13 research outputs found

    Ultrasound measures of Nellore cattle supplemented of yeast and probiotic in the north of Mato Grosso.

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    The search for better results on the performance and carcass traits of cattle under grazing has required efforts in the elaboration of diets that satisfy them both the producer and the consumer; therefore, the supplementation of grazing cattle is one of the main strategies for the intensification of systems. It is important to identify the effects of dietary supplementation on bovine growth through ultrasound imaging, which in addition to being an indication of the carcass composition allows estimation of the thickness of subcutaneous fat, as it helps to protect the carcass cold shortening. The objective of this study was to evaluate bovine carcass alterations, by means of ultrasound images, finished with pasture with additives supplementation. Twenty-eight noncastrated males of the Nellore breed were randomly divided into four supplementation groups (Group 1 = Urea; Group 2 = Urea + Optygen; Group 3 = Group 2 + Yeasts; and Group 4 = Group 3 + Probiotic). The experimental area used was of eight hectares, with Brachiaria brizantha cv. BRS Piatã, subdivided into four pens. The experiment lasted for 98 days, with 14 initial days of adaptation and the remainder subdivided into three sub-periods of 28 days, with the performance of ultrasonic readings at the end of each sub-period. For the measurement of the rib eye area (REA) and the subcutaneous fat thickness of loin (SFTL), images were taken between the 12th and 13th ribs, transversal to Musculus longissimus thoracis. For fat thickness of the rump (P8), the images were taken at the junction between M. gluteos medium and M biceps femoris, with the use of vegetable oil as an acoustic coupling. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Analyzes System software in a completely randomized design. The animal of Group 3 showed high (P 0.05) was observed among treatments, with general means of 5.53 mm in the end period. It can be concluded that the use of yeasts as an additive in the supplementation of cattle to pasture presented beneficial effects on carcass composition


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    This study evaluated the colostrum and colostrum silage of two dairy breeds cows and the quality during storage. We used 5 samples Gir cows and 5 of the Jersey breed harvested in the first milking and evaluated at 0 and 15 days of storage. Were determined in the samples pH, temperature, acidity in lactic acid, acidity, lactose, glucose, total fat, total nitrogen (TN), non-protein nitrogen (NPN), casein, molds, yeasts and enterobacteria. Statistical analysis of these variables was used analysis of variance (ANOVA) at 5% significance level. There were significant differences between the races in pH parameters at day 0, crude fat on day 0, total nitrogen and crude protein on days 0 and 15 and casein on days 0 and 15. In the other parameters no significant differences were observed between the races . Therefore, the results obtained indicate that there were significant nutritional difference between silage colostrum races Girolando and Jersey

    Medidas morfométricas e ultrassonográficas de novilhos nelore terminados em sistemas integrados de produção.

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    O rebanho bovino brasileiro atingiu, no ano de 2018, a marca de 214,69 milhões de cabeças, efetivo este de grande destaque mundial (ABIEC, 2019). Além do rebanho expressivo, o país se destaca ainda no abate de animais, no consumo e na exportação da carne bovina. Segundo a ABIEC (2019), em 2018 o Brasil abateu 44, 23 milhões de animais e exportou 2,21 milhões de toneladas de carne in natura. Entretanto, a pecuária nacional caracteriza-se pela baixa produtividade dos rebanhos, manejados, em sua maioria, em pastagens extensivas e com algum grau de degradação. Além disso, o país possui grande área de pastagens constituídas a partir do desmatamento florestal recente, o que corrobora com o aumento de restrições comerciais aos produtos brasileiros, dificultando a consolidação e o aumento das exportações de produtos cárneos. Neste sentido, os sistemas integrados podem ser uma alternativa para a pecuária nacional. Estes sistemas são adotados há alguns anos em países desenvolvidos como estratégia de ganho econômico, social e sustentável. Desde que bem manejados, é possível que seus efeitos sinérgicos garantam a produção e oferta de produtos diferenciados, assegurando apelo qualitativo ao consumidor, consequentemente, agregando valor ao produto final (KLUTHCOUSKI et al., 1991). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência dos sistemas integrados sobre as medidas corporais e de ultrassom de novilhos da raça Nelore, recriados e terminados no município de Sinop-MT.Zootec 2019

    Características da carcaça de bovinos Nelore terminados em sistemas integrados lavoura pecuária floresta (iLPF).

