219 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis to Inform Cancer Screening Guidelines in Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies

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    OBJECTIVES: To identify clinical factors associated with cancer risk in the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIMs) and to systematically review the existing evidence related to cancer screening. METHODS: A systematic literature search was carried out on Medline, Embase and Scopus. Cancer risk within the IIM population (i.e. not compared to the general population) was expressed as risk ratios (RR) for binary variables and weighted mean differences (WMD) for continuous variables. Evidence relating to cancer screening practices in the IIMs were synthesised via narrative review. RESULTS: Sixty nine studies were included in the meta-analysis. Dermatomyositis subtype (RR 2.21), older age (WMD 11.19), male gender (RR 1.53), dysphagia (RR 2.09), cutaneous ulceration (RR 2.73), and anti-transcriptional intermediary factor-1 gamma positivity (RR 4.66) were identified as being associated with significantly increased risk of cancer. Polymyositis (RR 0.49) and clinically amyopathic dermatomyositis (RR 0.44) subtypes, Raynaud's phenomenon (RR 0.61), interstitial lung disease (RR 0.49), very high serum creatine kinase (WMD -1189.96) or lactate dehydrogenase (WMD -336.52) levels, and anti-Jo1 (RR 0.45) or anti-EJ (RR 0.17) positivity were identified as being associated with significantly reduced risk of cancer. Nine studies relating to IIM-specific cancer screening were included. Computed tomography (CT) scanning of the thorax, abdomen and pelvis appeared to be effective in identifying underlying asymptomatic cancers. DISCUSSION: Cancer risk factors should be evaluated in patients with IIM for risk stratification. Screening evidence is limited but CT scanning could be useful. Prospective studies and consensus guidelines are needed to establish cancer screening strategies in IIM patients

    Effectiveness of a questionnaire based intervention programme on the prevalence of arm, shoulder and neck symptoms, risk factors and sick leave in computer workers: A cluster randomised controlled trial in an occupational setting

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Arm, shoulder and neck symptoms are very prevalent among computer workers. In an attempt to reduce these symptoms, a large occupational health service in the Netherlands developed a preventive programme on exposure to risk factors, prevalence of arm, shoulder and neck symptoms, and sick leave in computer workers. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of this intervention programme.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was a randomised controlled trial. The participants were assigned to either the intervention group or the usual care group by means of cluster randomisation. At baseline and after 12 months of follow-up, the participants completed the RSI QuickScan questionnaire on exposure to the risk factors and on the prevalence of arm, shoulder and neck symptoms. A tailor-made intervention programme was proposed to participants with a high risk profile at baseline. Examples of implemented interventions are an individual workstation check, a visit to the occupational health physician and an education programme on the prevention of arm, shoulder and neck symptoms. The primary outcome measure was the prevalence of arm, shoulder and neck symptoms. Secondary outcome measures were the scores on risk factors for arm, shoulder and neck symptoms and the number of days of sick leave. Sick leave data was obtained from the companies. Multilevel analyses were used to test the effectiveness.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 1,673 persons invited to participate in the study, 1,183 persons (71%) completed the baseline questionnaire and 741 persons participated at baseline as well as at 12-month follow-up. At 12-month follow-up, the intervention group showed a significant positive change (OR = 0.48) in receiving information on healthy computer use, as well as a significant positive change regarding risk indicators for work posture and movement, compared to the usual care group. There were no significant differences in changes in the prevalence of arm, shoulder and neck symptoms or sick leave between the intervention and usual care group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The effects of the RSI QuickScan intervention programme were small, possibly as a result of difficulties with the implementation process of the proposed interventions. However, some significant positive effects were found as to an increase in receiving education and a decrease in exposure to adverse postures and movements. With regard to symptoms and sick leave, only small and non-significant effects were found.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Netherlands National Trial Register NTR1117</p

