1,558 research outputs found

    Network Modularity in the Presence of Covariates

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    We characterize the large-sample properties of network modularity in the presence of covariates, under a natural and flexible null model. This provides for the first time an objective measure of whether or not a particular value of modularity is meaningful. In particular, our results quantify the strength of the relation between observed community structure and the interactions in a network. Our technical contribution is to provide limit theorems for modularity when a community assignment is given by nodal features or covariates. These theorems hold for a broad class of network models over a range of sparsity regimes, as well as for weighted, multiedge, and power-law networks. This allows us to assign p-values to observed community structure, which we validate using several benchmark examples from the literature. We conclude by applying this methodology to investigate a multiedge network of corporate email interactions

    Blame the algorithm?

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    Algorithms are tools for decision‐making. England's A‐level results fiasco shows what happens when our tools are ill‐suited or ill‐designed and their workings poorly explained

    Denoising strategies for general finite frames

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    Overcomplete representations such as wavelets and windowed Fourier expansions have become mainstays of modern statistical data analysis. In the present work, in the context of general finite frames, we derive an oracle expression for the mean quadratic risk of a linear diagonal de-noising procedure which immediately yields the optimal linear diagonal estimator. Moreover, we obtain an expression for an unbiased estimator of the risk of any smooth shrinkage rule. This last result motivates a set of practical estimation procedures for general finite frames that can be viewed as the generalization of the classical procedures for orthonormal bases. A simulation study verifies the effectiveness of the proposed procedures with respect to the classical ones and confirms that the correlations induced by frame structure should be explicitly treated to yield an improvement in estimation precision

    Two-Stage Change Detection for Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    Coherent change detection using paired synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images is often performed using a classical coherence estimator that is invariant to the true variances of the populations underlying each paired sample. While attractive, this estimator is biased and requires a significant number of samples to yield good performance. Increasing sample size often results in decreased image resolution. Thus, we propose the use of Berger's coherence estimate because, with the same number of pixels, the estimator effectively doubles the sample support without sacrificing resolution when the underlying population variances are equal or near equal. A potential drawback of this approach is that it is not invariant since its distribution depends on the pixel pair population variances. While Berger's estimator is inherently sensitive to the inequality of population variances, we propose a method of insulating the detector from this acuity. A two-stage change statistic is introduced to combine a noncoherent intensity change statistic given by the sample variance ratio, followed by the alternative Berger estimator, which assumes equal population variances. The first-stage detector identifies pixel pairs that have nonequal variances as changes caused by the displacement of sizeable object. The pixel pairs that are identified to have equal or near-equal variances in the first stage are used as an input to the second stage. The second-stage test uses the alternative Berger coherence estimator to detect subtle changes such as tire tracks and footprints. We show experimentally that the proposed method yields higher contrast SAR change detection images than the classical coherent change detector (state of the art), the alternative coherent change detector, and the intensity change detector. Experimental results are presented to show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm for SAR change detection

    Artificial intelligence and the future of work: Will our jobs be taken by machines?

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    Sofia Olhede and Patrick Wolfe discuss the current state of data‐driven automation and its implications for job

    Network histograms and universality of blockmodel approximation

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    In this paper we introduce the network histogram, a statistical summary of network interactions to be used as a tool for exploratory data analysis. A network histogram is obtained by fitting a stochastic blockmodel to a single observation of a network dataset. Blocks of edges play the role of histogram bins and community sizes that of histogram bandwidths or bin sizes. Just as standard histograms allow for varying bandwidths, different blockmodel estimates can all be considered valid representations of an underlying probability model, subject to bandwidth constraints. Here we provide methods for automatic bandwidth selection, by which the network histogram approximates the generating mechanism that gives rise to exchangeable random graphs. This makes the blockmodel a universal network representation for unlabeled graphs. With this insight, we discuss the interpretation of network communities in light of the fact that many different community assignments can all give an equally valid representation of such a network. To demonstrate the fidelity-versus-interpretability tradeoff inherent in considering different numbers and sizes of communities, we analyze two publicly available networks—political weblogs and student friendships—and discuss how to interpret the network histogram when additional information related to node and edge labeling is present

    The growing ubiquity of algorithms in society: implications, impacts and innovations

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    The growing ubiquity of algorithms in society raises a number of fundamental questions concerning governance of data, transparency of algorithms, legal and ethical frameworks for automated algorithmic decision-making and the societal impacts of algorithmic automation itself. This article, an introduction to the discussion meeting issue of the same title, gives an overview of current challenges and opportunities in these areas, through which accelerated technological progress leads to rapid and often unforeseen practical consequences. These consequences—ranging from the potential benefits to human health to unexpected impacts on civil society—are summarized here, and discussed in depth by other contributors to the discussion meeting issue. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue ‘The growing ubiquity of algorithms in society: implications, impacts and innovations'

    The future of statistics and data science

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    The ubiquity of sensing devices, the low cost of data storage, and the commoditization of computing have together led to a big data revolution. We discuss the implication of this revolution for statistics, focusing on how our discipline can best contribute to the emerging field of data science

    The potential role of cost-utility analysis in the decision to implement major system change in acute stroke services in metropolitan areas in England

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    BACKGROUND: The economic implications of major system change are an important component of the decision to implement health service reconfigurations. Little is known about how best to report the results of economic evaluations of major system change to inform decision-makers. Reconfiguration of acute stroke care in two metropolitan areas in England, namely London and Greater Manchester (GM), was used to analyse the economic implications of two different implementation strategies for major system change. METHODS: A decision analytic model was used to calculate difference-in-differences in costs and outcomes before and after the implementation of two major system change strategies in stroke care in London and GM. Values in the model were based on patient level data from Hospital Episode Statistics, linked mortality data from the Office of National Statistics and data from two national stroke audits. Results were presented as net monetary benefit (NMB) and using Programme Budgeting and Marginal Analysis (PBMA) to assess the costs and benefits of a hypothetical typical region in England with approximately 4000 strokes a year. RESULTS: In London, after 90 days, there were nine fewer deaths per 1000 patients compared to the rest of England (95% CI -24 to 6) at an additional cost of £770,027 per 1000 stroke patients admitted. There were two additional deaths (95% CI -19 to 23) in GM, with a total costs saving of £156,118 per 1000 patients compared to the rest of England. At a £30,000 willingness to pay the NMB was higher in London and GM than the rest of England over the same time period. The results of the PBMA suggest that a GM style reconfiguration could result in a total greater health benefit to a region. Implementation costs were £136 per patient in London and £75 in GM. CONCLUSIONS: The implementation of major system change in acute stroke care may result in a net health benefit to a region, even one functioning within a fixed budget. The choice of what model of stroke reconfiguration to implement may depend on the relative importance of clinical versus cost outcomes