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    As condições climáticas favoráveis, tanto para produção agrícola quanto animal, e as extensas áreas agricultáveis, permitem ao Brasil papel de destaque na cadeia produtiva de carne (SOARES et al., 2009). No país, transforma-se matéria vegetal em proteína de alto valor nutritivo, geralmente com baixo custo de produção. Por outro lado, a baixa produtividade média da pecuária nacional, aliada à grande área com pastagens degradadas e ao desmatamento florestal, tem gerado restrições comerciais aos produtos nacionais. Nesse sentido, a produção em sistemas integrados é opção para aumentar a produtividade com sustentabilidade, por meio da diminuição dos impactos ambientais, sociais e favorecimento do bem- estar animal (KURT & KLONT, 2014). Entretanto, em virtude da complexidade destes sistemas integrados, bem como da sua recente tendência mundial, existe uma demanda crescente por informações técnicas, sobretudo nos países de clima tropical, para auxiliar os produtores no ajuste de suas tecnologias. Estudos têm sido conduzidos no Brasil no intuito de nortear este trabalho, porém, para cada região existem demandas específicas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os sistemas integrados como alternativa para a produção de novilhos da raça Nelore no município de Sinop-MT, com foco na caracterização das carcaças produzidas nestas condições.Zootec 2019

    Desempenho e características da carcaça de bovinos alimentados com dietas com caroço de algodão

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    Avaliou-se o efeito da adição de caroço de algodão à dieta de bovinos confinados sobre o desempenho animal e características da carcaça. Usaram-se 36 novilhos Nelore com médias de idade e peso vivo inicial de 20 meses e 333,5kg. Os animais foram confinados e receberam dietas com os seguintes teores de caroço de algodão: 0; 14,35%; 27,51%; e 34,09% na matéria seca da dieta. O ganho de peso diário, peso vivo final e consumo de matéria seca diminuíram linearmente com o aumento da proporção de caroço de algodão na dieta. Não foi observado efeito sobre o ganho de peso total ajustado ao consumo. Os pesos da carcaça e do contrafilé diminuíram linearmente com o aumento da proporção de caroço de algodão na dieta. Não foi observado efeito do teor de caroço de algodão sobre a área de olho de lombo. A espessura de gordura de cobertura do dorso e da garupa diminuíram com o aumento do teor de caroço de algodão. Observou-se correlação de 0,62 entre as duas medidas de gordura. A adição de caroço de algodão à dieta de bovinos de corte não se mostrou vantajosa, pois diminuiu o desempenho animal e a deposição de gordura na carcaça.The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of adding whole cottonseed to the diet of feedlot cattle over the performance and carcass traits. Thirty six Nellore bullocks were used, with an average age of 20 months and average initial weight of 333.5kg. The animals were raised on feedlot and fed diets with the following content of whole cottonseed: 0; 14.35%; 27.51%; or 34.09% on a dry matter basis. The daily weight gain, final weight and dry matter intake decreased linearly as the proportion of cottonseed increased. No effect of cottonseed on total weight gain adjusted for intake was observed. Carcass and ribeye weights decreased linearly as cottonseed content increased. No effect of cottonseed content was observed for ribeye area. In contrast, back fat and rump fat thickness decreased as cottonseed content increased. A correlation of .62 was observed between back fat and rump fat. Adding whole cottonseed to beef cattle diets did not prove advantageous because it reduced animal performance and carcass fat deposition.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Predicting beef carcass retail products of Mediterranean buffaloes by real-time ultrasound measures