    Gene expression of circulating tumour cells in breast cancer patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The diagnostic tools to predict the prognosis in patients suffering from breast cancer (BC) need further improvements. New technological achievements like the gene profiling of circulating tumour cells (CTC) could help identify new prognostic markers in the clinical setting. Furthermore, gene expression patterns of CTC might provide important informations on the mechanisms of tumour cell metastasation.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>We performed realtime-PCR and multiplex-PCR analyses following immunomagnetic separation of CTC. Peripheral blood (PB) samples of 63 patients with breast cancer of various stages were analyzed and compared to a control group of 14 healthy individuals. After reverse-transcription, we performed multiplex PCR using primers for the genes <it>ga733.3, muc-1 </it>and <it>c-erbB2. Mammaglobin1, spdef </it>and <it>c-erbB2 </it>were analyzed applying realtime-PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>ga733.2 </it>overexpression was found in 12.7% of breast cancer cases, <it>muc-1 </it>in 15.9%, <it>mgb1 </it>in 9.1% and <it>spdef </it>in 12.1%. In this study, <it>c-erbB2 </it>did not show any significant correlation to BC, possibly due to a highly ambient expression. Besides single gene analyses, gene profiles were additionally evaluated. Highly significant correlations to BC were found in single gene analyses of <it>ga733.2 </it>and <it>muc-1 </it>and in gene profile analyses of <it>ga733.3</it>*<it>muc-1 </it>and GA7 <it>ga733.3</it>*muc-1*<it>mgb1</it>*<it>spdef</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study reveals that the single genes <it>ga733.3, muc-1 </it>and the gene profiles <it>ga733.3</it>*<it>muc-1 </it>and <it>ga733.3</it>*3<it>muc-1</it>*<it>mgb1</it>*<it>spdef </it>can serve as markers for the detection of CTC in BC. The multigene analyses found highly positive levels in BC patients. Our study indicates that not single gene analyses but subtle patterns of multiple genes lead to rising accuracy and low loss of specificity in detection of breast cancer cases.</p

    Work-related physical and psychosocial risk factors for sick leave in patients with neck or upper extremity complaints

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    Objectives: To study work-related physical and psychosocial risk factors for sick leave among patients who have visited their general practitioner for neck or upper extremity complaints. Methods: Three hundred and forty two patients with neck or upper extremity complaints completed self-report questionnaires at baseline and after 3 months. Cox regression models were used to investigate the association between work-related risk factors and sick leave (i.e., lost days from work due to neck or upper extremity complaints in 3 months). Effect modification by sick leave at baseline, sex, worrying and musculoskeletal co-morbidity was evaluated by adding product terms to the regression models. Results: In the subgroup of patients who scored high on the pain copying scale "worrying" the hazard ratio of sick leave was 1.32 (95% CI 1.07-1.62) per 10% increase in heavy physical work. The subgroup of patients who were sitting for long periods of time had a reduced risk of sick leave as compared to patients who did not spend a lot of time sitting, again only in patients who scored high on the pain coping scale "worrying" (adjusted HR = 0.17, 95%-CI 0.04-0.72). Other work-related risk factors were not significantly related to sick leave. Conclusions: Heavy physical work increased the risk of sick leave and prolonged sitting reduced the risk of sick leave in a subgroup of patients who worried much about their pain. Additional large longitudinal studies of sufficiently large size among employees with neck or upper extremity complaints are needed to confirm our results. © Springer-Verlag 2007

