77 research outputs found


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    Organic agricultural products are the best raw materials for food products with high nutritional density (food supplements, functional foods, and nutraceuticals). The applied technologies in the organic farming system use inputs free of hormones, GMOs, pesticides, antibiotics and other synthetic substances - and all of these allow both the preservation of the bio-availability of the active compounds during processing and the elimination of toxicological risks in final food products. The authors present an innovative approach to the production technology specific to a food product with high nutritional density that is developed from raw materials from Romania. The production of quality foods with high nutritional density can be supported both by Romania's huge potential within the production system specific to ecological agriculture and by the increased demand for such products with added value. The use of special techniques of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS), extraction of active bio-compounds with the help of supercritical agents (SFE), molecular absorption spectrometry (MAS) facilitates the monitoring of food safety for both raw materials and final foods


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    Local legal relations have evolved steadily over the past twenty years, so now we arewitnessing a redefinition of their concept, with the purpose of overcoming the traditionallocal autonomy in recognition of certain international legal capacity of local communities toparticipate in forms of decentralized cooperation.The goal of our research is to identify new actors in the international relations, localcommunities, which under EU law and the Council of Europe acquire certain powers thatwould allow them, at least theoretically, employment among secondary actors on the stage ofinternational law.The study presents an examination of the documents governing international or localcooperation with the ultimate aim to highlight the consequences of these forms ofcooperation, which they produce in the context of administrative decentralization

    Research Regarding the Wear Level for a New Constructive Solution of a Cutting Tool

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    The paper presents a study of wear made to implement a constructive solution for a new cutting tool. The design of the cutting tool can be checked from a functional perspective, as well as reliability during the cutting process (process simulation). The purpose of the cutting process simulation is to check the new solution using the finite element analysis method. The criterion to assess the effectiveness of the constructive solution is the study of the tool wear level depending on cutting regime parameters. The implementation of the wear model in the DEFORM software was used to establish the wear level


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    In our country are generated millions of tons of industrial wastes annually. These wastes are stored in industrial wastes deposits which occupied the large surface of soil and also affected the environmental quality, specially the quality of groundwater and surface water. The research activity develop up now, has demonstrated the possibility that these wastes to become the alternative source of raw material for building material industry, based on physical and chemical characteristics similarities with traditional raw material. The paper presents the results of research activities regarding to the use of bottom as raw material in the manufacture of building materials. The use of bottom ash in building material industry is the best way to reduce the huge amounts of this waste that is storage in the historical deposit of thermal power plant. The paper presents the ash deposit of thermal power plant impact upon the environment and some possibilities of ash capitalization in order to reduce of its impact

    Protected Laser Evaporation/Ablation and Deposition of Organic/Biological Materials: Thin Films Deposition for Nano- biomedical Applications

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    This chapter reviews the laser ablation of delicate organic/biological substances by matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation (MAPLE). It is shown that direct ablation in this case is possible but sometimes not workable at all in adverse conditions. The considered solution is the protection by a prevalent dissolving/suspending component that can allow for a “shielded” ablation by the frozen solvent followed by its gradual evaporation by melting, evaporation and evacuation by pumping system. We extend the study to the case of non-UV absorbing solvents, e.g., water, when the primary interaction between laser and solute ignites evaporation process at a lower ablation threshold due to reduced pressure inside irradiation chamber. We called this case as “generalized” MAPLE interaction. Relevant examples are provided and critically analyzed in view of potential applications for nanobiomedicine, biosensors, advanced implants and chemical technologies

    Applied 3D Virtual Try-on for Bodies with Atypical Characteristics

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    AbstractThe manufacture of clothing using real body measurements is based on user's new profile, on their own desire for individualization through purchased garments but also on the results of the anthropometric surveys which have shown great variability in morphological types, especially for women.Research conducted by the authors focused on the application of 3D virtual try-on in pattern alterations for “women trousers”. To achieve the objectives of the work, bodies with atypical characteristics were selected from the database resulting from 3D scanning of the Romanian women population. In the study, it was found that many women have different sizes for the two hip contours (left-right), differences being in the range 1.5 to 4.5cm.Based on these considerations a method of completion of the patterns for trousers has been developed and applied, by 3D simulation of the body-garment.This paper brings contributions to clothing design technology by 3D virtual try-on, taking into account the body shape of the users

    Особенности учебного процесса по медицине труда в г. Тимишоара в перспективе будущего данной специальности

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    Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie Victor Babeș, Timișoara, UMFT, România, Conferinţa știinţifico-practică naţională cu participare internaţională Sănătatea ocupaţională: probleme și realizări prima ediţie 5-7 iunie 2014This paper presents the new face of occupational health discipline of UMF „Victor Babeş” Timişoara, with a new,dynamic syllabus, for medical students, aligned with the society demands. EMUTOM and NetWoRM projects are presented, the obtained results in their practice and their usefulness in medical education. Timişoara adopted the system of “blended learning”, centered on the realities of Romanian and European developments. Students assessements are favorable, and their results encourage us to continue.Настоящая работа посвящена новшествам учебной дисциплины медицина труда в Университете медицины и фармации г. Тимишоара, с новой аналитической и динамичной программой для студентов медиков, которая приспособлена к потребностям общества. Представлены проекты NetWoRM, EMUTOM, результаты полученные при их реализации и практическая значимость для учебного процесса. В г. Тимишоара была утверждена система “blended learning”, нацеленная на румынские реальности и европейские эволюции. Отклики студентов положительные, а их результаты подтверждают необходимость продолжения реформ


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    Conductive textiles play a key role in making highly specialized clothing. While clothing made of conductive fabrics can experience mechanical stress during wearing, this paper presents a comparative study of the deformation behaviour of two conductive fabrics (knitted and woven fabrics). Based on the physical and mechanical tests and analysis, we calculated the anisotropy and Young modulus for both fabrics and also we simulated their wearing behaviour of them using a pattern design software (PDS) from OPTITEX. Both values were compared with the bending behaviour simulation on a human avatar using PDS-3D. The map of the simulated bending stress reveals the high peaks at elbows, hips, knees, thoracic and armpit areas. All the highest values obtained by simulation are lower than the calculated ones, which means that at maximum stress the fabrics will not be damaged

    The Use of Infrared Spectroscopy in the Investigation of Urolithiasis Ulilizarea spectroscopiei în infraroşu pentru investigarea urolitiazei

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    Abstract Infrared (IR) spectroscopy is a modern physical-chemical method suitable for the investigation of kidney stones composition. The application of this method in our wor