71 research outputs found

    Volumetric Magnetic Resonance Imaging Quantification of Longitudinal Brain Changes in Abstinent Alcoholics

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain was performed on a group of 24 recently detoxified, male alcoholics approximately 1 month after their date of last drink. The imaging was repeated 3 months later, at which point 9 subjects had resumed drinking and 15 had maintained abstinence. Contrasts between these two drinking groups revealed that, despite comparable baseline values, the Abstainers exhibited volumetric white matter increases and cerebrospinal fluid reductions over the follow-up interval, whereas the Drinkers did not show significant change on either of these MRI indices. These results provide the first evidence suggestive of significant volumetric white matter increase with abstinence

    Alcohol marketing and drunkenness among students in the Philippines: findings from the nationally representative Global School-based Student Health Survey

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    BACKGROUND: A largely unaddressed issue in lower income countries and the Philippines, in particular, is the role of alcohol marketing and its potential link to early alcohol use among youth. This study examines the associations between exposures to alcohol marketing and Filipino youths’ drinking prevalence and drunkenness. METHODS: Cross-sectional analyses were used to examine the Global School-based Student Health Survey (GSHS) conducted in Philippines (2011). The self-administered questionnaires were completed by students primarily 13 to 16 years of age (N = 5290). Three statistical models were computed to test the associations between alcohol marketing and alcohol use, while controlling for possible confounding factors. RESULTS: Alcohol marketing, specifically through providing free alcohol through a company representative, was associated with drunkenness (AOR: 1.84; 95% CI = 1.06–3.21) among youths after controlling for demographic and psychosocial characteristics, peer environment, and risky behaviors. In addition, seeing alcohol ads in newspapers and magazines (AOR: 1.65, 95% CI = 1.05–2.58) and seeing ads at sports events, concerts or fairs (AOR: 1.50, 95% CI = 1.06–2.12) were significantly associated with increased reports of drunkenness. CONCLUSIONS: There are significant associations between alcohol marketing exposure and increased alcohol use and drunkenness among youth in the Philippines. These findings highlight the need to put policies into effect that restrict alcohol marketing practices as an important prevention strategy for reducing alcohol use and its dire consequences among vulnerable youth

    The influence of socioeconomic environment on the effectiveness of alcohol prevention among European students: a cluster randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although social environments may influence alcohol-related behaviours in youth, the relationship between neighbourhood socioeconomic context and effectiveness of school-based prevention against underage drinking has been insufficiently investigated. We study whether the social environment affects the impact of a new school-based prevention programme on alcohol use among European students.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>During the school year 2004-2005, 7079 students 12-14 years of age from 143 schools in nine European centres participated in this cluster randomised controlled trial. Schools were randomly assigned to either control or a 12-session standardised curriculum based on the comprehensive social influence model. Randomisation was blocked within socioeconomic levels of the school environment. Alcohol use and alcohol-related problem behaviours were investigated through a self-completed anonymous questionnaire at baseline and 18 months thereafter. Data were analysed using multilevel models, separately by socioeconomic level.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At baseline, adolescents in schools of low socioeconomic level were more likely to report problem drinking than other students. Participation in the programme was associated in this group with a decreased odds of reporting episodes of drunkenness (OR = 0.60, 95% CI = 0.44-0.83), intention to get drunk (OR = 0.60, 95% CI = 0.45-0.79), and marginally alcohol-related problem behaviours (OR = 0.70, 95% CI = 0.46-1.06). No significant programme's effects emerged for students in schools of medium or high socioeconomic level. Effects on frequency of alcohol consumption were also stronger among students in disadvantaged schools, although the estimates did not attain statistical significance in any subgroup.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>It is plausible that comprehensive social influence programmes have a more favourable effect on problematic drinking among students in underprivileged social environments.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ISRCTN: <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN18092805">ISRCTN18092805</a></p

    The effect of alcohol advertising, marketing and portrayal on drinking behaviour in young people: systematic review of prospective cohort studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The effect of alcohol portrayals and advertising on the drinking behaviour of young people is a matter of much debate. We evaluated the relationship between exposure to alcohol advertising, marketing and portrayal on subsequent drinking behaviour in young people by systematic review of cohort (longitudinal) studies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>studies were identified in October 2006 by searches of electronic databases, with no date restriction, supplemented with hand searches of reference lists of retrieved articles. Cohort studies that evaluated exposure to advertising or marketing or alcohol portrayals and drinking at baseline and assessed drinking behaviour at follow-up in young people were selected and reviewed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>seven cohort studies that followed up more than 13,000 young people aged 10 to 26 years old were reviewed. The studies evaluated a range of different alcohol advertisement and marketing exposures including print and broadcast media. Two studies measured the hours of TV and music video viewing. All measured drinking behaviour using a variety of outcome measures. Two studies evaluated drinkers and non-drinkers separately. Baseline non-drinkers were significantly more likely to have become a drinker at follow-up with greater exposure to alcohol advertisements. There was little difference in drinking frequency at follow-up in baseline drinkers. In studies that included drinkers and non-drinkers, increased exposure at baseline led to significant increased risk of drinking at follow-up. The strength of the relationship varied between studies but effect sizes were generally modest. All studies controlled for age and gender, however potential confounding factors adjusted for in analyses varied from study to study. Important risk factors such as peer drinking and parental attitudes and behaviour were not adequately accounted for in some studies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>data from prospective cohort studies suggest there is an association between exposure to alcohol advertising or promotional activity and subsequent alcohol consumption in young people. Inferences about the modest effect sizes found are limited by the potential influence of residual or unmeasured confounding.</p