    Genotype x environment interactions in eggplant for fruit phenolic acid content

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    Eggplant fruit are a rich source of phenolic acids that influence fruit culinary quality and antioxidant content. We evaluated the influence of production environments and stability of diverse genotypes across environments for eggplant fruit phenolic acid content. Ten Solanum melongena accessions consisting of five F-1 hybrid cultivars, three open-pollinated cultivars and two land race accessions, plus one S. macrocarpon and one S. aethiopicum accession, were grown at two locations under greenhouse and open field environments. Twenty phenolic acid conjugates were identified in fruit flesh and assigned to six classes that included hydroxycinnamic acid amides, caffeoylquinic acid esters, hydroxycinnamoylquinic acid esters, malonylcaffeoylquinic acid esters, di-hydroxycinnamoylquinic acid esters, and other hydroxycinnamic acid conjugates. There were significant differences among accessions for total phenolic acid conjugate content and for all six classes. There were no significant differences detected among the environments for any of the variables. However, the environment x accession interaction was highly significant for all phenolic acid classes. Broad-sense heritability estimates for all six phenolic acid classes were high, ranging from 0.64 to 0.96. Stability analysis demonstrated widespread instability for phenolic acid content across environments. Stability of the predominant caffeoylquinic acid esters class positively influenced stability of total phenolic acid content for some but not all genotypes. High heritability, coupled with highly significant genotype x environment interactions suggests that stability estimates may improve the efficiency of breeding new genotypes with predictable performance across environments.Stommel, JR.; Whitaker, B.; Haynes, K.; Prohens Tomás, J. (2015). Genotype x environment interactions in eggplant for fruit phenolic acid content. Euphytica. 205(3):823-836. doi:10.1007/s10681-015-1415-2S8238362053Allard RW, Bradshaw AD (1964) Implications of genotype–environment interactions in applied plant breeding. Crop Sci 4:503–507Baixauli C (2001) Berenjena. In: Nuez F, Liacer G (eds) La horticultura española. Ediciones de Horticultura, Reus, pp 104–108Bravo L (1998) Polyphenols: chemistry, dietary sources, metabolism, and nutritional significance. Nutr Rev 56:317–333Dixon RA, Pavia NL (1995) Stress-induced phenylpropanoid metabolism. Plant Cell 7:1085–1097Dogan M, Arslan O, Dogan S (2002) Substrate specificity, heat inactivation and inhibition of polyphenol oxidase from different aubergine cultivars. Int J Food Sci Technol 37:415–423Dos Santos MD, Almeida MC, Lopes NP, de Souza GE (2006) Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-pyretic activities of the natural polyphenol chlorogenic acid. Biol Pharm Bull 29:2236–2240Fernandez GCJ (1991) Analysis of genotype × environment interaction by stability estimates. HortScience 26:947–950García-Salas P, Gómez-Caravaca AM, Morales-Soto A, Segura-Carretero A, Fernández-Gutiérrez A (2014) Identification and quantification of phenolic compounds in diverse cultivars of eggplant grown in different seasons by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to diode array detector and electrospray-quadrupole-time of flight-mass spectrometry. Food Res Int 57:114–122Hanson PM, Yang RY, Tsou SCS, Ledesma K, Engle L, Lee TC (2006) Diversity in eggplant (Solanum melongena) for superoxide scavenging activity, total phenolics, and ascorbic acid. J Food Compos Anal 19:594–600Kang MS (1989) A new SAS program for calculating stability variance parameters. J Hered 80:415Klein RM (1990) Failure of supplementary ultraviolet radiation to enhance flower color under greenhouse conditions. HortScience 25:307–308Knapp SJ, Stroup WW, Ross WM (1985) Exact confidence intervals for heritability on a progeny mean basis. Crop Sci 25:192–194Luthria D, Singh AP, Wilson T, Vorsa N, Banuelos GS, Vinyard BT (2010) Influence of conventional and organic agricultural practices on the phenolic content in eggplant pulp: plant to plant variation. Food Chem 121:406–411Ma C, Whitaker BD, Kennelly EJ (2010) New 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid derivatives in fruit of wild eggplant relative S. viarum. J Agric Food Chem 58:9645–9651Manach C, Scalbert