6 research outputs found
Comparing Bird Community Composition Among Boreal Wetlands: Is Wetland Classification a Missing Piece of the Habitat Puzzle?
- Author
- AD Fox
- B McCune
- BL Swift
- CA Paszkowski
- DA Kirk
- DA Welsh
- E. M. Bayne
- Environment Canada
- FC James
- GP Quinn
- J Hanowski
- J Hanowski
- J Schieck
- J. L. Morissette
- K. A. Hobson
- K. J. Kardynal
- KA Hobson
- KB Smith
- KG Smith
- KJ Kardynal
- KJ Kardynal
- KR Clarke
- L Foote
- LA Schulte
- LM Cowardin
- M Darveau
- M DufrĂȘne
- P Legendre
- PLF Fast
- R Virkkala
- RS Rempel
- RW Brook
- S Calmé
- S Calmé
- S Clare
- S HĂ„gvar
- S Riffell
- WJ Mitsch
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Different Location Sampling Frequencies by Satellite Tags Yield Different Estimates of Migration Performance: Pooling Data Requires a Common Protocol
- Author
- A Soutullo
- AA Nelson
- Alessandro Tanferna
- AN Zerbini
- BA Mandernack
- C Freitas
- C Johnson
- C Vincent
- CC Schwartz
- D Chevallier
- D Pinaud
- D PĂ©pin
- DP Costa
- DT Bolger
- F Cagnacci
- F Sergio
- F Sergio
- Fabrizio Sergio
- Fernando Hiraldo
- G Belovsky
- G Schofield
- GC Hays
- H Fritz
- J Terraube
- JN Thompson
- Julio Blas
- JW Laundré
- Lidia López-Jiménez
- M Beck
- M Hebblewhite
- MJ Rowcliffe
- MS Martell
- N Kjellén
- NM Yamaguchi
- O Combreau
- PLF Fast
- R Limiñana
- RHG Klaassen
- S Cooke
- S Hatch
- SM Ngene
- SĂ©bastien Descamps
- T Alerstam
- T Guilford
- TA Patterson
- TD Reynolds
- TE Cerling
- Publication venue
- 'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Nest shelter predicts nesting success but not nesting phenology or parental behaviors in high arctic Northern Fulmars Fulmarus glacialis
- Author
- AJ Gaston
- AJ Gaston
- AJ Gaston
- AJ Gaston
- BE Lyon
- C Barbraud
- CM Gray
- DG Ainley
- DL Stokes
- E Verspoor
- GS Grant
- GW Gabrielsen
- H Kokko
- H Weimerskirch
- HG Gilchrist
- HG Gilchrist
- J Warham
- J-C Stahl
- JC Coulson
- JC Ollason
- JC Ollason
- K Falk
- KC Hamer
- ML Mallory
- ML Mallory
- ML Mallory
- ML Mallory
- PJ Hudson
- PLF Fast
- R Pierotti
- RD Montgomerie
- RH Drent
- RL Trivers
- RW Furness
- S Rowe
- S-Y Kim
- S-Y Kim
- SA Hatch
- SA Hatch
- SA Hatch
- SA Hatch
- SA Hatch
- SJ Maxson
- SL Lima
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Demographic outcomes of diverse migration strategies assessed in a metapopulation of tundra swans
- Author
- A Sanz-Aguilar
- AM Ramey
- AP MĂžller
- B Bruderer
- BA Harrington
- BA Nolet
- BK Sandercock
- BW Meixell
- CE Korschgen
- CJ Latty
- CM Rogers
- CP Bell
- CP Dau
- CR Ely
- CR Ely
- D Lack
- DC Douglas
- DM Mulcahy
- DM Varner
- DW Winkler
- E Spackman
- EA Gillis
- G Baldassarre
- G Gauthier
- G Souchay
- GC White
- HG Purchase
- I Newton
- J Bart
- J Lebreton
- J Nichols
- J Saracco
- JA Alves
- JA Alves
- JA Gils Van
- JA Schmutz
- JA Schmutz
- JB Hestbeck
- JD Nichols
- JD Nichols
- JG Burns
- JW Hupp
- JW Hupp
- JW Hupp
- KP Burnham
- L McKinnon
- M Owen
- M Owen
- O Duriez
- P Berthold
- PF Council
- PJ Hout van den
- PLF Fast
- R Greenberg
- RE Ricklefs
- RG Bromley
- RH Klaassen
- RJ Limpert
- RJM Nuijten
- S Menu
- S Petrie
- SC Stearns
- T Alerstam
- T Alerstam
- T Alerstam
- T Lok
- TW Arnold
- TW Sherry
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
An experimental test of information use by wood ducks (Aix sponsa): external habitat cues, not social visual cues, influence initial nest site selection
- Author
- A AvarguĂšs-Weber
- A Moksnes
- AD Chalfoun
- AEG Lee