    The Peter Pan paradigm

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    Genetic and environmental agents that disrupt organogenesis are numerous and well described. Less well established, however, is the role of delay in the developmental processes that yield functionally immature tissues at birth. Evidence is mounting that organs do not continue to develop postnatally in the context of these organogenesis insults, condemning the patient to utilize under-developed tissues for adult processes. These poorly differentiated organs may appear histologically normal at birth but with age may deteriorate revealing progressive or adult-onset pathology. The genetic and molecular underpinning of the proposed paradigm reveals the need for a comprehensive systems biology approach to evaluate the role of maternal-fetal environment on organogenesis

    Cognitive Neuropsychology of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders

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    Advances in the treatment of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have dramatically improved survival rates over the past 10 years, but HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) remain highly prevalent and continue to represent a significant public health problem. This review provides an update on the nature, extent, and diagnosis of HAND. Particular emphasis is placed on critically evaluating research within the realm of cognitive neuropsychology that aims to elucidate the component processes of HAND across the domains of executive functions, motor skills, speeded information processing, episodic memory, attention/working memory, language, and visuoperception. In addition to clarifying the cognitive mechanisms of HAND (e.g., impaired cognitive control), the cognitive neuropsychology approach may enhance the ecological validity of neuroAIDS research and inform the development of much needed novel, targeted cognitive and behavioral therapies

    Parental knowledge of alcohol consumption : a cross sectional survey of 11-17 year old schoolchildren and their parents

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    Background: Developing timely and effective strategies for preventing alcohol misuse in young people is required in order to prevent related harms since, worldwide, alcohol consumption was associated with 320,000 deaths amongst 15–29 year olds in 2004. Providing guidance and advice to parents is essential if alcohol misuse is to be reduced. However, prevention of risky behaviours is hampered if parents are unaware of the risks involved. Methods: A cross-sectional school-based survey of parent–child dyads, simultaneously questioning 935 children aged 11–17 years old and their parent(s). Univariate and multivariate associations are reported between demography, alcohol behaviours and parental knowledge of their child’s alcohol consumption. Results: 41.1% (n = 384) of children reported drinking alcohol. Of these, 79.9% of their parents were aware of their child’s alcohol consumption. Children aged 11–14 years had over a twofold greater odds of consuming alcohol without parental knowledge compared with 15–17 year olds (AOR: 2.7, 95% CI: 1.3-5.7). Of parent–child dyads where the child reported consuming alcohol, 92.7% of parents reported that they had spoken to their child about alcohol at least once in the past three months, whereas 57.3% of their children reported that this had occurred. Children who consumed alcohol and whose parents did not know they drank alcohol were less likely to report having a parental discussion about alcohol in the last three months (AOR: 0.4, 95% CI: 0.1-1.0) or report lifetime receipt of at least one other parenting protective measure (AOR: 0.5, 95% CI: 0.2-0.9) compared with those children who drank alcohol with parental knowledge. Conclusions: Whilst only small numbers of young adolescents in our sample were drinking alcohol compared with older adolescents, those who did were more likely to do so without their parents’ knowledge. These two factors combined (drinking earlier and drinking without parental knowledge) could place children at risk of immediate harm. Further research is essential to identify whether public health strategies should be developed which could support parents to employ lifestyle parenting techniques even before the parent believes the child to be at risk

    Cortisol, cognition and the ageing prefrontal cortex

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    The structural and functional decline of the ageing human brain varies by brain region, cognitive function and individual. The underlying biological mechanisms are poorly understood. One potentially important mechanism is exposure to glucocorticoids (GCs; cortisol in humans); GC production is increasingly varied with age in humans, and chronic exposure to high levels is hypothesised to result in cognitive decline via cerebral remodelling. However, studies of GC exposure in humans are scarce and methodological differences confound cross-study comparison. Furthermore, there has been little focus on the effects of GCs on the frontal lobes and key white matter tracts in the ageing brain. This thesis therefore examines relationships among cortisol levels, structural brain measures and cognitive performance in 90 healthy, elderly community-dwelling males from the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936. Salivary cortisol samples characterised diurnal (morning and evening) and reactive profiles (before and after a cognitive test battery). Structural variables comprised Diffusion Tensor Imaging measures of major brain tracts and a novel manual parcellation method for the frontal lobes. The latter was based on a systematic review of current manual methods in the context of putative function and cytoarchitecture. Manual frontal lobe brain parcellation conferred greater spatial and volumetric accuracy when compared to both single- and multi-atlas parcellation at the lobar level. Cognitive ability was assessed via tests of general cognitive ability, and neuropsychological tests thought to show differential sensitivity to the integrity of frontal lobe sub-regions. The majority of, but not all frontal lobe test scores shared considerable overlap with general cognitive ability, and cognitive scores correlated most consistently with the volumes of the anterior cingulate. This is discussed in light of the diverse connective profile of the cingulate and a need to integrate information over more diffuse cognitive networks according to proposed de-differentiation or compensation in ageing. Individuals with higher morning, evening or pre-test cortisol levels showed consistently negative relationships with specific regional volumes and tract integrity. Participants whose cortisol levels increased between the start and end of cognitive testing showed selectively larger regional volumes and lower tract diffusivity (correlation magnitudes <.44). The significant relationships between cortisol levels and cognition indicated that flatter diurnal slopes or higher pre-test levels related to poorer test performance. In contrast, higher levels in the morning generally correlated with better scores (correlation magnitudes <.25). Interpretation of all findings was moderated by sensitivity to type I error, given the large number of comparisons conducted. Though there were limited candidates for mediation analysis, cortisol-function relationships were partially mediated by tract integrity (but not sub-regional frontal volumes) for memory and post-error slowing. This thesis offers a novel perspective on the complex interplay among glucocorticoids, cognition and the structure of the ageing brain. The findings suggest some role for cortisol exposure in determining age-related decline in complex cognition, mediated via brain structure