A, Morand C, Remesy C, Jimenez L (2004) Polyphenols: food sources and bioavailability. Am J Clin Nutr 79:727–747Mennella G, Scalzo R, Fibiani M, D’Alessandro A, Francese G, Toppino L, Acciarri N, Almeida AE, Rotino GL (2012) Chemical and bioactive quality traits during fruit ripening in eggplant (S. melongena L.) and allied species. J Agric Food Chem 60:11821–11831Meyer RS, Karol KG, Little DP, Nee MH, Litt A (2012) Phylogeographic relationships among Asian eggplants and new perspectives on eggplant domestication. Mol Phylogenet Evol 63:685–701Ong KW, Hsu A, Tan BK (2012) Chlorogenic acid stimulates glucose transport in skeletal muscle via AMPK activation: a contributor to the beneficial effects of coffee on diabetes. PLoS One 7:e32718Payyavula RS, Duroy AN, Kuhl JC, Pantoha A, Pillai SS (2012) Differential effects of environment on potato phenylpropanoid and carotenoid expression. BMC Plant Biol 12:39Plazas M, Prohens J, Cuñat AN, Vilanova S, Gramazio P, Herraiz FJ, Andújar I (2014) Reducing capacity, chlorogenic acid content and biological activity in a collection of scarlet (Solanum aethiopicum) and gboma (S. macrocarpon) eggplants. Int J Mol Sci 15:17221–17241Prior RL (2003) Fruits and vegetables in the prevention of cellular oxidative damage. Am J Clin Nutr 78:570S–578SPritts M, Luby J (1990) Stability indices for horticultural crops. HortScience 25:740–745Prohens J, Rodriguez-Burruezo A, Raigon MD, Nuez F (2007) Total phenolic acid concentration and browning susceptibility in a collection of different varietal types and hybrids of eggplant: implications for breeding for higher nutritional quality and reduced browning. J Am Soc Hortic Sci 132:638–646Prohens J, Whitaker BD, Plazas M, Vilanova S, Hurtado M, Blasco M, Gramazio P, Stommel JR (2013) Genetic diversity in morphological characters and phenolic acids content resulting from an interspecific cross between eggplant, Solanum melongena, and its wild ancestor (S. incancum). Ann Appl Biol 162:242–257Raigon MD, Prohens J, Munoz-Falcon JE, Nuez F (2008) Comparison of eggplant landraces and commercial varieties for fruit content of phenolics, minerals, dry matter and protein. J Food Compos Anal 21:370–376Raigon MD, Rodriguez-Burruezo A, Prohens J (2010) Effects of organic and conventional cultivation methods on composition of eggplant fruits. Agric Food Chem 58:6833–6840San Jose R, Sanchez-Mata MC, Camara M, Prohens J (2014) Eggplant fruit composition as affected by the cultivation environment and genetic constitution. J Sci Food Agric 94:2774–2784Sato Y, Itagaki S, Kurokawa T, Ogur J, Kobayashi M, Hirano T, Sugawara M, Iseki K (2011) In vitro and in vivo antioxidant properties of chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid. Int J Pharm 403:136–138Setimela PS, Vivek B, Banziger M, Crossa J, Maideni F (2007) Evaluation of early to medium maturing open pollinated maize varieties in SADC region using GGE biplot based on the SREG model. Field Crop Res 103:161–169Shukla GK (1972) Some statistical aspects of partitioning genotype environment components of variability. Heredity 29:237–245Stommel JR, Whitaker BD (2003) Phenolic acid content and composition of eggplant fruit in a germplasm core subset. J Am Soc Hortic Sci 128:704–710Suzuki A, Yamamoto N, Jokura H, Yamamoto M, Fujii A, Tokimitsu I, Saito I (2006) Chlorogenic acid attenuates hypertension and improves endothelial function in spontaneously hypertensive rats. J Hypertens 24:1065–1073University of Maryland (2007) Commercial vegetable production recommendations, University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service Bulletin 236. College Park, MDWhitaker BD, Stommel JR (2003) Distribution of hydroxycinnamic acid conjugates in fruit of commercial eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) cultivars. J Agric Food Chem 51:3448–3454Winter M, Herrmann K (1986) Esters and glucosides of hydroxycinnamic acids in vegetables. J Agric Food Chem 34:616–620Wu S, Meyer RS, Whitaker BD, Litt A, Kennelly EJ (2013) A New liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based strategy to integrate chemistry, morphology, and evolution of eggplant (Solanum) species. J Chromatogr A 1314:154–172Yang JS, Liu CW, Ma YS, Weng SW, Tang NY, Wu SH, Ji BC, Ma CY, Ko YC, Funayama S, Kuo CL (2012) Chlorogenic acid induces apoptotic cell death in U937 leukemia cells through caspase- and mitochondria-dependent pathways. In Vivo 26:971–97

