66 research outputs found

    Barriers to Mission-Critical Open Source Software Adoption by Organizations: A Provider Perspective

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    While open source has long been increasing in the infrastructure software domain, few organizations have adopted open source for mission-critical software application. We use the Delphi method to investigate barriers to mission-critical OSS adoption as perceived by two panels of experienced providers in France (n= 18) and in Canada (Quebec) (n= 11). On average, panelists have 15 years of experience in the software industry including 9 years with open source software. By comparing the barriers selected by each group, zones of concordance and discordance are identified. We complement the open source adoption literature by adding new insights to the existing body of knowledge dominated by client perspective alone. We also anchor our findings in the extant literature by comparing our results with those of previous studies

    European hospitals' transition toward fully electronic-based systems: do information technology security and privacy practices follow?

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    Background: Traditionally, health information has been mainly kept in paper-based records. This has deeply changed throughout approximately the last three decades with the widespread use of multiple health information technologies. The digitization of health care systems contributes to improving health care delivery. However, it also exposes health records to security and privacy breaches inherently related to information technology (IT). Thus, health care organizations willing to leverage IT for improved health care delivery need to put in place IT security and privacy measures consistent with their use of IT resources. Objective: In this study, 2 main objectives are pursued: (1) to assess the state of the implementation of IT security and privacy practices in European hospitals and (2) to assess to what extent these hospitals enhance their IT security and privacy practices as they move from paper-based systems toward fully electronic-based systems. Methods: Drawing on data from the European Commission electronic health survey, we performed a cluster analysis based on IT security and privacy practices implemented in 1723 European hospitals. We also developed an IT security index, a compounded measure of implemented IT security and privacy practices, and compared it with the hospitals' level in their transition from a paper-based system toward a fully electronic-based system. Results: A total of 3 clearly distinct patterns of health IT-related security and privacy practices were unveiled. These patterns, as well as the IT security index, indicate that most of the sampled hospitals (70.2%) failed to implement basic security and privacy measures consistent with their digitization level. Conclusions: Even though, on average, the most electronically advanced hospitals display a higher IT security index than hospitals where the paper system still dominates, surprisingly, it appears that the enhancement of IT security and privacy practices as the health information digitization advances in European hospitals is neither systematic nor strong enough regarding the IT-security requirements. This study will contribute to raising awareness among hospitals' managers as to the importance of enhancing their IT security and privacy measures so that they can keep up with the security threats inherently related to the digitization of health care organizations. © 2019 Journal of Medical Internet Research. All rights reserved

    Gamification Learning integrated with Local Wisdom based on Character Education, is There an Effect on Problem Solving Ability?

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    The aim of this study was to determine the description of students' problem solving skills and the effect of gamification learning on students' problem solving ability. The population in this study consisted of 87 people. the research sample was selected based on purposive sampling technique so that the total sample in this study was 56 students who were divided into 2 classes, namely 28 people in the experimental class and 28 people in the control class. Students' problem solving ability was measured using a problem solving rubric developed by The Association of American Colleges and Universities (2017).  Data analysis used descriptive and inferential data analysis. The results of descriptive data analysis showed that the average value of the experimental class problem solving ability was 80.36 higher than the control class which was 72.86. The results of inferential data analysis with independent sample t-test showed that the significance value of the data was 0.001 (<0.05). Based on the research data, it can be concluded that there is an effect of gamification learning integrated with local wisdom based on character education on students' problem solving ability

    Critical barriers to business intelligence open source software adoption

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    Over the past few years, managers have been hard pressed to become more data-driven, and one of the prerequisites in doing so is through the adoption of Business Intelligence (BI) tools. However (1) the adoption of BI tools remains relatively low (2) the acquisition costs of proprietary BI tools are relatively high and (3) the level of satisfaction with these BI tools remain low. Given the potential of open source BI (OSBI) tools, there is a need for analyzing barriers that prevent organizations from adopting OSBI. Drawing a systematic review and a Qualitative Survey of BI Experts, this study proposes a framework that categorizes and structures 23 barriers to OSBI adoption by organizations including 4 that were identified by BI Experts but not explicitly found in the literature. This paper contributes to OSS and Information Systems (IS) research literature on BI adoption in general and provides specific insights to practitioners. Copyright © 2019, IGI Global

    The Usage of Password Generators to Enhance Data Security in Most Used Applications

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    One of the world's global issues is data breaches. These crimes can happen because most people use hackable passwords such as their birthdates and sequencing numbers or alphabets so they would not be easily forgotten. Setting weak passwords in almost or all accounts certainly raises issues and increases the possibility that classified information is hacked and leaked. When it happens, classified data can be misused and taken advantage. This research will help spread awareness to society on how important data security is and how helpful password generators can be to reduce and prevent the probability of data security crimes from happening. This quantitative research uses SMART-PLS as a statistical tool to process the data gathered and random sampling to determine its population. SMART-PLS is variance-based structural equation modeling that uses the partial squares path modeling method. Overall, researchers successfully gathered 114 datasets. Google Forms was used to gather the data. A potential limitation of the study is that all respondents are primarily based in Jakarta. Expanding the geographic focus for further study to gain more insights is highly recommended. 48% of the respondents came from the age group of under 20, occupation as students. Factors significantly affecting people's intention to comply with password generators are perceived password effectiveness, perceived ease of use, subjective norms, and attitude. Eventually, the intention to comply may arouse actual compliance. The result of the study can be used to raise educational campaigns on the usefulness of password generators to promote data security. Based on the result, 78.9% of the respondents are willing to increase their data security. This research contribution is to see how aware people are of data security, how well they know password generators as a technology to generate strong passwords, and how welcome they are with the idea of using password generators