671 research outputs found

    Isolation and mapping of a C3'H gene (CYP98A49) from globe artichoke, and its expression upon UV-C stress

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    Globe artichoke represents a natural source of phenolic compounds with dicaffeoylquinic acids along with their biosynthetic precursor chlorogenic acid (5-caffeoylquinic acid) as the predominant molecules. We report the isolation and characterization of a full-length cDNA and promoter of a globe artichoke p-coumaroyl ester 3¿-hydroxylase (CYP98A49), which is involved in both chlorogenic acid and lignin biosynthesis. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that this gene belongs to the CYP98 family. CYP98A49 was also heterologously expressed in yeast, in order to perform an enzymatic assay with p-coumaroylshikimate and p-coumaroylquinate as substrates. Real Time quantitative PCR analysis revealed that CYP98A49 expression is induced upon exposure to UV-C radiation. A single nucleotide polymorphism in the CYP98A49 gene sequence of two globe artichoke varieties used for genetic mapping allowed the localization of this gene to linkage group 10 within the previously developed map

    The Genetic Basis of Tomato Aroma

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) aroma is determined by the interaction of volatile compounds (VOCs) released by the tomato fruits with receptors in the nose, leading to a sensorial impression, such as “sweet”, “smoky”, or “fruity” aroma. Of the more than 400 VOCs released by tomato fruits, 21 have been reported as main contributors to the perceived tomato aroma. These VOCs can be grouped in five clusters, according to their biosynthetic origins. In the last decades, a vast array of scientific studies has investigated the genetic component of tomato aroma in modern tomato cultivars and their relatives. In this paper we aim to collect, compare, integrate and summarize the available literature on flavour-related QTLs in tomato. Three hundred and 5ifty nine (359) QTLs associated with tomato fruit VOCs were physically mapped on the genome and investigated for the presence of potential candidate genes. This review makes it possible to (i) pinpoint potential donors described in literature for specific traits, (ii) highlight important QTL regions by combining information from different populations, and (iii) pinpoint potential candidate genes. This overview aims to be a valuable resource for researchers aiming to elucidate the genetics underlying tomato flavour and for breeders who aim to improve tomato aroma.</p

    Mapping the Genetic Regions Responsible for Key Phenology-Related Traits in the European Hazelnut

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    An increasing interest in the cultivation of (European) hazelnut (Corylus avellana) is driving a demand to breed cultivars adapted to non-conventional environments, particularly in the context of incipient climate change. Given that plant phenology is so strongly determined by genotype, a rational approach to support these breeding efforts will be to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and the genes underlying the basis for adaptation. The present study was designed to map QTLs for phenology-related traits, such as the timing of both male and female flowering, dichogamy, and the period required for nuts to reach maturity. The analysis took advantage of an existing linkage map developed from a population of F(1) progeny bred from the cross “Tonda Gentile delle Langhe” × “Merveille de Bollwiller,” consisting in 11 LG. A total of 42 QTL-harboring regions were identified. Overall, 71 QTLs were detected, 49 on the TGdL map and 22 on the MB map; among these, 21 were classified as major; 13 were detected in at least two of the seasons (stable-major QTL). In detail, 20 QTLs were identified as contributing to the time of male flowering, 15 to time of female flowering, 25 to dichogamy, and 11 to time of nut maturity. LG02 was found to harbor 16 QTLs, while 15 QTLs mapped to LG10 and 14 to LG03. Many of the QTLs were clustered with one another. The major cluster was located on TGdL_02 and consisted of mainly major QTLs governing all the analyzed traits. A search of the key genomic regions revealed 22 candidate genes underlying the set of traits being investigated. Many of them have been described in the literature as involved in processes related to flowering, control of dormancy, budburst, the switch from vegetative to reproductive growth, or the morphogenesis of flowers and seeds