- AG Zink
- AP Lusignan
- AS Griffin
- B Doligez
- B Semel
- B Semel
- B Semel
- BE Lyon
- BE Lyon
- C GrĂŒter
- C Roy
- CG Ellard
- CK Elvidge
- CL Roy-Nielsen
- CM Hurvich
- CR Brown
- CR Brown
- D Campobello
- D Coulton
- D Firth
- D Lewanzik
- D Parejo
- D Parejo
- DS Gilmer
- DW Gibbons
- E Danchin
- Elena C. Berg
- F Dubois
- F Kar
- F Sergio
- FC Bellrose
- FC Rohwer
- G Hobel
- G Rieucau
- GE Machovsky-Capuska
- GH Orians
- GJ Soulliere
- GR Hepp
- GR Hepp
- H Dow
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- HW Heusmann
- I Coolen
- J Dixon
- J Eadie
- J Jones
- J Szymkowiak
- J Tolvanen
- J-T SeppÀnen
- J-T SeppÀnen
- JC Evans
- JE Andrews
- JE Hines
- JH Brockmann
- JJ Nocera
- JJ Templeton
- JK Kelly
- JL Frechette
- JM Aparicio
- JM Eadie
- JM Eadie
- JM Eadie
- JM Samplonius
- John M. Eadie
- KA Schmidt
- KE Bonnie
- KP Burnham
- L Kearns
- M Andersson
- M Gloutney
- M Mönkkönen
- M Ward
- MA Ahlering
- MA Ahlering
- MA Gil
- MA Schlaepfer
- ME Dyson
- MG Betts
- MM Webster
- MP Ward
- MW Eichholz
- N Langmore
- NB Davies
- NJ Thimot
- NS Odell
- PLF Fast
- R Clark
- R Vaclav
- RB MacWhirter
- RL Clawson
- RL Crabtree
- RW Jansen
- SE Nordell
- SF Wilson
- SRX Dall
- ST OâNeil
- T Boulinier
- TJ Valone
- TJ Valone
- U Toelch
- Y Yom-Tov
- Ă Danchin
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Habitat use in ducks breeding in boreal freshwater wetlands: a review
- Author
- A Haapanen
- A Hirschfeld
- A Paasivaara
- A Paasivaara
- AJ Green
- AJ Green
- AL Brochet
- AL Labaj
- B Riordan
- B Sillén
- BE Lyon
- BirdLife International
- C Found
- CA Paszkowski
- CA Toft
- CK Bromley
- CL Amundson
- CĂ©line Arzel
- D Esler
- D Lebbin
- DE Safine
- DW Schindler
- E Gorham
- E SebastiĂĄn-Gonzalez
- ER Pianka
- F Bolduc
- F Harrison
- F Morneau
- G Gunnarsson
- G Gunnarsson
- G Gunnarsson
- G Gunnarsson
- G Mack
- G Orians
- GA Baldasarre
- GA Baldassarre
- GH Townsend
- GR Parker
- Gunnar Gunnarsson
- H Andrén
- H Dow
- H Dow
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H PöysÀ
- H Senechal
- Hannu PöysÀ
- J Elmberg
- J Elmberg
- J Elmberg
- J Elmberg
- J Elmberg
- J Elmberg
- J Elmberg
- J Elmberg
- J Elmberg
- J Elmberg
- J Elmberg
- J Elmberg
- J Elmberg
- J Jones
- J Kauppinen
- J Mikola
- J Walker
- J Walker
- JA Wiens
- JE Austin
- JL Morisette
- JL Savard
- JL Savard
- JM Eadie
- Johan Elmberg
- JP Wright
- JR Longcore
- K Danell
- K Kauhala
- K Sjöberg
- KA Walsh
- Kjell Sjöberg
- L Börger
- L Dessborn
- L Dessborn
- L Haartman von
- L Lemelin
- L Nilsson
- Lisa Dessborn
- LW Dwernych
- M Guillemain
- M Hilli
- M Hilli-Lukkarinen
- M Rask
- MA Fournier
- MD Sorenson
- MOG Eriksson
- MOG Eriksson
- MOG Eriksson
- MOG Eriksson
- MOG Eriksson
- MOG Eriksson
- MS Baschuk
- MW Weller
- O Hildén
- O Hildén
- O Pehrsson
- O Pehrsson
- O RĂ„d
- P Nummi
- P Nummi
- P Nummi
- P Nummi
- P Nummi
- P Nummi
- P Nummi
- P Nummi
- P Nummi
- P Nummi
- P Nummi
- P Nummi
- P Nummi
- P Nummi
- P Nummi
- Petri Nummi
- PG Langdon
- PLF Fast
- PM Bloom
- R Decarie
- RD Robarts
- RE Taggart
- RG Clark
- RM Corcoran
- RS Rempel
- RW Brook
- RW Brook
- RW Brook
- S Cramp
- S Fredga
- S Haszard
- S Holopainen
- S Löfgren
- S Suhonen
- Sari Holopainen
- SG Nilsson
- SG Nilsson
- SM Haig
- SM Slattery
- TD Nudds
- TE Chubbs
- TE Chubbs
- TL Lewis
- V Ruusila
- V-M VÀÀnÀnen
- V-M VÀÀnÀnen
- V-M VÀÀnÀnen
- WC Johnson
- WC Johnson
- WH Piper
- WJM Hagemeijer
- WS Beatty
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study