using a canonical (Dirac) algebra. This paper then completes the calculation of the necessary spin dynamics within the EFT formalism that will be used in a separate paper to compute the spin contributions to the energy flux and phase evolution to NLO.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, revtex4. v2: minor changes, refs. added. To appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Optimization of photon storage fidelity in ordered atomic arrays

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    A major application for atomic ensembles consists of a quantum memory for light, in which an optical state can be reversibly converted to a collective atomic excitation on demand. There exists a well-known fundamental bound on the storage error, when the ensemble is describable by a continuous medium governed by the Maxwell-Bloch equations. The validity of this model can break down, however, in systems such as dense, ordered atomic arrays, where strong interference in emission can give rise to phenomena such as subradiance and "selective" radiance. Here, we develop a general formalism that finds the maximum storage efficiency for a collection of atoms with discrete, known positions, and a given spatial mode in which an optical field is sent. As an example, we apply this technique to study a finite two-dimensional square array of atoms. We show that such a system enables a storage error that scales with atom number NaN_\mathrm{a} like (logNa)2/Na2\sim (\log N_\mathrm{a})^2/N_\mathrm{a}^2, and that, remarkably, an array of just 4×44 \times 4 atoms in principle allows for an efficiency comparable to a disordered ensemble with optical depth of around 600.Comment: paper is now identical to published versio

    Non-Relativistic Gravitation: From Newton to Einstein and Back

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    We present an improvement to the Classical Effective Theory approach to the non-relativistic or Post-Newtonian approximation of General Relativity. The "potential metric field" is decomposed through a temporal Kaluza-Klein ansatz into three NRG-fields: a scalar identified with the Newtonian potential, a 3-vector corresponding to the gravito-magnetic vector potential and a 3-tensor. The derivation of the Einstein-Infeld-Hoffmann Lagrangian simplifies such that each term corresponds to a single Feynman diagram providing a clear physical interpretation. Spin interactions are dominated by the exchange of the gravito-magnetic field. Leading correction diagrams corresponding to the 3PN correction to the spin-spin interaction and the 2.5PN correction to the spin-orbit interaction are presented.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. v2: published version. v3: Added a computation of Einstein-Infeld-Hoffmann in higher dimensions within our improved ClEFT which partially confirms and partially corrects a previous computation. See notes added at end of introductio

    Fundamental decoherence from relational time in discrete quantum gravity: Galilean covariance

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    We have recently argued that if one introduces a relational time in quantum mechanics and quantum gravity, the resulting quantum theory is such that pure states evolve into mixed states. The rate at which states decohere depends on the energy of the states. There is therefore the question of how this can be reconciled with Galilean invariance. More generally, since the relational description is based on objects that are not Dirac observables, the issue of covariance is of importance in the formalism as a whole. In this note we work out an explicit example of a totally constrained, generally covariant system of non-relativistic particles that shows that the formula for the relational conditional probability is a Galilean scalar and therefore the decoherence rate is invariant.Comment: 10 pages, RevTe

    A Bose-Einstein Condensate in a Uniform Light-induced Vector Potential

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    We use a two-photon dressing field to create an effective vector gauge potential for Bose-condensed Rb atoms in the F=1 hyperfine ground state. The dressed states in this Raman field are spin and momentum superpositions, and we adiabatically load the atoms into the lowest energy dressed state. The effective Hamiltonian of these neutral atoms is like that of charged particles in a uniform magnetic vector potential, whose magnitude is set by the strength and detuning of Raman coupling. The spin and momentum decomposition of the dressed states reveals the strength of the effective vector potential, and our measurements agree quantitatively with a simple single-particle model. While the uniform effective vector potential described here corresponds to zero magnetic field, our technique can be extended to non-uniform vector potentials, giving non-zero effective magnetic fields.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Robust superfluid phases of 3He in aerogel

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    Within a phenomenological approach possible forms of the order parameter of the superfluid phases of 3He in a vicinity of the transition temperature are discussed. Effect of aerogel is described by a random tensor field interacting with the orbital part of the order parameter. With respect to their interaction with the random tensor field a group of "robust" order parameters which can maintain long-range order in a presence of the random field is specified. Robust order parameters, corresponding to Equal Spin Pairing (ESP) states are found and proposed as candidates for the observed A-like superfluid phase of liquid 3He in aerogel.Comment: 5 pages, prepared for QFS 200