12,478 research outputs found

    Solar panel fabrication Patent

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    Method and apparatus for fabricating solar cell panel

    On the potential of transit surveys in star clusters: Impact of correlated noise and radial velocity follow-up

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    We present an extension of the formalism recently proposed by Pepper & Gaudi to evaluate the yield of transit surveys in homogeneous stellar systems, incorporating the impact of correlated noise on transit time-scales on the detectability of transits, and simultaneously incorporating the magnitude limits imposed by the need for radial velocity follow-up of transit candidates. New expressions are derived for the different contributions to the noise budget on transit time-scales and the least-squares detection statistic for box-shaped transits, and their behaviour as a function of stellar mass is re-examined. Correlated noise that is constant with apparent stellar magnitude implies a steep decrease in detection probability at the high mass end which, when considered jointly with the radial velocity requirements, can severely limit the potential of otherwise promising surveys in star clusters. However, we find that small-aperture, wide field surveys may detect hot Neptunes whose radial velocity signal can be measured with present-day instrumentation in very nearby (<100 pc) clusters.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Alliances and industry analysis

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    Traditionally alliances have been left at of industry analysis. We have been focusing basically on the economic characteristics determining bargaining power on the relationships between the actors in a value system. The paper proposes a methodology to analyze industries from a very different perspective that incorporates alliances as one of the main drivers of industry structure.Alliances; industry structure; networks;

    Global imbalances and developing countries.

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    The main distinguishing features of present-day global imbalances go beyond their sheer amount and generalisation. First, the world economy is characterised by an increased and dynamic presence of many developing countries that simultaneously have turned from deficit into surplus economies. Second, imbalances happen in a context of variable exchange rates and under an accelerated process of financial globalisation. Third, the international reserve currency is basically the currency of just one advanced country in the world. Both the variability of exchange rates –in principle freeing countries of the need to defend their parities–and the easy availability of private foreign finance –liberating them from the limits imposed either by the amount of foreign exchange reserves or the conditional access to IMF resources– go to a great extent to explain the increase and generalisation of current account deficits. But, additionally, the capacity of the United States to run deficits financed by the fact of their issuing the international reserve currency, has decisively contributed to the explosion in the magnitude of the imbalances. Of course, the ability to finance deficits by resorting to foreign inflows is dominated by its variability and by the accumulation of debt frequently ending up in severe crises. Thus, financial stability is endangered. On the surpluses side, quite a few major advanced countries persist in generating them instead of promoting fast rates of growth and improving the lot of their own citizens. Thus, the old-time deflationary bias that places limits on deficit countries while leaving the major surplus countries to unfettered run restrictive policies playing beggar-thy-neighbour on the rest of the world still rules the present-day non-system. Surely, many fast growing developing countries, having on the contrary become the dynamic force in the world economy, play a completely different role based on their having overcome the restrictions that deficits used to place on their performance. Redressing global imbalances to avoid financial instability, therefore, would, at the international level, require regulating “speculative” private international capital flows, on the one hand, and devising a new international monetary system that would run on the basis of a multilateral reserve currency. Additionally, a less restrictive mechanism than the conditionality-run IMF should be established for clearing temporary imbalances with similar obligations for surplus and deficit countries, although growth rates and the stage of development would have to be taken into account. Redressing global imbalances, however, should not be made at the expense of growth in the world economy that as mentioned before has come to increasingly depend on the developing countries’ economies. Room, therefore, would have to be built for the surpluses of the developing countries following successful export-led strategies to be accommodated within such a system. This way, developing countries will keep being able to pursue expansionary policies, reduce inequality and continue to represent a dynamic force in global terms.

    Safety of opioid patch initiation in Australian residential aged care

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    Explores opioid use by aged care facility residents before and after initiation of transdermal opioid patches. Abstract Objective: To explore opioid use by aged care facility residents before and after initiation of transdermal opioid patches. Design: A cross-sectional cohort study, analysing pharmacy data on individual patient supply between 1 July 2008 and 30 September 2013. Setting: Sixty residential aged care facilities in New South Wales. Participants: Residents receiving an initial opioid patch during the study period Main outcome measure: The proportion of residents who were opioid-naive in the 4 weeks prior to patch initiation was determined. In addition, the patch strength at initiation and the daily dose of transdermal patches and of additional opioids 1 month after initiation were determined. Results: An opioid patch was initiated in 596 of 5297 residents (11.3%: 2.6% fentanyl, 8.7% buprenorphine) in the 60 residential aged care facilities. The mean age at initiation was 87 years, and 74% of the recipients were women. The proportion of recipients who were opioid-naive before patch initiation was 34% for fentanyl and 49% for buprenorphine. Most were initiated at the lowest available patch strength, and the dose was up-titrated after initiation. Around 15% of fentanyl users and 10% of buprenorphine users needed additional regular opioids after patch initiation. Conclusions: The results suggest some inappropriate initiation of opioid patches in Australian residential aged care facilities. Contrary to best practice, a third of residents initiated on fentanyl patches were opioid-naive in the 4 weeks before initiation. &nbsp

    Comment on ``Force Balance at the Transition from Selective Withdrawal to Viscous Entrainment

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    Comment on paper by Blanchette and Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 144501 (2009)

    Ground-Based Photometric Searches for Transiting Planets

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    This paper reviews the basic technical characteristics of the ground-based photometric searches for transiting planets, and discusses a possible observational selection effect. I suggest that additional photometric observations of the already observed fields might discover new transiting planets with periods around 4-6 days. The set of known transiting planets support the intriguing correlation between the planetary mass and the orbital period suggested already in 2005.Comment: Proceedings of IAU Symposium 253 "Transiting Planets", p. 11-1

    Statistical data mining for symbol associations in genomic databases

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    A methodology is proposed to automatically detect significant symbol associations in genomic databases. A new statistical test is proposed to assess the significance of a group of symbols when found in several genesets of a given database. Applied to symbol pairs, the thresholded p-values of the test define a graph structure on the set of symbols. The cliques of that graph are significant symbol associations, linked to a set of genesets where they can be found. The method can be applied to any database, and is illustrated MSigDB C2 database. Many of the symbol associations detected in C2 or in non-specific selections did correspond to already known interactions. On more specific selections of C2, many previously unkown symbol associations have been detected. These associations unveal new candidates for gene or protein interactions, needing further investigation for biological evidence
