370 research outputs found

    La tendencia secular de las precipitaciones en Guatrache, Santa Rosa y General Pico, La Pampa

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    The series of precipitations 1921-80 for the localities of Guatraché, Santa Rosa and General Pico in the Province of La Pampa, have a secular positive tendency for the annual values and for the most rainy month in every one of these towns. On the contrary in the driest month, the secular tendency is negative. Similar statistical treatment is done in Santa Rosa for every month of the year, finding positive secular tendency values for the warm last six months and a negative tendency for remainder semester.Se analiza una serie de precipitaciones 1921-80 para las localidades de Santa Rosa, Guatrache, y General Pico en la Provincia de La Pampa, encontrándose una tendencia secular positiva para los valores anuales y para el mes más lluvioso en cada una de ellas. Para el mes más seco en cambio, se verifica una tendencia secular negativa. Se realiza similar tratamiento estadístico para la localidad de Santa Rosa en cada uno de los meses del año, encontrándose valores positivos de tendencia secular durante el semestre cálido y negativos en el semestre restante

    Generation of TALEN-mediated GRdim knock-in rats by homologous recombination.

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    Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases (TALEN) are potential tools for precise genome engineering of laboratory animals. We report the first targeted genomic integration in the rat using TALENs (Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases) by homology-derived recombination (HDR). We assembled TALENs and designed a linear donor insert targeting a pA476T mutation in the rat Glucocorticoid Receptor (Nr3c1) namely GR(dim), that prevents receptor homodimerization in the mouse. TALEN mRNA and linear double-stranded donor were microinjected into rat one-cell embryos. Overall, we observed targeted genomic modifications in 17% of the offspring, indicating high TALEN cutting efficiency in rat zygotes

    Sistema tradicional de manejo de caprinos II. Desempenho de caprinos SRD na fase de pós-aleitamento

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    The pattern of growth of SRD kids from an average of 153 days up to approximately 461 days of age was studied. Weights at the ages of 153 (W5), 181 (W6), 209 (W7), 237 (W8), 265 (W9), 293 (W10), 321 (W11), 349 (W12), 461 (W16) days and calculated weight gains (G) between every weight interval G5 = (W5 - Weaning weight) through G12 = (W12 - W 11) were evaluated. Data were initially recorded on 54 kids and diminished thereafter at every interval due to kid mortality. The least squares analysis of variance showed a significant season of birth effect (P 0.05) with the exception of type of birth for G12 (P 0,05), com exceção do tipo de nascimento para G12 (P < 0,025). As covariâncias de peso da mãe ao parto e idade do cabrito no momento da pesagem, foram significativas em algumas idades. Já para peso ao nascer, a covariável foi significativa para P7, P8, P10 (P < 0,005); P9 (P < 0,001); P6, P11 e G12 (P < 0,025).

    Do the Historical Biogeography and Evolutionary History of the Digenean Margotrema spp. across Central Mexico Mirror Those of Their Freshwater Fish Hosts (Goodeinae)?

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    Host-parasite systems provide an ideal platform to study evolution at different levels, including codivergence in a historical biogeography context. In this study we aim to describe biogeographic and codivergent patterns and associated processes of the Goodeinae freshwater fish and their digenean parasite (Margotrema spp.) over the last 6.5 Ma (million years), identifying the main factors (host and/or hydrogeomorphology) that influenced the evolution of Margotrema. We obtained a species tree for Margotrema spp. using DNA sequence data from mitochondrial and nuclear molecular markers (COI and ITS1, respectively) and performed molecular dating to discern divergence events within the genus. The dispersal-extinction-cladogenesis (DEC) model was used to describe the historical biogeography of digeneans and applied to cophylogenetic analyses of Margotrema and their goodeine hosts. Our results showed that the evolutionary history of Margotrema has been shaped in close association with its geographic context, especially with the geological history of central Mexico during the Pleistocene. Host-specificity has been established at three levels of historical association: a) Species-Species, represented by Xenotaenia resolanae -M. resolanae exclusively found in the Cuzalapa River Basin; b) Species-Lineage, represented by Characodon audax-M. bravoae Lineage II, exclusive to the Upper and Middle Mezquital River Basin, and c) Tribe-Lineage, including two instances of historical associations among parasites and hosts at the taxonomical level of tribe, one represented by Ilyodontini-M. bravoae Lineage I (distributed across the Ayuquila and Balsas River Basins), and another comprised of Girardinichthyini/Chapalichthyini-M. bravoae Lineage III, found only in the Lerma River Basin. We show that the evolutionary history of the parasites is, on several occasions, in agreement with the phylogenetic and biogeographic history of their hosts. A series of biogeographic and host-parasite events explain the codivergence patterns observed, in which cospeciation and colonisation via host-switching and vicariant plus dispersal events are appreciated, at different times during the diversification history of both associates, particularly during the Pleistocene.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse


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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo determinar el Índice de Potenciación de Género (IPG) territorial a través de su medición en la Provincia de Camagüey, Cuba. La razón del IPG es medir los logros relativos que se alcanzan en cuanto al poder de generación de ingresos, participación en los trabajos profesionales y técnicos y porcentaje de puestos parlamentarios en un país, pero este resultado pudiera encubrir la realidad de un espacio subnacional y no permitir la adopción de políticas más acordes en las realidades concretas de un territorio. Es por ello, que se construyó el IPG a escala territorial, en el caso de Cuba, país donde existen peculiaridades que son sui-géneris, como es el caso del ingreso que no constituye una medida de inequidad por cuanto hombres y mujeres reciben igual salario por igual puesto de trabajo, por tanto no se consideró en el estudio.Los datos para el estudio provienen, fundamentalmente, de los Censos de Población y Vivienda realizados en Cuba en septiembre del 2002 y septiembre del 2012, o sea, los dos censos realizados en el país en el presente siglo, por lo que se decidió trabajar con los mismos por la confiabilidad y robustez que posee la información proveniente de esta fuente de datos. Como resultado del trabajo, se puede plantear que al analizar en el tiempo la evolución del IPG, aún existen desigualdades de género en la participación femenina en cargos de dirección en la provincia de Camagüey, aunque este aumentó más del doble entre el 2002 y el 2012. El valor práctico de este trabajo radica en que es la primera vez que a nivel territorial se realiza un estudio de este tipo

    Molecular diversity within clones of cv. Tannat (Vitis vinifera)

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    DNAs from 9 clones of cv. Tannat (Vitis vinifera) were analyzed at 89 microsatellite loci. Only one, VMCNg 1d12, showed a differential pattern that separated the clones in two groups. The statistical analysis of concentrations for aroma compounds from microvinifications also resulted in the same two groupings of clones. Many analyzed microsatellite loci amplified only one allele, implying that Tannat is a highly homozygous variety. For a given set of 15 microsatellites the level of homozygosity was 53 % for Tannat, in contrast to 6 % for Pinot, 20 % for both Cabernet Franc and Chardonnay and 33 % for Cabernet Sauvignon. We provide molecular data for Tannat, originating from southwestern France and nowadays becoming the emblematic cultivar of Uruguayan fine red wines. We also report a correlation between aroma-related compounds and molecular markers within clones of a cultivar.

    Three-dimensional geometric morphometrics for studying floral shape variation

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    Variation in floral shape is of major interest to evolutionary and pollination biologists, plant systematists and developmental geneticists. Quantifying this variation has been difficult due to the three-dimensional (3D) complexity of angiosperm flowers. By combining 3D geometric representations of flowers obtained by micro-computed tomography scanning with geometric morphometric methods, well established in zoology and anthropology, floral shape variation can be analyzed quantitatively, allowing for powerful interpretation and visualization of the resulting patterns of variation

    Spiritual Practices and Dispositional Optimism in an Underprivileged Population

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    Optimism seems to foster the ability to manage adverse situations better - a finding especially relevant for disadvantaged populations. Employing a unique sample from a small underprivileged village, we study the association between spiritual practices and dispositional optimism. The village belongs to a developing country that is, by far, the most secular country in Latin America: this makes particularly interesting exploring the role of spiritual practices in this context. We find that spiritual practices are positively associated with higher optimism, measured by the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R): those who practice spirituality, score, on average, 14.4 percentage points higher on the LOT-R than those who do not. And this association seems to be especially robust in the case of the poor and less educated: those with spiritual practices score 20 percentage points higher on the LOT-R. Thus, the role that spiritual practices may play in dispositional optimism in disadvantaged populations deserves more attentio