    Effectiveness of an intervention at construction worksites on work engagement, social support, physical workload, and need for recovery: results from a cluster randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To prolong sustainable healthy working lives of construction workers, a worksite prevention program was developed which aimed to improve the health and work ability of construction workers. The aim of the current study was to investigate the effectiveness of this program on social support at work, work engagement, physical workload and need for recovery.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fifteen departments from six construction companies participated in this cluster randomized controlled trial; 8 departments (n=171 workers) were randomized to an intervention group and 7 departments (n=122 workers) to a control group. The intervention consisted of two individual training sessions of a physical therapist to lower the physical workload, a Rest-Break tool to improve the balance between work and recovery, and two empowerment training sessions to increase the influence of the construction workers at the worksite. Data on work engagement, social support at work, physical workload, and need for recovery were collected at baseline, and at three, six and 12 months after the start of the intervention using questionnaires.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No differences between the intervention and control group were found for work engagement, social support at work, and need for recovery. At 6 months follow-up, the control group reported a small but statistically significant reduction of physical workload.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The intervention neither improved social support nor work engagement, nor was it effective in reducing the physical workload and need for recovery among construction workers.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>NTR1278</p

    The cost-effectiveness of the RSI QuickScan intervention programme for computer workers: Results of an economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The costs of arm, shoulder and neck symptoms are high. In order to decrease these costs employers implement interventions aimed at reducing these symptoms. One frequently used intervention is the RSI QuickScan intervention programme. It establishes a risk profile of the target population and subsequently advises interventions following a decision tree based on that risk profile. The purpose of this study was to perform an economic evaluation, from both the societal and companies' perspective, of the RSI QuickScan intervention programme for computer workers. In this study, effectiveness was defined at three levels: exposure to risk factors, prevalence of arm, shoulder and neck symptoms, and days of sick leave.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The economic evaluation was conducted alongside a randomised controlled trial (RCT). Participating computer workers from 7 companies (N = 638) were assigned to either the intervention group (N = 320) or the usual care group (N = 318) by means of cluster randomisation (N = 50). The intervention consisted of a tailor-made programme, based on a previously established risk profile. At baseline, 6 and 12 month follow-up, the participants completed the RSI QuickScan questionnaire. Analyses to estimate the effect of the intervention were done according to the intention-to-treat principle. To compare costs between groups, confidence intervals for cost differences were computed by bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrapping.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean intervention costs, paid by the employer, were 59 euro per participant in the intervention and 28 euro in the usual care group. Mean total health care and non-health care costs per participant were 108 euro in both groups. As to the cost-effectiveness, improvement in received information on healthy computer use as well as in their work posture and movement was observed at higher costs. With regard to the other risk factors, symptoms and sick leave, only small and non-significant effects were found.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In this study, the RSI QuickScan intervention programme did not prove to be cost-effective from the both the societal and companies' perspective and, therefore, this study does not provide a financial reason for implementing this intervention. However, with a relatively small investment, the programme did increase the number of workers who received information on healthy computer use and improved their work posture and movement.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Trial registration number: NTR1117</p

    Short and long term effects of a lifestyle intervention for construction workers at risk for cardiovascular disease: a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence of overweight and elevated cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk among workers in the construction industry is relatively high. Improving lifestyle lowers CVD risk and may have work-related benefits. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effects on physical activity (PA), diet, and smoking of a lifestyle intervention consisting of individual counseling among male workers in the construction industry with an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a randomized controlled trial including 816 male blue- and white-collar workers in the construction industry with an elevated risk of CVD, usual care was compared to a 6-month lifestyle intervention. The intervention consisted of individual counseling using motivational interviewing techniques, and was delivered by an occupational physician or occupational nurse. In three face to face and four telephone contacts, the participant's risk profile, personal determinants, and barriers for behavior change were discussed, and personal goals were set. Participants chose to aim at either diet and PA, or smoking. Data were collected at baseline and after six and 12 months, by means of a questionnaire. To analyse the data, linear and logistic regression analyses were performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The intervention had a statistically significant beneficial effect on snack intake (β-1.9, 95%CI -3.7; -0.02) and fruit intake (β 1.7, 95%CI 0.6; 2.9) at 6 months. The effect on snack intake was sustained until 12 months; 6 months after the intervention had ended (β -1.9, 95%CI -3.6; -0.2). The intervention effects on leisure time PA and metabolic equivalent-minutes were not statistically significant. The beneficial effect on smoking was statistically significant at 6 (OR smoking 0.3, 95%CI 0.1;0.7), but not at 12 months (OR 0.8, 95%CI 0.4; 1.6).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Beneficial effects on smoking, fruit, and snack intake can be achieved by an individual-based lifestyle intervention among male construction workers with an elevated risk of CVD. Future research should be done on strategies to improve leisure time PA and on determinants of maintenance of changed behavior. Considering the rising prevalence of unhealthy lifestyle and CVD, especially in the aging population, implementation of this intervention in the occupational health care setting is recommended.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN60545588">ISRCTN60545588</a></p

