1 research outputs found

    Presentationof paintings as 3D scenes

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    V sodobni umetnosti se vse bolj uveljavlja uporaba računalniških tehnologij kot medijev za ustvarjanje. Skupaj z internetom pa računalniške tehnologije omogočajo virtualni ogled že obstoječih umetniških del. Diplomska naloga predstavlja postopek 3D modeliranja za predstavitev slikarskih del kot 3D scen z namenom povečevanja interakcije uporabnika s slikarskim delom pri virtualnem ogledu le-tega. V nalogi je predstavljen postopek dela, od izbire slikarskih del, izdelave skic za izdelavo modelov in scene ter izdelavo tekstur, ki poudarjajo slikarski slog izbranih slikarskih del. Pri izdelavi diplomske naloge so bili uporabljeni programi Blender, Substance Painter in igralni pogon Unreal Engine 4.The use of computer technologies as a medium for creation is gaining ground in contemporary art. Together with the internet, computer technologies enable a virtual viewing of already existing works of art. The diploma thesis presents the process of 3D modeling for the presentation of paintings as 3D scenes in order to increase the user\u27s interaction with the painting in a virtual view of it. The thesis presents the work process, from the selection of paintings, the production of sketches for the production of models and scenes, and the production of textures that emphasize the painting style of selected paintings. Blender, Substance Painter and Unreal Engine 4 were used in the preparation of the diploma thesis