5 research outputs found

    Observations of high-latitude geomagnetic field fluctuations during St. Patrick’s Day storm: Swarm and SuperDARN measurements

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    The aim of this work is to study the properties of the magnetic field’s fluctuations produced by ionospheric and magnetospheric electric currents during the St. Patrick’s Day geomagnetic storm (17 March 2015). We analyse the scaling features of the external contribution to the horizontal geomagnetic field recorded simultaneously by thethree satellites of the Swarm constellation during a period of 13 days (13–25 March 2015). We examine the different latitudinal structure of the geomagnetic field fluctuations and analyse the dynamical changes in the magnetic field scaling features during the development of the geomagnetic storm. Analysis reveals consistent patterns in the scaling properties of magnetic fluctuations and striking changes between the situation before the storm, during the main phase and recovery phase. We discuss these dynamical changes in relation to those of the overall ionospheric polar convection and potential structures as reconstructed using SuperDARN data. Our findings suggest that distinct turbulent regimes characterised the mesoscale magnetic field’s fluctuations and that some factors, which are known to influence large-scale fluctuations, have also an influence on mesoscale fluctuations. The obtained results are an example of the capability of geomagnetic field fluctuations data to provide new insights about ionospheric dynamics and ionosphere–magnetosphere coupling. At the same time, these results could open doors for development of new applications where the dynamical changes in the scaling features of the magnetic fluctuations are used as local indicators of magnetospheric conditions.Published1051A. Geomagnetismo e PaleomagnetismoJCR Journa

    Therapeutic approaches to cancer-associated immune suppression

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