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    Twenty eight Mediterranean buffaloes bulls were scanned with real-time ultrasound (RTU), slaughtered, and fabricated into retail cuts to determine the potential for ultrasound measures to predict carcass retail yield. Ultrasound measures of fat thickness, ribeye area and rump fat thickness were recorded three to five days prior to slaughter. Carcass measurements were taken, and one side of each carcass was fabricated into retail cuts. Stepwise regression analysis was used to compare possible models for prediction of either kilograms or percent retail product from carcass mesaurements and ultrasound measures. Results indicate that possible prediction models for percent or kilograms of retail products using RTU measures were similar in their predictive power and accuracy when compared to models derived from carcass measurements. Both fat thickness and ribeye area were over-predicted when measured ultrasonically compared to measurements taken on the carcass in the cooler. The mean absolute differences for both traits are larger than the mean differences, indicating that some images were interpreted to be larger and some smaller than actual carcass measurements. Ultrasound measurements of REA and FT had positive correlations with carcass measures of the same traits (r=.96 for REA and r=.99 for FT). Standard errors of prediction currently are being used as the standard to certify ultrasound technicians for accuracy. Regression equations using live weight (LW), rib eye area (REAU) and subcutaneous fat thickness (FTU) between 12(th) and 13 (th) ribs and also over the biceps femoris muscle (FTP8) by ultrasound explained 95% of the variation in the hot carcass weight when measure immediately before slaughter

    Beef quality of young Angus x Nellore cattle supplemented with rumen-protected lipids during rearing and fatting periods

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    This work evaluated the beef quality parameters of 108 bulls randomly administered to three treatments during rearing in pastures and two treatments during fatting in feedlots, including mineral and rumen-protected lipids. Meat and fat color, cooking yield, shear force, sensorial traits and chemical and fatty acid compositions were evaluated. Generally, the beef quality parameters were not affected by the rumen protected lipids; however, supplementation with rumen-protected lipids during the rearing period yielded darker beef and brighter fat and increased beef tenderness in meat aged for 28 days compared to the meat from animals that received only mineral supplementation. In addition, the percent of meat polyunsaturated fatty acids was negatively affected by the inclusion of protected lipids, yielding 5.58 and 3.72% in animals fed with and without rumen-protected lipids, respectively, during the fatting period. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Beef tenderness of Nellore cattle finished with supplemented yeast and probiotic in the north of Mato Grosso.

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    Important world markets are requiring safer, consumer-friendly food, encouraging further studies on beef information. Feed supplementation of grazing cattle may influence on the beef tenderness, mainly associated with the animal growth and fat cover degree. The determination of the physicochemical composition of the carcass becomes fundamental within this context, since it makes possible to evaluate the effect of any type of treatment to which the animals have been submitted. Aimed, with study, evaluate the beef tenderness of Nellore cattle supplemented with different additives. Twenty-eight non-castrated males of the Nellore breed were randomly divided into four supplementation groups (Group 1 = Urea; Group 2 = Urea + Optygen; Group 3 = Group 2 + Yeasts; and Group 4 = Group 3 + Probiotic). The experimental area used was of eight hectares, with Brachiaria brizantha cv. BRS Piatã, subdivided into four pens. At the end of 98 days the animals were slaughtered at the slaughterhouse located in the city of Sinop-MT, with chilling of carcass 24 hours. And after, three steaks were sampled from the right half-carcass between the 12 th and 13 th ribs, 25 mm thick, and vacuum packed for beef maturation at 2 ± 2ºC for a period of zero and 14 days. The shear force was determined in cylinders of 1.25 cm in diameter after grilled in electric grill until reaching the internal temperature of 72ºC, followed by cooling at 4ºC for 12 hours, the shear force being measured by means of the TA XT Texturometer -Plus Texture Analyzer 2i, from the brand Stable Micro System (UK), equipped with a set of Warner-Bratzler blades. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Analyzes System software in a completely randomized design. Group Urea + Optygen presented lower (P<0.05) beef tenderness on the two maturation periods, with 0 day and 14 days, 3.49 kgF and 4.04 kgF, respectively, in relation of other groups; with range among 2.25 kgF and 4.04 kgF. Both 0 and 14 days of maturation also did not present significant differences among the four treatments. Preliminary, the use of yeasts and/or probiotic in the bovine supplementation did not improve the beef tenderness, with lower beef tenderness of the bovine supplied with Optygen