75 research outputs found

    Regresi berganda

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    The value of commercial fish size distribution recorded at haul by haul compared to trip by trip

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    Data from commercial fishing vessels may enhance the range of observations available for monitoring the marine environment. However, effort and catch data provide information on fish distribution with a bias due to spatial targeting and selectivity. Here, we measured the shortcomings of standard fishery-dependent data and advocate for the utilization of more precise datasets indirectly collected by the commercial fishery. Data from a Danish traceability system, which records size of commercial fish at the haul level, are held against the set-up of current eLog and sales slips’ data collected for the Danish fisheries. We showed that the most accurate mapping of the spatial distribution of catches per size group is not only possible through size records collected at the haul level but also by high resolution on fishing effort data. In Europe, the regulation to land all catches with a quota or minimum size limit, including unwanted, has increased the focus on avoidance and discards; we show the potential of such data sources to inform on fish abundance and distribution, especially of importance where fishery-dependent data are the only source of information

    Comparison of tri-, tetra- and pentacyclic caged hydrocarbons in Australian crude oils and condensates

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    Thermally stable and biodegradation resistant, the tricyclic and pentacyclic diamondoid caged hydrocarbons are commonly used as source and maturity indicators of oils and potential source-rocks, but similar tetracyclic structures appear to have received much less attention. Using two-dimensional (2D) gas chromatography – time of flight mass spectrometry (GC × GC-TOFMS), 29 Australian crude oils and condensates were analysed for the presence of caged C12H18 tetracyclics such as ethanoadamantane and iceane. The thermodynamically more stable 2,4-ethanoadamantane was identified by comparison with a synthesised authentic standard. Three of its bridgehead methyl-substituted isomers, 6-methylethanoadamantane (6-ME), 1-ME and 2-ME, were tentatively assigned based on mass spectral comparison and relative elution order. Further series of non-bridgehead methyl isomers, plus dimethyl isomers, were also inferred based on mass spectra and 2D elution positions. The tri-, tetra and pentacyclic caged hydrocarbons and their methyl-substituted homologues were semi-quantified in the Australian oils. The potential of a novel index, the methylethanoadamantane index (MEI), based on the ratio of the more stable bridgehead isomers divided by the sum of all the methyl substituted isomers (MEI = S(6-ME + 1-ME + 2-ME)/STotal methylethanoadamantanes), was explored. A significant positive association was found between the MEI and MAI (r2 = 0.203, p < 0.05) and a significant negative association was found between MEI and MDI (r2 = 0.246, p < 0.05). Stronger relationships were found for other commonly applied diamondoid ratio indices, including S Methyl Adamantanes/S Methyl Diamantanes (SMA/SMD) versus SMA/SME (r2 = 0.781, p < 0.0001, n = 26). The relatively low volatility of the ethanoadamantanes compared to the adamantanes and their likely greater resistance to microbial attack than the ethyladamantanes, may make analysis of these compounds a useful addition to the commonly measured diamondoids

    Parallel detection of violations of color constancy

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    Remote electronic monitoring and the landing obligation - some insights into fishers' and fishery inspectors' opinions

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    The European fisheries management is currently undergoing a fundamental change in the handling of catches of commercial fisheries with the implementation of the 2013 Common Fisheries Policy. One of the main objectives of the policy is to end the practice of discarding in the EU by 2019. However, for such changes to be successful, it is vital to ensure stakeholders acceptance, and it is prudent to consider possible means to verify compliance with the new regulation. Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) with Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) has been tested in a variety of fisheries worldwide for different purposes and is currently considered as one possible tool to ensure compliance with a European ban on discards. This study focuses on Danish fishery inspectors and on fishers with REM experience, whose opinions are less well known. Their views on the landing obligation and on the use of REM were investigated using interviews and questionnaires, and contrasted to some fishers without REM experience. 80% of fishery inspectors and 58% of REM-experienced fishers expressed positive views on REM. 9 out of 10 interviewed fishers without REM experience were against REM. Participation in a REM trial has not led to antipathy towards REM. Fishery inspectors saw on-board observers, at-sea control and REM as the three best solutions to control the landing obligation but shared the general belief that the landing obligation cannot be enforced properly and will be difficult for fishers to comply with. The strengths and weaknesses of REM in this context are discussed
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