    Validity and test-retest reliability of manual goniometers for measuring passive hip range of motion in femoroacetabular impingement patients.

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aims of this study were to evaluate the construct validity (known group), concurrent validity (criterion based) and test-retest (intra-rater) reliability of manual goniometers to measure passive hip range of motion (ROM) in femoroacetabular impingement patients and healthy controls.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Passive hip flexion, abduction, adduction, internal and external rotation ROMs were simultaneously measured with a conventional goniometer and an electromagnetic tracking system (ETS) on two different testing sessions. A total of 15 patients and 15 sex- and age-matched healthy controls participated in the study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The goniometer provided greater hip ROM values compared to the ETS (range 2.0-18.9 degrees; <it>P </it>< 0.001); good concurrent validity was only achieved for hip abduction and internal rotation, with intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) of 0.94 and 0.88, respectively. Both devices detected lower hip abduction ROM in patients compared to controls (<it>P </it>< 0.01). Test-retest reliability was good with ICCs higher 0.90, except for hip adduction (0.82-0.84). Reliability estimates did not differ between the goniometer and the ETS.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The present study suggests that goniometer-based assessments considerably overestimate hip joint ROM by measuring intersegmental angles (e.g., thigh flexion on trunk for hip flexion) rather than true hip ROM. It is likely that uncontrolled pelvic rotation and tilt due to difficulties in placing the goniometer properly and in performing the anatomically correct ROM contribute to the overrating of the arc of these motions. Nevertheless, conventional manual goniometers can be used with confidence for longitudinal assessments in the clinic.</p

    Novel Riboswitch Ligand Analogs as Selective Inhibitors of Guanine-Related Metabolic Pathways

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    Riboswitches are regulatory elements modulating gene expression in response to specific metabolite binding. It has been recently reported that riboswitch agonists may exhibit antimicrobial properties by binding to the riboswitch domain. Guanine riboswitches are involved in the regulation of transport and biosynthesis of purine metabolites, which are critical for the nucleotides cellular pool. Upon guanine binding, these riboswitches stabilize a 5′-untranslated mRNA structure that causes transcription attenuation of the downstream open reading frame. In principle, any agonistic compound targeting a guanine riboswitch could cause gene repression even when the cell is starved for guanine. Antibiotics binding to riboswitches provide novel antimicrobial compounds that can be rationally designed from riboswitch crystal structures. Using this, we have identified a pyrimidine compound (PC1) binding guanine riboswitches that shows bactericidal activity against a subgroup of bacterial species including well-known nosocomial pathogens. This selective bacterial killing is only achieved when guaA, a gene coding for a GMP synthetase, is under the control of the riboswitch. Among the bacterial strains tested, several clinical strains exhibiting multiple drug resistance were inhibited suggesting that PC1 targets a different metabolic pathway. As a proof of principle, we have used a mouse model to show a direct correlation between the administration of PC1 and the reduction of Staphylococcus aureus infection in mammary glands. This work establishes the possibility of using existing structural knowledge to design novel guanine riboswitch-targeting antibiotics as powerful and selective antimicrobial compounds. Particularly, the finding of this new guanine riboswitch target is crucial as community-acquired bacterial infections have recently started to emerge
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